
Rise of the Steel Angels

Kye Runewalker was born with it all, looks, wealth and power. With his father being the Archduke of the Runewalker territory, his position in society was set from the moment he was born into the world. What his parents didn't know was that he had lived a life before this where he was a master magic craftsman! All the knowledge he had accrued in his past life was now able to be utilised to the fullest with his newfound resources! Kye died once before because he lacked strength, now with this new chance at life, he's not about to make the same mistakes. ---------- To be transparent, I will release 5 chapters weekly, one each weekday. I try not to miss a day but if I do, you'll still get 5 and I'll do a double release.

Shitler · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


"You know why I am here sister."

Morrigan's voice was cold as ice, she left no room for questions as she threw a gilded scroll of white parchment at her sister who still hadn't gotten dressed. Alayah caught it without missing a beat but didn't bother opening it. She was already aware of the contents, it was notification that she would be subject to an official audit by the two elder gods, their eldest brother and sister.

"I knew this would be coming. I better get ready to accept visitors then."


Morrigan stopped her sister and shot a questioning glare at her.

"You know what this audit is about?"

"Yes, of course. Even though I have done nothing wrong, it was certainly out of place."

Morrigan's hair began to rise and spread out as dark purple mist began to flow out of her feet.

"You know I dislike games sister. Explain."

"Calm down, you are in a sacred place."

Morrigan pulled back the mist and her hair settled itself back down perfectly as it was before. Alayah climbed out of the river and waved her hand, summoning her robes to her. After getting dressed, she beckoned for Morrigan to follow her into her domain.

"You already know about the reason, just that the exact events elude you."

"It's about Kye, then?"

"Exactly. He already died."

Morrigan halted and glared fiercely at Alayah.

"How was I not aware of this? Death is under my purview, I should have been notified as soon as his soul reached the forge."

"It never did reach the forge. I pulled his soul to me before he reached the river."

"Where is he now?"

"Living his new life on Mundus with a new family."

"Why would you do that? Reincarnation is allowed to be handled by us directly should we want to but what is the purpose of reincarnating him if we both wanted him here, with us?"

Alayah sighed as she kept walking until they reached the main hall where in the large empty space in front of her throne now existed a small table with four chairs.


Alayah motioned to one of the chairs for Morrigan to sit in. They both took seats next to one another where Alayah leant back in her chair and stared at the ceiling, dragging a hand down her smooth face.

"I reincarnated him because he had missed out on so much. He would never have come to love us if he remained the way he was. So, I sent his soul into a body that lacked one, a body that was meant to have the soul Kye's would have turned into."

"How did that solve the issue?"

"I let him keep his memories."

Morrigan fell silent before nodding her head once in understanding.

"I get the audit now. While not exactly allowed, other gods have done the same and suffered no consequences. It's just a bit of favouritism, as long as you didn't forcefully change history or take another soul to give him a privileged life then you should be fine."

"I did no such thing."

"So, then he has your blessing?"

"Not yet. I wanted the audit to happen first before I gave it to him. It would have made him easier to find."

They stayed silent for a while after Alayah's answer before timidly speaking up again.

"Can I see him?"

Alayah thought for a moment before flicking her hand, summoning the shimmering screen from before and letting it hover over the table. On the screen was Kye changing his shirt, revealing his immature yet muscular body with all the scars from his previous fights and the recent wounds from being shot. The sharp and cold look on Morrigan's face softened considerably as she gazed at the young man she had fallen in love with. Despite the fact that both sisters loved the same man, no fights had broken out because of it, it was almost as if the twins knew that they would share the same husband no matter who it was.

"What are all the scars from?"

"Fights and such, he has become a considerable fighter in the time he has been in his new body. I will send you all the recording crystals I have been taking so you may catch up on his life thus far."

"Please do."

At that point in time, Vanessa entered the hospital room and greeted Kye while slightly blushing at his topless form. He ignored it and instead hugged her as their morning greeting. Morrigan's eyes lost their light as she stared at the being she recognised as one of her sister's greater angels being intimate with Kye.

"Who is that?"

She asked in an emotionless tone.

"That's Vanessa, the greater angel I made for Kye. They recently established a romantic relationship with one another."

She slowly turned her head to her sister with a look of fury in her eye. Before she could spit the venomous words she had prepared, Alayah waved a hand dismissively at her.

"Send your own if you're so concerned. While having two greater angels would attract attention, it shouldn't cause any problems after the coming audit."

Morrigan regained the life in her eyes and nodded at her sister, still maintaining a glare on her for being so sly. While the sisters knew they would both take the same man, it was still a battle between the two of them for who Kye would fall in love with first. By having a greater angel be his companion, Kye was essentially having a smaller Alayah next to him all the time that would sway his mind towards her. Morrigan was satisfied with sending her own greater angel to Kye to level the playing field but as Alayah had alluded to, it would have to happen after her audit.

As she was thinking those thoughts, a knock resounded from the door of the palace. Without responding, Alayah waved her arm and the door opened to reveal two figures, a male and a female. The male stood at nearly two metres in height and wore an extravagant robe that was made out of a shimmering fabric that reflected the light of every star on its surface. The robe was tied around his waist with a golden sash. His facial features were soft aside from his eyes which had an incredible sharpness to them as if nothing could escape his gaze. His eyes bore no particular colour, instead appearing as if they had the full colour spectrum on the iris. Behind his body was a large white disc that floated at his back. Two rotating golden circles constantly shifted around the circle as they idled, waiting for a task. This was the elder god Krous, the god of space.

The woman beside him was significantly shorter and wore a similarly styled robe but instead of showing the light of the stars, it was a neverending shifting pattern of black spirals contrasted by the deep blue colour of the robe. The sash around her waist was entirely translucent, only making itself known when light shimmered on it causing it to refract the light in itself. Her face was full of sharp features except for her eyes which were wide and rounded. They held no discernable colour and appeared as if they simply did not exist besides the dark outlines of the iris within the eyeball. Behind her was a large clock face of ornate design with golden hour, minute and second hands that constantly ticked. This was the elder god Lerena, the goddess of time.

"Goddess of life, Alayah, we the elder gods have come to audit your recent actions."

"Goddess of life, Alayah, we the elder gods have come to audit your recent actions."

They said in unison. Both Alayah and Morrigan rose from their chairs and bowed deeply to them. Alayah's audit was now about to begin.