
Rise of the true alpha in Teen Wolf

Author's Note: Dear readers, I'm excited to present to you my very first fanfiction, inspired by the captivating world of Teen Wolf. I want to emphasize that this story is purely created for fun and entertainment, driven by my passion for storytelling. As a result, there might be occasional word errors or inconsistencies, and I appreciate your understanding in this regard. In this fanfic, I wanted to explore the character of Michael, a True Alpha werewolf, and showcase his extraordinary powers and potential. Unlike other werewolves, Michael's abilities will not be nerfed or weakened; instead, they will continue to evolve and grow stronger over time. This decision was made to create an even more formidable protagonist within the Teen Wolf universe. Throughout Michael's journey, he will face various challenges and encounter supernatural beings, all while striving to reunite with his missing sister and protect the town of Beacon Hills. His unwavering determination and unique status as a True Alpha will guide him through the treacherous world he finds himself in. I hope you'll join me on this enthralling adventure filled with action, romance, and supernatural intrigue. I'm eager to share this story with you and bring the Teen Wolf universe to life in my own way. Thank you for your support, and I hope you enjoy reading this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it. Author's Note: I wanted to take a moment to clarify that while I have created the character Michael in the context of the Teen Wolf universe, I do not own the rights to Teen Wolf or any of its original characters, or storylines except for michaels. My contributions to the Teen Wolf fandom are purely creative and inspired by the existing material. I am a fan, just like you, who enjoys exploring different narratives. Michael is a character I have imagined and developed within the Teen Wolf universe, but the ownership and creative rights of Teen Wolf belong to its original creators and respective copyright holders. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you continue to enjoy the adventures of Michael in this alternative storyline. Note, I don't own the cover page or anything related to its copyright everything belongs to the original creater.

j_k_l · TV
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28 Chs

Lacrosse practice

Time skip the next day at school...

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the school campus as Michael arrived in his sleek black car. As he pulled into the parking lot, the roar of the engine caught everyone's attention. With a mischievous grin, Michael revved the engine and performed a breathtaking burnout, leaving tire marks on the pavement.

Everyone was in aww of the display of skill which drew a crowd of onlookers, including impressed girls and intrigued students. Whispers of admiration and curiosity filled the air as Michael skillfully maneuvered his car into a parking spot next to Jackson's sleek sports car.

As Michael stepped out of his car, he exuded confidence and charisma. His piercing gaze swept across the crowd, and when his eyes met Lydia's, he couldn't help but wink at her, a playful gesture that left her blushing.

Walking through the school entrance, Michael's presence commanded attention. Whispers followed him, and heads turned as he made his way down the hallway, As he started to chuckled to himself, before he caught a whiff of a familiar scent as he walked past a girl in the hallway. It was the scent that often accompanies a girl who is in heat. The unexpected fragrance made him chuckle softly, finding the situation amusing.

Unbeknownst to Michael, a car parked nearby housed a man who was sitting beside the girl, later known as Allison. He was her father, and the commotion caused by Michael's flashy entrance had caught his attention, sparking his suspicion. His eyes narrowed as he observed Michael, wondering about the guy driving the black Dodge Challenger and the attention he seemed to attract.

But before he could dwell on his thoughts further, the voice of his daughter broke through his concentration. Allison, adjusting her backpack, leaned over the car window and said, "Dad, I'm heading to class. Have a great day, and I'll see you later!"

Her father snapped back to reality and smiled warmly at his daughter, momentarily setting aside his concerns. "Good luck, Allison. Have a wonderful day at school. I'll pick you up later," he replied, his voice filled with fatherly affection.

With that, Allison gave him a quick wave and joined the stream of students making their way into the school building. Her father watched her go, before starting the car and driving away, his thoughts lingering on the mysterious guy who had caused a stir in the parking lot.___________________________________________________________________


In the locker room, Michael quickly stashed his belongings in his locker, as He wondered who could be emitting such a captivating fragrance, but he shrugged it off for the time being.

As he made his way through the bustling hallways, he noticed Scott, the beta of the school's werewolf pack, engaged in a conversation with Styles and a few other friends. Michael slowed his pace, curiosity piqued by their animated gestures and Scott's slightly aggressive demeanor.

Eavesdropping discreetly, Michael caught snippets of their conversation. Scott seemed to be complaining about something, his voice laced with frustration. Styles, on the other hand, appeared calm and tried to reason with him, attempting to defuse the tension.

Michael couldn't help but wonder if Scott's aggression had something to do with the upcoming full moon. Werewolves, like Scott, were known to be affected by the lunar cycle, their primal instincts intensified during such times.

