
Rise of the true alpha in Teen Wolf

Author's Note: Dear readers, I'm excited to present to you my very first fanfiction, inspired by the captivating world of Teen Wolf. I want to emphasize that this story is purely created for fun and entertainment, driven by my passion for storytelling. As a result, there might be occasional word errors or inconsistencies, and I appreciate your understanding in this regard. In this fanfic, I wanted to explore the character of Michael, a True Alpha werewolf, and showcase his extraordinary powers and potential. Unlike other werewolves, Michael's abilities will not be nerfed or weakened; instead, they will continue to evolve and grow stronger over time. This decision was made to create an even more formidable protagonist within the Teen Wolf universe. Throughout Michael's journey, he will face various challenges and encounter supernatural beings, all while striving to reunite with his missing sister and protect the town of Beacon Hills. His unwavering determination and unique status as a True Alpha will guide him through the treacherous world he finds himself in. I hope you'll join me on this enthralling adventure filled with action, romance, and supernatural intrigue. I'm eager to share this story with you and bring the Teen Wolf universe to life in my own way. Thank you for your support, and I hope you enjoy reading this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it. Author's Note: I wanted to take a moment to clarify that while I have created the character Michael in the context of the Teen Wolf universe, I do not own the rights to Teen Wolf or any of its original characters, or storylines except for michaels. My contributions to the Teen Wolf fandom are purely creative and inspired by the existing material. I am a fan, just like you, who enjoys exploring different narratives. Michael is a character I have imagined and developed within the Teen Wolf universe, but the ownership and creative rights of Teen Wolf belong to its original creators and respective copyright holders. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you continue to enjoy the adventures of Michael in this alternative storyline. Note, I don't own the cover page or anything related to its copyright everything belongs to the original creater.

j_k_l · TV
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28 Chs

Party I

Time skip.-------------------------------------------


After practice, Michael and the other lacrosse players headed to the locker room for a quick change. Just as Michael was pulling on a fresh jersey, Scott and Stiles approached him. Scott, still catching his breath, grinned at Michael. "Hey, new guy. I gotta say, you were really good out there. Impressive moves."

Michael smirked, "Thanks. Just doing what I do best."

Stiles, always one to push boundaries, sauntered closer to Michael, invading his personal space. "Hey, tell me, what are you taking or doing to make you that good? You must have some secret training or supernatural advantage."

Michael leaned back, laying his head on a locker before locking eyes with Stiles, his voice low and confident. "You know, Stiles, some things are better left a mystery. Let's just say I've got my own ways of staying on top."

Stiles raised an eyebrow, intrigued and slightly unnerved by Michael's response. He took a step back, deciding not to push further. "Fair enough, man. Keep your secrets."

After the conversation, Michael left Stiles and Scott in the locker room. Stiles couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Michael than met the eye. He exchanged a puzzled look with Scott, both wondering what secrets he might be hiding. With a sigh, they decided to leave as well.

The locker room was abuzz with conversation as the players prepared to leave. Michael's mysterious demeanor intrigued his teammates, drawing them in with a sense of curiosity and admiration for his confident aura. They exchanged glances and hushed whispers, pondering the potential of Michael taking Jackson space.

Jackson, the team captain and a crucial player, couldn't shake off a flicker of uncertainty. He had always been the one leading the team and best player, but now, this new guy Michael cast a shadow over him. Whispers of a possible captain replacement began to circulate among the players, adding to the air of speculation.

As they exited the locker room they all wondered, Would Michael's remarkable skills translate into a shift in leadership.

Time skip: Michael found himself walking through the bustling school corridors. As he turned a corner, he unexpectedly bumped into Lydia, who was waiting for Jackson.

Lydia, taken aback by the encounter, blinked in surprise. "Oh, uh, hi, Michael. I didn't expect to see you here."

Michael flashed a smirk,"Well, surprise, surprise. Just roaming the halls, looking for some action. What about you, beautiful? What brings you to this part of the school?"

Lydia's cheeks flushed slightly as she stuttered, "I-I was waiting for Jackson. We were supposed to go grab lunch together."

Leaning against the locker with a relaxed posture, Michael continued to flirt unabashedly. "Ah, Jackson, huh? Well, maybe he's just not that interesting, because if he was he wouldn't keep such a beauty waiting for him. How about you ditch him and hang out with me?"

Lydia's mind raced as she processed Michael's audacious suggestion. She couldn't believe he had the nerve to say such things, yet she couldn't deny the magnetic pull of his confidence. In her head, she hesitated for a moment before a thought slipped into her mind, "I kinda like that, it turns me on." Blushing furiously, she quickly pushed the thought aside, hoping that Michael hadn't noticed her brief moment of vulnerability. Deciding to maintain her resolve. She couldn't let herself be swayed by Michael's charisma. Taking a deep breath, she mustered the courage to respond, "No, thank you. I'm actually looking forward to having lunch with Jackson. Maybe some other time, though."

Michael's demeanor remained calm, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh well, maybe some other time then," he replied nonchalantly. With a confident swagger, he smoothly walked past her like a badass, leaving Lydia feeling intrigue, As he continued his stride down the corridor.



