

Amden Vantistart is a heir to one the leading consortium. But Amden has a secret. This is his second life. Amden have received a mysterious inheritance in this life. He will go beyond the boundaries of the Blue Water Planet in the wider universe to rule over everything. Watch how he conquerors and become a supreme ruler. The story is set in urban fantasy. (Must comment and review your opinions. And yes send more power stones please.)

Graviele · Urban
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96 Chs

The Twins

Next day Amden along with Cilia departed for the site.

It was an hour drive from the Villa towards the north of the Azilia town.

At the location of the land was waiting a man called Lexicon Lionhart.

Apart from the members of the Vantistart family, Lexicon was the person with the highest authority in the Vantistart Consortium.

He was an orphan and Dramon was the person who had looked after Lexicon. He had basically grown together with Rexon and were almost siblings.

Rexon trusted Lexicon with his life and even Amden had no doubt about Lexicon's loyalty.

At the location Amden was immediately greeted by Lexicon.

He came forward and spoke, "Welcome young master. We have completed all the preparation. We just need your instructions."

Amden and Lexicon engaged themselves discussing about the Villa design. Cilia also provided her inputs time to time.

Amden in last spoke with confidence, "This Villa is going to be a show of strength for our Vantistart Consortium."

It took them few hours to finally discuss and complete all the plans.

Lexicon then promised, "Within 7 days we will construct the entire complex."

Amden just nodded to it and departed from the site.

Constructing Structures have become very fast after the usuage of mana. Earth element warriors were used to build the complexes.

With Lexicon personally guiding the things there was little doubt that complex would be not be as grand as Amden imagined.

Amden as usual was sitting in the passenger seat and Cilia was driving the car. They were returning to the Villa.

Amden proposed, "Cilia why don't we go on a lunch?"

Cilia replied, "As you say young master."

Amden just nodded. He had become used to Cilia's reserved nature. He tried many times to make her act more openly but she was too stubborn.

Soon the car reached one of the most luxurious reasturants in the city. Amden reserved a private room for themselves. Amden and Cilia both enjoyed their meal.

During the meal Cilia had turned extremely shy and was as red as tomato. Although she ate daily with Amden she wondered in her mind if it could be considered her first date with Amden.

Amden had a easy guess on what was on Cilia's mind but didn't teased her.

After finishing their meal Amden casually walked out of the reasturant.

As soon as he got out his eyes caught glimpse of a skinned boy. He was wearing ragged clothes, stichen at many places to hold them together. The boy was taking glimpses and was sneaking out of a pill refining shop.

This particular pill refining shop was a shop of pills for non awakeners meaning people without mana.

It was clear to Amden that the boy had stolen something from the shop and was sneaking out. What surprised him was that boy was just an ordinary person and to sneak in and out of shop which definitely must be run by a cultivator was no ordinary feat.

The boy reminded Amden of his previous life. He too had struggled in his previous life.

Amden quietly followed the boy. Cilia too followed behind him.

Although she was confused she didn't asked much.

After few minutes of walking the boy soon reached a slum area. He was walking past a small alley when three muscular blocked his path.

Although all the three were ordinary people without mana but their physical condition was very good.

Standing in the boy's way the man in the middle grinned, "Lucas it seems you have gotten yourself some good stuff."

Hearing this Lucas frowned.

Although Lucas knew them, he didn't had any relation with any of them.

It took him no time to understand that the three of them had somehow had guessed that he had stolen something precious.

Lucas then replied, "It is none of your business" and immediately tried to move past but the three of them blocked his path.

Lucas now knew things had turned worse and he didn't hesitated. He lunged forward. Three men were stunned but immediately they also took attacking positions but they were no match were Lucas.

Although Lucas moves were clumsy he was very vicious. In no time he beat the shit out of three of them.

He then started to run fast but then one of the men yelled, "Lucas know our boos is F Rank awakened. Give the pill and bring two more for us and we can forget nothing happened otherwise heheh..."

Lucas hesitated a moment but then he ran. Although he was strong but he was no match for an awakened but he didn't stopped.

Someone was waiting for him.

Amden Kept following Lucas and soon he reached a very small house which was almost on verge collapsing.

Lucas then reached inside the house and inside their was a extremely pale looking girl lying on the bed.

She look extremely similar to Lucas. They were both twins.

Lucas immediately fed the pill to the girl.

The girl somehow opened her mouth, "Brother how did you get this?"

Lucas didn't replied anything. He just kept stroking her head.

Amden and Cilia appeared infront of them at that moment. Sensing this Lucas became extremely alarmed and stood in front of his sister facing Amden.

His first thought was that somehow the shop owner had caught him and if it were true their was little he could do now.

[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]