

this story is really very amazing

Unknown_World_5865 · Urban
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2 Chs

Ara and her story.....

This is the story..... of Bali Ara Patel, a resident of Allahabad. Whose father leaves him at a very young age and leaves this world. And his mother is often ill. Along with this, Ara has two brothers and three sisters.

Both the brothers are often engrossed in their own world and the sisters have got married. That's why Aara Patel, who used to feel lonely since childhood, makes herself like a free bird.

On the other side of this story is Ronit Kumar. Who lives in a small town of Haryana. By the way, Ronit probably does not lack anything in life. But still there is something, the lack of which he always feels.

Ronit is a quiet boy who is often engrossed in his own world, who has just passed his 12th examination.

He is a quiet, scared, and introverted guy who doesn't allow anyone into his life. And once someone comes in his life. So he is not allowed to return to Ronit's world at all.

On one side is Aara Patel, a playful girl who lives like a free bird and on the other side is Ronit Kumar, who lives in the limited walls of his world, who has nothing to do with the rest of the world.

But despite being so opposite to each other, will God's effort to unite them be fulfilled....? To know this, stay with us in 'Safar Adhura Sa' and know 'how two shores met like an ocean while they were like two banks of a river'.

Before starting this story, the most important thing is this. To have a little knowledge about those whose story is this.

Meaning, that this is the story of two opposite personalities, Ara Patel and Ronit Kumar. So to understand his story well, it is necessary to know a little about him.

So let's see...a glimpse into the personalities of Aara and Ronit, through words

Ara Patel.....

Ara is the youngest girl in her family. Because he is the youngest in the house, it is obvious that he will be everyone's darling and beloved. So you understood it right, Ara Patel is everyone's favorite and darling child in the house. Her age is about 21 years, who is studying in the second year of B.A after passing 12th.

Apart from this, he has two brothers in his house, one of whom is almost 2 years older than him. The elder brother is married and maintains his entire family by taking care of his agriculture and orchards.

Along with this, there are three sisters, out of which the eldest sister leaves home at a very young age and marries of her choice. The remaining two sisters marry according to the wishes of their families.

Aara's father leaves her at a very young age. So at a very young age all the responsibility of the house falls on him and his brothers. Aara's brothers remain stuck in the responsibilities of handling the responsibilities since childhood.

As time passes, Ara's brothers get entangled in responsibilities. And when the mother is ill, in such circumstances no one pays much attention to Ara. Because of which Aara starts feeling the lack of love. And she also starts feeling lonely.

This is the biggest truth of today's society. That if the father's shadow is removed from the head of a girl, then the society either looks at her with suspicion, or they start having wrong feelings for her. And probably even Aara could not save herself from this side effect.

After the death of Ara's father, the villagers, the people of the locality and his relatives also started making misconceptions about his sisters, his mother and Ara.

People started spreading false rumors about his mother, sisters and him. That Ara's mother and her daughters are characterless and are taking care of themselves and their household. Many more such things started happening in the village and the people of the village. Gradually, due to time, these things started suffocating his family.

But even after all this These talks were limited to the people only. Slowly all these things reached the ears of Ara and his family. Seeing and hearing all this had a very bad effect on the mentality of Ara's family. But what could they even do?

By the way, Aara was a calm and playful girl since childhood. But after his father's departure, the actions and words of the villagers made a very bad impression on Ara's mind.

She had already fallen alone after her father's departure. And now after hearing the strange things of the villagers, she started getting more worried. But still everything was fine till now because he had a family with Ara. No matter what, his brother and mother were still with him.

Ara's brothers had the responsibility of the house. Because of which his brother could not find time for Ara and mother used to remain ill. But still Ara was happy with her family. Because no matter what happens, at least his family was with him.

But it is said, isn't it, when a lie is told in a thousand ways, a million times, and some false evidence is also shown. So the person is forced to accept it as the truth. And the same thing happened with Ara.

The villagers did everything possible to prove him wrong. When Ara's sisters had got married. So there was left Aara who was not married yet. Ara's sisters were married at the age of 16,18.

But Ara is not married yet. Because Aara wanted to study even after 12th, due to which her brothers supported her and agreed to teach her further. Because of which Aara was not married even at the age of 21.

Now, when Ara was 21 years old, the villagers started raising questions about her not getting married. Regarding all this, the villagers started spreading misconceptions about Ara and his mother in the village.

Some people of the village started telling about Ara's relationship with some boys. Some people started spreading rumors about Ara's character in the village. When slowly these things started reaching Ara's house.

So a single lie, with thousand times false proofs, started attacking the faith of his family. Now Ara's family's faith in him gradually started decreasing.

Because of this, perhaps Aara started feeling left out from the company of her family. So she took a decision that now she will take the responsibilities of her life on her own. And no one can interfere in his life.

Though not at fault, due to some mistakes of the villagers, Ara had lost the company of her family. Hence the pain and loneliness she used to feel earlier. He was starting to feel more pain and loneliness now.

Now he had found a way to overcome his suffering, loneliness. Now she will do what makes her happy. Whether it is the family or the villagers, whoever wants to think should think, whoever wants to say, say it! If he is not wrong, no matter how hard one tries, he cannot be proved wrong.

With this decision of hers where she gets relief from loneliness and troubles, on the other hand she loses her family forever. Because when Aara has started doing whatever she wants for her happiness, her family's suspicions have started turning into confidence.

Along with this, his family has started thinking that what the villagers say is probably true. Because of which his life becomes even more difficult. But still no matter what life is like, Aara had learned to live it on her own terms. Let's see in the next chapter. Has Ara really learned to live her life in her own way? Or has he created more difficulties for himself.

Ronit Kumar is also the youngest in his family, and at the same time everyone's favorite. He has recently appeared for the 12th standard examination. Ronit Kumar has been lost in himself since childhood.

From this outside world, he probably doesn't care at all. From childhood till today, he has no interest in this carefree world around him. For this reason, Ronit does not know much about the world, due to which Ronit likes to be alone. He thinks that if we stay away from everyone, we can be more happy and peaceful.

Ronit is a big mystery in itself, so we will not be able to explain it completely in this story, but the effort will remain the same, to tell you as much as possible about Ronit.

Ronit has two brothers and two sisters in his family. Both the sisters were married before Ronit was born. Now his mother, father and two elder brothers live in his house. His mother stays at home, father works, elder brother and younger brother work.

Although everything is going well in Ronit's family, but one thing for which his whole family is working hard is…., his own house. Because Ronit and his family have been living in a rented house in a city for the last 20 years. Ronit doesn't have as much money as Aara, but whatever he has, his family is happy.

It is said…..! 'Life always gives us such a deficiency, in order to fulfill that deficiency, many times we put our whole life at stake'.

Something similar happened with Ronit, because something happened in Ronit's past, due to which he always started suffering from a deficiency. This is the same deficiency, due to which he is afraid to bring anyone in his life. And as much as he is afraid of bringing someone into his life, he is more afraid of letting someone else into his life.

Actually something happened with Ronit in the past because of which don't know why...? He liked being alone now. Where other children like movement, fun and laughter, Ronit liked peace and solitude.

As Ronit grew up, his solitary nature proved to be his fault. Ronit did not speak much to anyone, nor did he mean much to anyone. Because of which he did not know how to mix with the students of the class. Because of this many times, other kids start making fun of him and bothering him.