
Road to a boundless god

My name is Akihito Kisaragi. I was always what people called the nonchalant type or introverted. My life was fine as a collage student,but I suddenly died in the dumbest way possible while I was walking to a corner store. I then meant a goddess and got sent to another world. Read the whole synopsis I might do a romance, but I don’t know. I’m mainly doing this to satisfy my imagination, so any useless annoying bullshiters can just not read. I also don’t want to know if you leave so don’t even comment “I’m dropping” or anything just go. This is also my first FF so I’m just finding my style, before anything serious. I absolutely hate harem with a passion so don’t expect it. I’m just coming up with stuff as I write and watch the anime. All you LN readers might find a lot of stuff that’s messed up, but...so what. This will have concepts from different anime, movies, and other verses. My schedule is going to be messed up a bit, but I’ll post most days of the week, but the weekend is my off days I don’t own anything and I just saw the cover image on Pinterest. If you like the story then...thank you I guess. I don’t really know how to respond to those “thanks for the chapter” responses so yeah. Anyway enjoy the story or don’t.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

The first hero

<Above the clouds>

(First person)

I was currently floating in the air above the clouds thinking about what to do next. I obviously wasn't going to sit in a forest for six or seven years. Even if I was antisocial I still wanted to see civilization and other humans.

I just didn't want to get involved in huge crowds of them. In the manga the main kingdom was named Lyngle. It's a weird name that I still can't pronounce.

I also don't know exactly where I am. I could just fly till I come across a kingdom or village though. Yep, that's what I'll have to do.

With that I floated just under the clouds and shot off in a random direction. This world is huge so it had to have multiple villages and kingdoms apart from the main one in the manga.


<An hour or so later>

As I looked down at the village that came into sight I decided to stop there. Of course I wouldn't just drop from the sky, so I landed on the ground before I continued to walk in that direction.

If I'm being honest instead of a village it looked like a well maintained town from above. It was fairly big with simple housing and what seemed to be a stadium or something in the center.


When I reached the village or town I walked past the gates. It was like a beginning town in a game, but there were people who did give me looks, some of suspicion, concern, and interest.

Not in a marry my kid type of interest, but a why is a boy alone? Type of interest. I continued walking the town till I was meant by an old man.

"Excuse me young man. May I ask you to follow me for a chat?" He asked. He was tall and looked to be in his mid seventies. He was muscular with long white hair that stopped in the middle of his back.


I nodded seeing no reason not to and because I'm not a jackass. I walked up to him and he smiled at me.

"May I ask what a boy your age is doing here...alone?" He asked as he looked down at me. The smile never left his face and he was leading me to what seemed like the chiefs house.

"I got lost on a trail." I answered. That lie was horrible and I knew it, so did the old man from the shaking of his lips. I was never good at lying to begin with. Of course I never needed to lie, because I didn't do much talking in the first place.

"I see. Well welcome to Leonard. We're a small town, but we're like a happy family. We'll welcome any newcomers, but first let's get to the chiefs place. There you can explain your situation to the town head." He said.

I just nodded and when the chiefs house came into view I was surprised. There was a Japanese style house. He knocked on the door and we waited for a moment.

I didn't react to this, because I'm in a manga. I listen to the noises coming from the door. I heard soft footsteps and things falling to the floor.

I would use my X-ray vision to look through the walls, but I didn't really need to do that. The door was opened and my nose was filled with the smell of alcohol and wine.

I looked up and I looked confused for a moment, before going back to normal.

In front of me stood a man that was about 5'9. He had a lean-muscular build and he was wearing a plain navy blue yukata. He had long hair tied in a messy ponytail. He had a light beard and mustache, and he was chugging a bottle of wine.

Most importantly was that he looked like he was Japanese, but not just any type of Japanese person. He looked like a complete copy of Miyamoto Musashi.

"Musashi-San, please try to present yourself in a better way." The old man said as he stepped past the chief.

"Your house looks like shit." He said in a voice of disgust. He sounded like a whole new person as he walked around the house kicking things into piles with a unapproving look on his face.

"Why the hell are you in my house you old shit." Musashi said as he walked back in his house. The door was about to close with me outside so I cleared my throat to get their attention.


