
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

The night of movies (part 2)

"What do you mean not trusting anyone?" asked Zoe.

"The superhero business as well as super villains are very competitive, believe me people do everything to be famous. In my time as a hero I had to survive sabotage attempts in missions that almost killed me and heroes who were super villains in disguise" replied Joe.

"Well let's start with the training" said Joe.

That night at Liz's house.

"Mom let's go," Liz said excitedly.

"Why hasn't she put on her costume yet?" asked Ben.

"I'm going to change on the plane," Liz replied.

"I wanted to see what kind of costume you're going to wear on your first adventure as a super villain," said Ben's sister.

"When I get back I'll show you, but it depends on how long my mom will take," Liz said impatiently.

"You remind me of when I was young my first time as a super villain," said Liz's father.

"Remember when you see a superhero don't hold back you can finish him off" said Ben.

"I know, where's my mother?" asked Liz.

"Calm down, I'm here" replied Liz's mother.

We left in the car towards a place where my parents kept some weapons and vehicles. I got on a plane that my parents customized, then my mother started flying.

"Next stop Prism City Bank," Liz said as she changed.

"It will take 25 minutes, take this time to analyze the data we have collected," said Liz's mother.

Arriving near the bank my mother landed the plane.

"Good luck my daughter" said Liz's mother.

"After robbing the bank, I'm going to stop by the movie theater nearby and steal some food to take home," Liz thought.

I managed to get into the bank without setting off the alarms and filled my backpack with cash. On leaving the bank, I noticed that the street was empty so I stopped by the cinema, when I broke down the door, a super hero appeared that I didn't know.

"Stop there" said the mysterious superhero.

"Who is it?" asked Liz.

"I'm the Wildcat" says the superhero making a ridiculous pose.

"Wildcat died, are you an idiot?" Liz asked mockingly.

"I'm the new Wildcat and you're going to jail for breaking into a movie theater," Wildcat said, showing his claws.

"Do you really think I'm going to be scared of those little claws, even my cat has bigger claws," Liz said.

Wildcat jumps towards Liz, she simply dodges making Wildcat hit the soda machine.

"Called me a criminal, but you're the one destroying the movie theater" says Liz picking up some candy at the movie store.

Wildcat runs towards Liz with super speed, Liz uses her firepower to fend off the superhero, but Wildcat manages to grab her backpack.

"Hey this is mine" Liz said using the flames to hit Wildcat.

"You'll have to do better than that to hit me," Wildcat said, dodging.

"Who said I was targeting you," Liz said, laughing.

Suddenly a fire starts, Wildcat gets distracted just long enough for Liz to retrieve her backpack.

"Good luck solving this problem, goodbye" Liz said running away.

Wildcat decides to stop the fire, Liz returns to the plane with the money and food.

"Daughter, how was it?" asked Liz's mother.

"Easy" replied Liz laughing.