
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Genius plan

This chapter happens before the temporary union of heroes and villains.

Dragon was in his lair creating a plan after a conference with other villains, Jack's father, and Serena's parents appeared to tell him about Liz and a strange behavior of her.

"My daughter is about a lot of pressure, you should stay with her and have fun a little," said Jack's father.

"Seriously, his daughter burned for the fifth time her own room and laughed," said Serena's father.

"She's getting out of control, I'm scaring myself with this girl," said Serena's mother.

"She just as I are going through a complicated moment, there was no time that my wife died. In a while she returns to normal," Dragon said concentrated on something.

The parents leave the room and talk about something, Liz that was close to hear the whole conversation and runs to her destroyed room, Jack notices Liz and goes after her to know what was going on.

"Are you okay?" Ask Jack worried.

"You must be thinking that I'm crazy too, what you want here, should not be with your parents" shouted Liz.

"I saw you running and I was worried about you, I know you are suffering, but remember that we are here for you" said Jack.

"I let my mother die, I was supposed to be with her that day. I lost my best friend, my girlfriend and my house, according to my teacher I am not strong enough to face the killers, I will not be able to take revenge" said " Liz crying.

"Liz" said Jack hugging her.

Meanwhile the heroes were being gathered by some more famous heroes. Some heroes began to discuss the current losses and plans to defeat the killers, after several hours the heroes created a plans to arrest all the killers capturing one of them to attract them to a trap in an abandoned warehouse that belonged to a hero who was at the meeting.

In the mountain where the villain meetings took place, several villains were coming, the mountain door opens and everyone comes in, in departing the lights come on but no one appears, the villains are surprised and start talking.

"Where are the villains who called us here?" asked a villain.

"I received this call while I was at my nephew's birthday party, I hope you don't get any pranks," said another villain.

"There's no one here, I'm using my powers and I didn't detect any sign of life," said a villain.

A screen down on on stage, some villains go there to know what it was, while others realizing that it was strange to run to their vehicles to run away from there. The villains that stayed on the mountain sit down to watch the video that was an action movie scene, 2 of the villains who were looking for some track see someone dead and some bombs, they try to alert the rest of the villains but it was too late and The bombs explode by killing everyone on the mountain.

In the morning all the remaining villains learned of the happened on the mountain, Dragon despaired that he was now less than half of the villains in his country, that meant the resources he had been diminishing. Dragon remembered that the heroes were also experiencing problems and thought to gather some of the remaining villains to temporarily unite with the heroes to defeat the common threat. Liz, who was shocked by the events she decides to act on her own and runs away from the lair with her uniform, she goes to the last location of the killer who killed her mother and is looking for some clue. Liz did not know but the killer was watching her from afar, he decides to appear, attacks Liz and sticking a freezing grenade on her back.

"You" said Liz furiously.

Liz goes on him, but is easily stopped by a scam series, Liz falls to the floor when she is hit by a knife on her shoulder. Liz tries to hit a fireball on the killer, but she misses, the killer runs toward her and kicks her to the street. Liz realizes that she could not win this battle, she see killer coming toward her and runs creating a huge fireball and hitting the floor, creating a huge wave of fire. The killer jumps toward the building nearby escaping from the fire and see Liz running, he lets her flee and leaves, Liz arrives at the lair and is helped by Serena's parents.

In the morning, Dragon and Jack's father leave the lair and go somewhere secret, there they find some heroes and create a temporary deal until the killers are captured or killed. The villains followed the heroes plan to assemble a trap, the trap was created by the villains while the location and capture of the bait would be on the heroes side, it took some time to create a trap that could cover all sorts of skills that the killers could to have. After a few days the heroes and villains decided to tell the rest of the heroes and villains who were not participating in the plan on their temporary union and asked for help to complete a part of their plan. After that Snow arrested one of the killers, causing all the heroes and villains to run against time to take him to the trap before the killers had time to prepare.