
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
104 Chs

The night of movies

After school our group with Roxy and Liberty went to Steve's house, who lived nearby, to decide on the night.

"Let's take advantage of these 2 days without classes to go out, how about a movie tomorrow?" said Liz, sitting on the couch.

"I still can't believe the government gave 2 days of mourning for the death of the Water Tank" Ed said.

"Water Tank was a hero who helped this country many times, with his powers of manipulating water he put out huge fires, managed to solve drought problems in some parts of the world and clean up oil spills in the ocean" said Zoe.

"Translating he was an ecological hero," said Liz.

"But then, how is my proposal that you guys watch a movie at my house today?" asked Roxy.

"You're sure your sister doesn't seem to agree with that" said Jack looking at Liberty.

"It's not that I don't agree with you guys coming to our house, but I think she should explain that it's not a good idea," Liberty said.

"She's just worried about our parents getting in the way of our night," Roxy said.

"Will they be there?" asked Jack.

"Unfortunately today is their day off," Roxy replied.

"Wait, didn't they retire from being superheroes?" asked Zoe confused.

"They retired from being superheroes, but together with other heroes they created a kind of school to train and assist young heroes," Liberty replied.

"If I find out the location of this school, I can make a lot of money selling this information," thought Jack.

In the end we decided to watch movies at Roxy and Liberty's house tomorrow night so Liz can participate. When I got home I saw that my mother was at work and Joe was at his lair.

"See my score on your test" Zoe said cheerfully.

"Got 10 on the first test, congratulations" said Joe.

"First test?" asked Zoe.

"Do you really think you would become a hero in such a short time, I created 3 tests and 2 trainings for you." replied Joe.

"I thought I could fight crime, I've even faced a villain," said Zoe.

"You still don't have the capacity to face crime, you have a hard time dealing with just one villain. Besides you haven't reached the true potential of your powers" said Joe.

"True potential?" asked Zoe.

"You can manipulate the ice you produce to build anything out of ice," replied Joe.

"Serious?" asked Zoe .

"Yes, but first let's change the training level from basic to normal" replied Joe fiddling with the computer.

"I'm going to train hard today, tomorrow I'm going to have fun with my friends," said Zoe.

"I think we should talk about some issues that superheroes might have," Joe said.

Zoe sits in a chair and listens, a blank board appears on the wall.

"Today I'm going to explain problems you can get from being a superhero," said Joe writing on the board.

"Secret identity first, you must hide your identity from everyone around you" said Joe.

"That I know," Zoe said.

"I know, but it's worth reinforcing this. If someone finds out can cause problems for your friends and family, super villains can attack someone who's important to you. That's what we're going to train today, rescue methods and different ways to get control in these kinds of situations" said Joe showing robots with super realistic masks of my friends and my mom's faces.

"Second,evidence, you can't attack someone without evidence. Even if you know someone is a criminal or super villain if you don't have evidence, never attack" says Joe.

"Because, if he's a criminal, wouldn't it be right to arrest him?" asked Zoe.

"If you attack someone without proof, the people might think you're attacking innocent people. This is a big problem that can end any rookie superhero's career" Joe replied.

"Third, never underestimate your enemy, it's a common mistake and it can be fatal" said Joe stopping writing and drinking something.

"Finally don't trust others completely," Joe said.