
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs


In the morning I was getting ready to go to school, as usual, when my mother suddenly appeared.

"Daughter, you woke up early, I think it's better to stay home today" says my mother.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Zoe said with a laugh.

"But daughter, I think you better stay home today" says the mother again.

"Why don't you want me to go to school?" asks Zoe.

"I'm just worried about your health," says the worried mother.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine," Zoe says walking out the door.

A few minutes later a door opens on the floor of the room and Joe comes out with various equipment.

"I'm done," says Joe happily.

"What ?" says Susan scared.

"I came up with a method to eliminate ChimeraX from people's bodies, it's just that it must be used before transformation," says Joe holding what appears to be a sci-fi weapon.

"Where's Zoe?" asked Joe.

"She just left for school," Susan replied.

"So I'm going to look up the list of people who were affected at the movies and find out where they live so I can cure them," says Joe returning to the lab.

At school everything seemed normal, I found Leo and Jack talking about something.

"Hi guys, it's been a long time," Zoe said.

"Hi" said Leo and Jack.

"Are you alright ?" asked Leo.

"Yes," Zoe replied.

Liz gives a surprise hug scaring Zoe and Leo. Jack starts to laugh about the situation, soon Ed and his girlfriend showed up and everyone started talking. After school, I saw Ben and his sister talking and I remembered what happened at the hospital. Arriving home I noticed that Joe was returning with my mother, I looked at the car and realized that the car was different. Joe got out of the car with a sci-fi gun and walked towards me.

"Hi how are you ?" asked Joe.

"What's up ?" asked Zoe.

"We went out to solve some problems" replied the mother.

"What weapon is that, did you go to a sci-fi event again?" asked Zoe.

"Actually, this gun is a piece of equipment from a friend who died a long time ago" Joe replies pointing the gun at her.

A beam of light came out of the gun and illuminated me, I suddenly felt my body on fire and I passed out. When I woke up I was in a place that looked like a laboratory, I looked around and saw my mom and Joe watching me.