Shaking off the thought, Michael continued on his way, heading to his physics class. As he took his seat, he noticed Allison, a girl he had never spoken to before, sitting beside him. She turned and smiled, breaking the silence.

"Hey, Michael, right?" she said, her voice warm and friendly.

Michael nodded, returning the smile. "Yeah, that's me. And you're Allison, if I'm not mistaken."

Allison nodded, her eyes sparkling. "That's correct. I've heard a lot about you. You seem to leave quite an impression wherever you go."

Michael chuckled modestly. "Well, I guess that's just how I am. So, what brings you to physics class today?"

Allison shrugged playfully. "Curiosity, mostly. Plus, physics has always fascinated me. What about you?"

"I enjoy the challenges of physics," Michael replied, leaning in slightly. "There's something satisfying about unraveling the mysteries of the universe, don't you think?"

Allison's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Absolutely! It's like peeling back the layers of reality and discovering the underlying principles that govern our world."

As the class progressed, they develop some kind of friendship as they delved deeper into the topic, exchanging thoughts and ideas on the subject.

Time skip.

In the locker room, Michael quickly changed into his gym clothes, his mind still lingering on the encounter between Styles and Scott earlier. He knew that the full moon had a way of affecting people differently, and Scott's aggression seemed out of character.

As he stepped out of the locker room, he noticed a player from the lacrosse team rushing towards him, panting for breath. The player finally caught his breath and blurted out, "Coach has been looking for you, man! Practice is about to start, and if he doesn't find you before then, he'll go ballistic!"

Michael frowned, realizing that he had lost track of time. "Thanks for letting me know," he replied, patting the player on the back. "I'll head to the field right away."

With a sense of urgency, Michael made his way to the lacrosse field, the sound of whistles and the thud of lacrosse balls filling the air. Coach stern voice boomed across the field as he yelled instructions to the team.

As Michael approached, the Coach his face turned red with anger. "Where have you been, Michaels? You're late again! Do you think you can just waltz in whenever you please?" he bellowed.

Michael took a deep breath, trying to remain calm despite the coach's anger. "I apologize, Coach. It won't happen again. I got caught up in something, and I lost track of time."

The coach's expression softened slightly, though his frustration was still evident. "You're lucky you're one of our best players, Michaels. Now get out there and make up for lost time!"

Nodding, Michael joined his teammates on the field, he couldn't help but notice Scott, with his sandy hair and intense gaze, moved across the field like he was playing for years dominating his opposition. His movements were fluid and calculated, each step deliberate and purposeful.

With every swing of his lacrosse stick, Scott effortlessly intercepted passes and dodged opponents. His agility was unparalleled as he weaved through the opposing team's defense, leaving them in awe. It was as if he had tapped into the raw power of his beta wolf super-physic.

Scott's heightened senses allowed him to anticipate his opponents' moves with uncanny precision. He seemed to have an instinctual understanding of the game, effortlessly predicting the trajectory of each pass and intercepting them with ease. His reflexes were lightning-fast, allowing him to snatch the ball from opponents' sticks before they even realized what had happened.

As Michael watched Scott dominate the field, a mix of admiration and competitiveness stirred within him. Scott's display of skill was undeniably impressive, but to Michael he was nothing in his eyes. He thought to himself, "Damn, I bet I could do even better."

As Michael stepped onto the field, he was prepared to show his dominance over Scott, after all he ain't gonna let no beta wolf out do him, he was a true alpha afterall. As Michael step onto the field ready to play, his movement was unparallel, he unleashed a level of skill that left both his teammates and opponents in awe.

Michael's agility and speed were unmatched as he effortlessly maneuvered through the opposing team's defense. His lacrosse stick became an extension of his arm, allowing him to intercept passes with precision and accuracy. The opponents struggled to keep up as Michael weaved past them, leaving them in his dust.

Even as Scott tapped into his beta wolf super-physic, Michael's dominance only grew. Scott's enhanced senses and instinctual understanding of the game paled in comparison to Michael's raw talent and strategic prowess. Michael anticipated Scott's moves and effortlessly countered them, leaving Scott frustrated and unable to keep up.

Meanwhile, Jackson, a teammate of both Michael and Scott, couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He had always been the star player, but now both Michael and Scott seemed to overshadow him. Jackson's competitive spirit burned within him as he watched their exceptional skills on display.

As the game progressed, the coach couldn't help but be impressed by Scott's performance. However, it was Michael who truly stole the spotlight, his ability to dominate both offensively and defensively. Michael's performance left the coach in awe, realizing that he had a truly exceptional player in his team.