
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
104 Chs


The next day, while Zoe slept.

"Why did you go tell her that?" asks Susan.

"I think you better tell her everything, if you keep hiding it it could end up hurting our lives a lot," Joe says over coffee.

"What if she wants to go after him?" asks Susan worriedly.

"If you tell the truth, she might be more careful, remember, if you were on television it would have ended our peaceful lives," says Joe heading to the lair.

I woke up determined to get my mother to tell the whole truth, went to the kitchen and found my mother having breakfast.

"Mom, please tell me the truth," says Zoe.

The mother simply went into the living room and turned on the television.

"Please, I want to know, you don't have to hide anything from me," says Zoe.

"Fine, I'll tell you everything, but only after school" said the mother looking at her with a face that was going to cry.

Zoe, seeing her mother's condition, thought about hugging her, but thought it best to take a break. She went to school wondering what that secret would be, ended up making her not focus on what was around her and slammed her face against the classroom door. She tried not to think about it, then time passed and she ran home.

"Mom, I'm here," Zoe said.

Mom was with Joe in the living room.

"Daughter, I think you better sit down," says the tense mother.

I sit on the couch while Joe decides to leave.

"My secret has to do with your father," says the mother.

"He's not dead," says the mother.

"What ?" asks Zoe in amazement.

"Your father is a super villain," said the mother.

"When I met him he was a good person, we fell in love and soon decided to get married, we had a daughter and everything was going well. But on his 2nd birthday we were attacked by a superhuman with fire powers and my daughter died. " said my mother.

Zoe is speechless and Joe runs out the door.

"Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom" says Joe rushing.

"I found out that day that my husband was the boss of a famous gang and that he had superpowers. He didn't even show up at her funeral," my mother said, looking like she was going to cry.

"He is known as W Mask and is to blame for his sister's death," my mother said in tears.

So I hugged her. After a while my mother started to calm down and started telling her past again.

"There was a rival gang that was threatening your power but because of an alliance they couldn't attack each other. Your father used us to start a war by hiring a mercenary to attack us and blaming the rival gang, after I found out what happened I went to face him. He said it wasn't supposed to happen, but that he made the best decision to expand his power. I realized that he was no longer the same man I fell in love with, so, together with Joe, we faked our death and we moved out of town," said my mother.