

Amden Vantistart is a heir to one the leading consortium. But Amden has a secret. This is his second life. Amden have received a mysterious inheritance in this life. He will go beyond the boundaries of the Blue Water Planet in the wider universe to rule over everything. Watch how he conquerors and become a supreme ruler. The story is set in urban fantasy. (Must comment and review your opinions. And yes send more power stones please.)

Graviele · Urban
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96 Chs

The Mysterious Sword

Amden arrived at his Villa with the two ladies.

Neither he nor the other two spoke much about the incident which transpired at the auction house.

Amden was quick to arrive in his room. He was in anticipation of about the relation between the cube and the sword.

Very quickly he sat down and summoned the sword and the cube. The moment both of the things appeared the sword was sucked in the cube.

Amden was bewildered on what he witnessed. He then started to fumble around the cube to get any reaction out of it. He even tried to summon the sword back but nothing happened. Although the connection he felt with the sword was still their he could not summon it.

He tried few other methods like sending his mana in the cube or dropping drops of blood but the cube showed no reaction.

Amden was at complete loss of words. He felt that he has been struck in never ending loop of mysteries surrounding him and they never seem to end.

Amden was frustrated. He almost screamed in his anger and frustration but controlled at the last moment. He composed himself and went to sleep.

In his mind he accep that he won't be getting answers anytime soon.

Amden was in deep sleep when a sudden jolt in soul woke him up.

The moment he opened his eyes, he witnessed a jaw dropping scene infront of him.

The cube was floating in the air. The room was illuminated in light blue colored shade which was being emitted from the cube.

In the that blue colored shade close to the cube was a sword floating. Amden knew instinctively that this is the same sword he had bought from the auction house.

The sword was no longer had its previous appearance. Gone was the rusty sword and it was replaced by a shining new sword.

The sword was dark and pitch black in color. From the hilt to its edges everything was of same black color and Amden felt that both the sword and cube were made of the same material.

The blade was long enough but not too long to be called a longsword. At the end of sword it curved slightly.

Its width was as perfect as Amden would have liked.

There were no markings or engravings on the sword and it was completely plain just like the cube.

Amden then raised his hands and the sword in an instant arrived in his hand.

Amden felt his mild connection with the sword had gotten stronger. He felt a bond similar to what he had with the cube.

He the slashed the sword vertically he felt air getting split. He muttered, "Perfect."

Amden was finally feeling something good. Although the cube had only brought him benefits the sword was something which really made him really happy. He gave the sword a few more twirls and was completely satisfied. He felt and moved the sword like a part of his own body.

In few more minutes a sudden influx if information assaulted his mind. He was too familiar with the feeling. He would face the same assault whenever he received memories of the ancient god. The difference this time was the information influx being from the sword.

The iformation being about a sword art or skill.

The skill was called 'The Heaven Cleaving Sword Strike'.

Just the name of the skill awed Amden. And he was awed even further when he tried to gain an understanding of the skill. It was really something that could cleave the heavens.

Despite all the positive gains, a small spot of Amden's mind was unconvinced and suspicious. The mystery regarding the cube was only growing further and now there was a new addition to it. The sword.

When Amden had bought the sword he thought that maybe he could uncover some of the questions plaguing his mind but those questions grew further.

He sighed and let it go. For now he decided to focus on his training. From all his experiences he knew the world was not a simple place. The planet he was living on was a well and he probably a frog in the well. Raising his strength was the only option so that he could be well prepared is something undue were to occur.

He willed and the sword disappeared the next moment. Similar to sword it was bound to his soul and could be kept inside the soul space.

Next Day at dining table.

The Vantistart family were having their breakfast. Till now they had only exchanged the greetings.

Rexon was first to break the silence, "Carters won't take whatever happened easily."

Dramon scoffed immediately, "If they dare to do anything I wouldn't mind cutting few of their heads."

He continued, "Do they take us as fool? They think we would have not understood their plan of buildinga stronghold in our city?"

Clara chuckled in response, "I don't think they would go for confrontationas of now."

She further informed them, "Moonfox Consortium have also sent their apology. Also they agreed to give that land as gift to you Amden."

Amden laughed, "Grandmother after you threatened them to have the land as compensation, I don't think they would have the guts to deny it."

A grin appeared on Clara's face.

The family continued their talk further.

Rexon spoke, "Amden go and visit the land. I have decided to build a villa complex at the site much grander than this one. Maybe in future we can develop the area around it. Even if not, having a villa would be good."

Amden after that decided to make a trip to the piece of land. His father told him that he will send few people to talk about the construction plan.

[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]