

this story is really very amazing

Unknown_World_5865 · Urban
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2 Chs

Now let us look at Ronit Kumar…….

He endured the same thing from childhood till the age of 14 years. Now he was getting wiser. When he was repeatedly made fun of on the same thing, questions started arising in Ronit's mind. Why are you like this? Why does he like to be alone? Why is he not interested in this world? Why do you feel happier being by yourself?

That's why when Ronit's heart-e-jahan started to have a strong desire for his questions, he got answers to his questions too. And when he got answers to his questions, his eyes were opened. Now he didn't even like to talk to anyone.

Now know How did Ronit find answers to his questions? And how did he change so much? He even refused to identify himself as Ronit.

When Hua Yu's desire to know the questions becomes very strong in Ronit's mind, then perhaps even God listens to his desire to know the answer.

One day when he is sleeping, he sees that Ronit has reached a place where there are only mountains. Ronit is sitting in the middle of a hill, and someone is talking to Ronit. Who is telling Ronit who he is? And why is Ronit with him?

Along with this, the stranger tells Ronit about Ronit's relationship with those mountains. He tells that Pahados have an old relation with Ronit. Ronit has lived a life in these mountains, and he will again get to know a lot from here.

Seeing all this, Ronit's eyes open. After this Ronit falls into a deep thought, what was that? Who was attracting him towards himself by impressing him with such deep thoughts.

After this dream, Ronit gets into even deeper thinking that why is this happening with him only?

One day Ronit's mother tells him that she is taking him to Himachal with her friends. When Ronit asks mother, why are we going to Himachal? So his mother tells that we are going for a walk. Ronit is very happy to hear this, because for the first time he was going to roam so far. But little did he know, what he had dreamed was about to turn into reality.

Next morning Ronit's mother leaves for Himachal with her friends. After about 24 hours they all reach Himachal.

When Ronit reached Himachal, it was about 6 o'clock in the morning. The smoke on half the hills and the sun on half the hills had brought a new dawn in Ronit's life.

Because as soon as Ronit gets down from the bus and looks at the hills of Himachal, his eyes remain as they were. This happened because the place where Ronit had gone with his mother. It was the same place which he had seen in his dream.

All around him were the same scenery, rivers, valleys, trees and hills, which he had seen in his dream a day earlier. Seeing all this, Ronit was convinced that dreams also come true. Where Ronit was surprised, on the other hand he was also happy.

Somewhere he started feeling that if the things seen in dreams can turn into reality, then he can get answers to his questions only from this.

Keeping calm with all these thoughts, he started waiting all the time, when and where would he find the person who was talking to him in his dream, and when would he answer all his questions. Slowly, somehow, Ronit's wait came to an end.

Then suddenly Ronit's mother's friend's boy came and said that there is going to be a spiritual meditation program there. Where meditation will be told about and how it is done, it will also be taught.

Ronit was a devotional boy, so when Ronit heard about spiritual meditation. So he started preparing to go there. And he told that brother that he would also go there with him. After some time Raho goes to the program with Ronit Bhai.

After about 1 hour the moment arrived when the program was about to start. Not all of Ronit's mother's friends were there with her, but all her children were sitting with Ronit in the program.

Suddenly it is announced that those who are going to give speech on the stage are coming on the stage soon. Ronit gets more thrilled after hearing this, and within no time he comes on the stage giving a speech.

Ronit sees the person who was about to give a speech sitting on the stage. Ronit's heart gets excited after seeing him. Because the person who was about to give the speech was the same person who had seen him walking with him on the mountains in his dream.

Now as soon as that person started sharing his knowledge through speech on the stage, Ronit remembers that it was not his premonition. Whatever he was seeing, he was hearing. But be that as it may, it was a special moment to remember for Ronit.

When the speech of the person narrating the speech on meditation ends, then his one task remains that meditation should be taught to everyone. And the importance of meditation should also be told to everyone while teaching. After this everyone is made to sit there for 3 hours to practice meditation.

Now when Ronit was meditating, he got answers to all his questions in about 3 hours. By the way, the attention of very few people is felt at once. Because Ronit was a boy with devotion since childhood. Along with this, he also had a strong curiosity that he would get answers to all his questions through meditation. And so it happened, Ronit came to know a lot about himself and the illusions that were in front of him all around during the 3 hours of meditation.

Now he came to know why he preferred to be alone. Why didn't he take much interest in the world? And why was he like this?

Apart from knowing so much about himself, he also came to know some such things which stirred his mind again. It was a matter that soon such a person would come in his life, without whom his incompleteness would never be complete.

After getting the answers to the questions.....?

Now where he got the answers to his questions. But there was only one question, what was going to happen to him? Keeping this in mind, he comes back home after a few days.

But ever since Ronit came back from Himachal, he started feeling different from everyone else. He could normally see several times ahead. Now Ronit was mostly busy in meditation.

At that time he was studying in class 10th only. Because of all this, he could not leave his studies, so he used to go to school every day as before. But when he goes to school for the first time after coming from Himachal, there is a girl in his class who was intelligent like him. He met her. (Because Ronit was already separated due to which he used to read extraordinary things too).

In that strange meeting, Ronit realized that only that girl would make him fulfill the purpose of his life. In the depth of a few moments, Ronit saw that girl and their entire future together in her eyes.

Ronit feels that she is the only girl who will fulfill his only purpose in life and will be his life partner. But with this, Ronit also learns that even though both of them are made for each other, it will be very difficult for them to meet. In a few moments, Ronit came to know about that girl and their soul relation, but from this point The girl was unaware.

When Ronit came to know in detail about that girl, Ronit slowly starts loving the same girl. It was not just love but it was the beginning of the story of Ronit and that girl.

After knowing everything, Ronit started considering that girl as his own. But the girl was unaware of Ronit's truth. As time passed, that girl also came to know that Ronit likes her. That's why that girl also starts liking him.

But there was a world-wide difference between their choice and love. Because Ronit knew everything, because of which Ronit loved him. But the girl loved Ronit because of being a good person.

Ronit had already realized that meeting him is a bit difficult and so it happened. Ronit considered his studies and his family more important at that time. Because he thought that if he kept thinking about love and love in class 10, he would not be able to concentrate on studies. That's why keeping in mind his family and future, Ronit leaves the school where that girl used to study after 10th standard.

Ronit knew very well that she was a girl and an important part of his life. That's why Ronit started feeling incomplete by staying away from her.

He had full faith that both of them would definitely meet once again. But still Ronit never met her after leaving school. Ronit used to feel and remember her every moment. And gradually the same memory of him becomes a big drawback in his life.

Now Ronit used to feel incomplete despite having everything. There was something about everything that he felt was missing. He had many memories that used to bother Ronit and make him feel lonely. Due to this Ronit now preferred to remain alone.

One was his devotion to God and the other, the one he loved who was no longer with him. That's why he liked being alone and quiet. Ronit had accepted only one girl as everything, so after that he didn't even look at any other girl and now he didn't care about any other girl.

Even after leaving the first school, there were some girls who liked him. But Ronit did not agree to bring her in life.

Ronit was already loving and not forgetting his pain and lack. So now he was scared to bring anyone in his life. Because he knew that if someone comes in his life, he will leave too. That's why he did not allow anyone to share his pain.

Because of all these reasons..! Despite having everything in his life, Ronit started feeling something special missing.