Time skip:

the school day later end after Lydia and Michael short conversation.______________________________________________________Outside the school, a sleek black car pulled up, catching Michael's attention. As he stepped outside, he noticed a crowd gathering and whispers circulating about someone who had just arrived in a Camaro. Michael muttered to himself, "It must be Derek. I should go see what's up."

Michael then made his way through the crowd, toward the Camaro. As he approached, he caught sight of a familiar face, Derek, who was leaning against his car with a nonchalant expression.

Michael greeted him with a playful smirk, "Well, well, well, look who decided to make an entrance. What's the occasion, Derek? Trying to steal my thunder?"

Derek chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, man. Just felt like switching things up a bit. Plus, this baby just got a fresh paint job. Couldn't resist showing it off."

Michael's eyes scanned over the black Camaro, appreciating its shiny exterior. "Looks impressive, dude. So, what's the plan?".

Derek's face suddenly turn serious, as he glanced at Michael. "Listen, man, I'll tell you on the way," he said.

Michael raised an eyebrow, by Derek's sudden change in demeanor. "Alright," he replied, wanting to know what's up.

With a mischievous grin, Derek looked at Michael and ask, "So, do you wanna ride? My Camaro's pretty fast, you know."

Michael chuckled and shook his head, playfully declining. "Nah, thanks, Derek. My baby," he said, patting his car, "is faster than yours. See you at the house!"

With a friendly wave, Michael turned away, leaving Derek behind as he made his way towards his own car.

As Michael and Derek left the school, they both found themselves stopping at a red light, side by side. The anticipation hung in the air as their engines rumbled. With a nod to each other, both of them revved their engines, the sound of power echoing through the street.

Michael, sitting confidently behind the wheel of his Dodge Challenger, leaned out of the window and called out to Derek with a grin on his face. "Hey bro, we go when the light turns green!"

Derek, leaning back in his Camaro, responded with a confident smirk. "Bet. I'm gonna leave you in my dust."

As they awaited the green light, Michael's car emitted a deep growl, the revving becoming even louder and more intense. Suddenly, flames erupted from the exhaust, dancing in the air.

Michael grinned, looking over at Derek. "You wish!"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As the traffic light finally turned green, Michael slammed his foot on the gas pedal. The power of his Dodge Challenger surged as the car's rear wheels spun, propelling him forward passing derek, with a thunderous roar, Michael's car lifted up on its two back wheels, defying gravity for a moment.

Derek, determined not to let Michael get too far ahead, pushed his Camaro to its limit. The two cars raced side by side, their engines roaring with power. The wind whipped through Michael's hair as he focused on maintaining control and extending his lead.

They weaved through traffic with precision, their vehicles darting in and out of lanes. Michael expertly maneuvered his Challenger, utilizing its agility to navigate tight corners and maintain his advantage. Derek, not one to back down, stayed hot on Michael's tail, his Camaro matching the Challenger's every move.

As they approached a long, straight stretch of road, Michael unleashed the full potential of his car. The Challenger surged forward, leaving a trail of burning rubber behind. The speedometer climbed rapidly.

With each passing second, Michael's lead expanded. The sheer power and acceleration of his car left Derek struggling to catch up. The road seemed to blur around them as they raced towards the finish line near the hale house.

In a final burst of speed, Michael crossed the finish line near the hale house, Derek's car then, pulled up next to Michael before saying,

"Nice race, man," accepting his defeat and offering a nod of respect. "You've got one hell of a car."

Michael grinned and replied, "Thanks, brother. It was a close one, but I had to show you what this Challenger is capable of."

As the sun began to set, the scene shifted to a small time skip into the night.

Scott pov.

As Scott was on the outside of Allison's house anxiously waiting on her. He had promised to take her to the party, and he wanted everything to go perfectly.

Suddenly, the front door swung open, and Allison stepped outside. Scott's heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of her. But his gulp was involuntary when he noticed Allison's father following closely behind.

Allison's father, a stern man, approached Scott with a protective gaze. He spoke with a firm tone, "Take care of my daughter now, okay?"

Scott nodded nervously, feeling the weight of responsibility drop on his shoulders. "Yes, sir. I will."

Allison, standing beside her father, interjected with a playful tone, "Dad, he's got this." Her father nodded, with his gaze fix on Scott making the poor boy nurvous, before saying, "Yes, I hope he does."

With those words, Allison and Scott entered the car. Scott couldn't help but compliment her, "You look cute, Allison."

Blushing, she replied, "Awe, thank you. You look good too."

As the car pulled away from the house, Allison's father stood on the porch, waving his hand in farewell. Scott's nerves settled as he focused on the road ahead, determined to make the night unforgettable for Allison. But as he glanced in the rearview mirror, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was observing him.

Finishing his wave, Allison's father looked around, his gaze scanning the surroundings for a moment. A shiver ran down Scott's spine, but his rational mind dismissed it as He shrugged it off, reminding himself that it was just his imagination playing tricks on him.

Meanwhile, in the darkness, two red eyes gleamed ominously, hidden within the shadows. They followed the car that had left the Argent's house, their gaze fixated on Scott and Allison. Unbeknownst to them, a presence lurked in the night, its intentions unknown.