

Amden Vantistart is a heir to one the leading consortium. But Amden has a secret. This is his second life. Amden have received a mysterious inheritance in this life. He will go beyond the boundaries of the Blue Water Planet in the wider universe to rule over everything. Watch how he conquerors and become a supreme ruler. The story is set in urban fantasy. (Must comment and review your opinions. And yes send more power stones please.)

Graviele · Urban
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96 Chs

A Special Condition and Awakening

Hearing the answer from Amden, Lucas was startled.

He immediately asked in an anxious voice, "What condition?"

Amden replied, "Don't worry Lucas. Everything will be fine."

He turned towards Dramon and said, "Grandpa check her body."

Dramon nodded and took Luna's hand. In few moments his expression tightened.

This caused a further panic to Lucas. Luna also started feel anxious.

Clara frowned seeing Dramon's reaction and took Luna hand to check for herself.Like Dramon her expression also tightened.

She sighed, "Her body is overflowing with mana. Since she has not been awakened, her body is not able to bear the mana."

She eyed Amden and questioned, "Since you are talking so casually it means you know what to do?"

Although this kind of condition was a rare occurrence Dramon and Clara were aware of such instances. The only method they knew of was to awaken the said person, but due to overflowing mana chances of survival were low. One needed a large amount of luck to come out of the awakening alive.

Amden finally replied, "Luna needs to awaken to control the overflowing mana in her body."

Dramon frowned and replied, "But in past chances of survival during awakening were low. And how did she got so much mana?"

Lucas was almost crying hearing this conversation.

Amden replied calmly, "This kind of condition is like a two edged sword. If handled properly it brings quite a few benefits otherwise it brings a lot of harm."

Dramon questioned further, "What do you imply?"

Amden replied, "With the correct method of awakening Luna will get benefits from the overflowing mana in her body."

He then turned towards Luna and tapped her forehead.

He said, "This is Chaotic Mana Circulating Scripture. Visualize this during your awakening. This will keep your mana in control."

Lucas had finally calmed down after hearing the explanation from Amden.

All of them went into one of the training hall of the manor.

Lucas and Luna sat cross legged. Dramon went forward to assist Lucas while Clara went forward to assist Luna.

They also explained the twins how to proceed during the awakening.

Their awakening started and it continued for a very long period of time. Monstrous was the words which described their talent.

While Lucas absorbed quite a few mana stones, Luna mostly used the overflowing mana in her body.

Every member of Vantistart family was stupefied seeing the talent of the twins. They had mostly assumed that Amden had helped them out of pity and had little for their talents.

It was time for the affinity to elements to be revealed. Three three spheres of darkness, fire and thunder formed infront of Lucas. Triple element affinity.

Dramon's jaw dropped seeing this.

Luna awakened the ice, the thunder and the wind element. Another triple affinity.

Everyone in the room was bewildered.

Even Amden was stunned. Although he knew that both of them would be a monstrous talent this was not the extent he had expected.

What he could not guess was the fact that these two would be his greatest weapon that would terrorize the whole of the universe.

Meanwhile Luna's condition had improved significantly. Her physique was not more tolerant to the mana and with time she would absorb all the mana and would be in a normal condition.

On the other hand Lucas was extremely happy seeing his sister getting cured.

For him Amden was no less than god. He made the resolve to serve him loyally forever.

From the earlier conversation between Dramon and Clara he knew that Luna's condition was not something easily curable. It was Amden who had provided the safe method.

Although he did not know that how did Amden knew something that his grandparents did not he did not needed to pry in that matter further.

Dramon laughed loudly. He was genuinely happy for these two child.

Amden asked Cilia, "Help them settle and allot them their rooms. They will stay in the manor."

With Cilia's help both of them arrived near their room. They had been alloted room adjacent to each other.

Before leaving Cilia said in a chilly voice, "Young master trust both of you and have given the both of you a chance. Cherish it well. If you betray him..."

Although Cilia didn't complete her sentence her meaning was clear.

Although Cilia didn't objected to anything what Amden did, she was not ready to trust them completely so soon.

To this warning Lucas and Luna were unfazed. They would never betray Amden.

[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]