"Ah right, this kid just entered the village. I thought it would be good to have him stay with you for now." Said the old man as he gained that caring smile. We both looked at him dumbfounded.

Then we looked at each other.

"Alright I'll leave you two some time to introduce yourselves." He said with a small wave as he walked past me.

"Wait! Can't I live with you?" I asked. I wanted to live alone, but I with my current body that's not possible or likely to slide with them.




I looked at him with a tilted head in confusion. Now I realized that the old man was a schemer. Musashi was next to voice his complaints.

"I'm not watching some, brat that can't take care of himself." He said and took another gulp of wine. I didn't really care about his "insult". It's not like he knew anything about me.

"Look at the boy, his clothes are clean and apparently he got lost on a trail. Our town is a long way from any real civilization, so he can at least keep himself clean." He said with a smirk sent my way.

Well that explains why he knew I was lying. They're almost completely isolated from any civilization, so it would be hard to believe I was following a trail and ended up here.

"He can keep clean huh?" Musashi mused as he rubbed his chin with a thinking expression on his face.

"How about this kid. If you can do chores around this house, I, the great Miyamoto Musashi himself will teach you the way of the sword." He said with a lazy grin.

"You want me to be your maid?" I asked sarcastically as I looked at at him with suspicion.

"Did you hear my name?" He asked me. The old man was already gone, but it didn't really matter at this point.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked as I looked at him blankly.

"Come inside." He said and made way for me to get in. I wasn't going to just stand there so I did. I was already punching my nose, because the smell of alcohol was too strong for me to bear.

I heard a heavy sigh and I looked back at Musashi. His body flashed around the room picking things up and taking them to the back rooms. His body was blurry for a moment, but I could make out his body.

It was like a flash step skill.

"There the mess is all cleaned up happy?" He asked with irritation in his voice. I unpinched my nose slowly. The smell was still there just not as bad as before. I nodded and he sat down at a small table.

"Let's get to business. How long have you been in this world?" He asked seriously. There was obviously no point in lying. I also came to the conclusion that this was the real Miyamoto Musashi from my earth.

"I've been here for a year now." I said calmly.

"So you don't know about this worlds me?" He asked again in a serious voice. I nodded.

"I see. I'll tell you like this I'm the real Musashi Miyamoto, but when I died I appeared in a throne room. I was deemed to be the hero, who would slay the demon king." He said lazily.

"Why would you disclose that so openly?" I asked.

"One, because I don't care if people know of me being the "hero" I'm not anymore. I did beat the previous demon king, but after that they tried to off me, so after a huge slaughter I made it seem like I died. Of course I only disclose this to people seriously, but they don't believe me." He said and took a sip of sake that appeared out of nowhere.

"I see. Now that that's out of the way why don't you introduce yourself."

"My name is Kisaragi Akihito. I'm not a summoned hero or whatever though. I just woke up here. I do have a question though. How did you know I wasn't from this world?"

"It's a skill I acquired over the years. It's called [Gods Vision] it's a unique skill only I have. It basically just gives me all the information on something or someone. Though I can't see anything, but the fact that you're an other worlder like me." He said as his dark eyes looked right at mine.

'Well that's a relief.' I thought with an inward sigh. On the outside I kept my calm.

"My offer still stands you know." He said sipping more sake.

"If you do the chores around here I'll teach you the way of the sword. Along with some other things." He said with a smirk.

I didn't mind doing chores plus I can get some real type of combat training in. I did plan on using a sword, but my bodies to small. Not to mention getting trained by a previous hero would be better than trying to do it alone.

"Deal." I said and stuck my hand out. He grabbed it and we shook hands.

"Just so you know I'm not going to be doing anything other than cleaning. So don't get any ideas." I said eying him weirdly. It wasn't anything serious, but a joke. I saw a vein appear on the side of his head and he squeezed my hand harder.

I could feel my hand start aching a bit so I squeezed back. He looked surprised at first, then we let go. His hand was just as red as mine and he laughed a bit.

"Nice grip." He said.

"You too." I muttered. He was strong. Not overwhelmingly strong, but my bones definitely creaked a bit. I sighed.

'I need more time to develop.' I thought.