
Rise of The World Ruler

Arnold Golder is someone who survives misery and injustice. After being forced to survive alone on earth, he is forced into an unknown world with his friends. However, bad luck is followed him. Feeling dumped by the foreign world where he is now, Arnold will makes a threat that change that world. In a world with a battle of physical strength and magical power, where the strong will eat the weak, a story about the new world ruler will happen.

Ikrisnaw28 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 Be An Outcast


"Kill them all, leaving the frontmost humans last! We're all going to have a great feast today!


Not long after the whispers disappeared completely, the orcs quickly arrived before their eyes.

Everyone in the field ran away from feeling a deep panic.

"Run... we'll die if we stay here...!"

Landus who was standing at the front actually also felt a tremendous sense of fear. However, he endured it.

"Come on you guys!! Face me!," Landus shouted at the orcs to contain his fear. However, something strange happened. They ignored and passed Landus just like that.

The Orc races who didn't pay attention to Landus immediately swung their weapons and swung some of their punches at several people, even the wolfbeasts came and pounced on the other humans.

Victims who fell, in the end, are inevitable. In the chaos, some people heard a roar from the sky like the sound of a jet plane. Suddenly, just a few meters from where the Orcs were swarming, something landed very quickly.


The landing resulted in a fairly loud shock. As a result of the shock, the bodies of the monsters close to the location were crushed or blown away.

"Boost Aerial Attack <active>, increase Bow Attack by 10% when flying"

"Boost Bow Attack <active>, increase Bow attack power by 30% and accuracy and physical damage by 30%"

"Lightning Arrow"



Then from behind the remaining humans, a glowing blue arrow appeared that flew swiftly towards the Orcs and Wolfbeasts which then swept through the monsters almost without a trace.

"Shit...we're retreating now...the celestial beings have arrived"

The remnants of the surviving monsters retreated rapidly. Seen above the heads of the remaining humans was a human-like person smiling at the remaining humans.

There was a woman wearing leather armor with a large arrow in her left hand. This woman has a pair of white wings flapping behind her back. This woman then landed smoothly right near where Landus was standing. With a smile again, then he patted Landus on the shoulder.

"You're brave enough for an earthling. I'm quite in awe of you," she said in a soft voice.

The woman who had landed earlier then approached all the remaining humans.

She is also seen to have two wings behind her back. An armor plate covered her white skin. She is also seen carrying a scythe-type weapon which is also white hanging behind her back.

"Are you guys all right? Sorry if we both came late and couldn't save the rest of your friends".

The shock that overtook them all due to the massacres carried out by these monsters still hadn't dissipated. Nausea from seeing the severed body parts and blood splattered everywhere still makes everyone shudder.

"Shit, from a total of hundreds of earthlings who came here, now there are only about 15 people left and all of them are in mental shock, Celia's words are true," complained the woman who carrying the arrow.

Then the woman with the arrow took a roll of paper and tore the roll of paper.

"Dispel Cura....," said the woman with the arrow.

Suddenly everyone's feeling of panic disappeared without a trace. Everyone's feelings now calmed down. Even when looking at the victim's remaining parts there was no feeling that made them feel nauseous.

After the winged creatures cleaned the victim's body with the spells they had, Vayne asked something, "First, introduce my name is Abraham Vayne, may we know, where are we now? then what do you mean by earthling? What creatures just now? Who are you guys too?"

The woman with a large scythe behind her back answered Vayne's question calmly.

"Previously, introduce my name is Theana and she is Adelia. We both belong to the angel race. This world is called Theheron. A world with various races that you can't find in the world you came to, except a human race like all of you. Earthling is what we call you who come from a world that is called earth. The creatures that attacked you earlier were the Orc race and the Wolfbeasts"

The angel's answer caused some of the humans to gasp and get hysterical. Some of them even asked to be returned to earth. This time, Joseph Landus, who had seemed calm all this time, asked something, "Then how did we get to this world? How do we return to our original world? What can we do to make this happen?"

"Hey, big boy, the one who sent you to our world was a cursed artifact made by the Demon race. However, strangely I don't feel the presence of the artifact here," Adelia replied in surprise.

"Besides, you also cannot return using the artifact. The only way if you still want to return to your world is for you to die here. For now, all of you can come with us and maybe you guys are still shocked because of your mental breakdown," added Theana.

The words that came out of the mouths of Adelia and Theana indirectly, made almost everyone feel confused. Some of them are angry.

"After all, your coming here is not without purpose. You being able to enter the world also means that you get additional power. You are also not the first generation of earthlings who came to Theheron," Theana discussed to assuage the anger of the remaining people.

Vayne replied to Adelia's words. This time he was calm and not panicked.

"What do you mean aimlessly? What about additional powers? You're saying we're not the first generation? How many earthlings are there? Can you..."

Before Vayne could finish his sentence, Theana interrupted the question.

"We can continue this conversation later. Now that I feel there will be another attack, Adelia opens the portal to Ashalgard, I will guard and enter last. I feel there will be another attack"

Adelia quickly took a roll of paper back. This time it was a scroll to create a portal to another area, then she led all the remaining people to enter the portal.

Shortly after exiting the portal, an unimaginable amazing city appeared before their eyes.

Everyone can see the guards guarding the portal, they are holding a fairly large shield in their left hand. While visible swords sheathed on their left waist. There are 2 white wings hanging behind their backs.

"Welcome to Ashalgard. A city in the seventh heaven. This is the city of angels and the starting point for earthlings. In this city you will find your job and will be trained by experienced mentors", said Theana.

This city is floating in the sky, silent among the clouds. As far as one could see the angels were able to move to another area of ​​the city using a floating elevator. However, on average, angels use their wings more than using the elevator.

But at that time Arnold would follow Theana and the others. Another angel descended quickly and landed right in front of Arnold hardly.


"Stop!...you shouldn't be here!"