
Rise of the Steel Angels

Kye Runewalker was born with it all, looks, wealth and power. With his father being the Archduke of the Runewalker territory, his position in society was set from the moment he was born into the world. What his parents didn't know was that he had lived a life before this where he was a master magic craftsman! All the knowledge he had accrued in his past life was now able to be utilised to the fullest with his newfound resources! Kye died once before because he lacked strength, now with this new chance at life, he's not about to make the same mistakes. ---------- To be transparent, I will release 5 chapters weekly, one each weekday. I try not to miss a day but if I do, you'll still get 5 and I'll do a double release.

Shitler · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


Krous and Lerena walked forward and took their seats at the table with Alayah and Morrigan, the large discs at their backs vanishing as they sat down. There was a moment of awkward silence before Alayah cleared her throat loudly.

"So, elder brother, sister, I know you have come to audit me. Shall we move this along?"

"We have not been served refreshments yet."

Krous stated oh so matter of factly. Alayah sighed inwardly and snapped her fingers upon where two small petty angels came out with a trolley of tea and small biscuits. They placed four cups in front of everyone and the plate of biscuits in the middle of the table, poured the tea and left. The two elder gods gladly sipped down their tea and had a biscuit each with small smiles on their faces. Although they were the most powerful gods in existence, they were everyone's older brother and sister. They cared for all the gods as a family would, this type of audit was only a formality in reality. Alayah would explain what she did and she would be let off with a stern talking to and that was all, of this she had no doubt.

After their brief tea time ended, Lerena looked Alayah directly in the eyes and with a small and gentle look, motioned for her to start talking.

"Elder brother, sister, the involvement I had with the soul of Kye and his reincarnation was not anything that is against the tenants of the gods but rather a case of favouritism. The only thing I directly meddled with in his reincarnation process was that I allowed him to keep his past memories, something that has been done in the past at other gods' requests."

"So, you had no direct hand in delivering his soul to its current body?"

"No, I only returned it to the body in which it should have belonged to if I hadn't taken his soul to talk to him. The circumstances of his birth had nothing to do with my interference."

Lerena looked at Krous who simply closed his eyes and nodded. A bright smile filled Lerena's face and she hugged Alayah into her modest chest.

"Thankfully you didn't do anything untoward towards fate. My cute little sister can surely be forgiven for a little favouritism towards the man she loves, right?"

"I agree with Lerena. You bent the rules but nothing major was violated so we will simply rule this as a case of favouritism and end the audit here. I know you might have been stressed when we said that you were being audited, but there was nothing to worry about after all. One of the eldest gods wouldn't do anything untoward regardless."

Alayah gave a wry smile as she was still in Lerena's embrace but knew this was just how their elder brother and sister were. Having been around for much longer than the others, they adopted more of a parental role than that of an elder sibling with the other gods and they especially doted on Alayah and Morrigan as they were the second eldest pair of gods. Lerena released Alayah and leaned back in her chair with a smile on her face. She tilted her head to the side and shot a questioning look at Alayah.

"Speaking of this man you love, we have yet to see him at all. We looked for him but it is clear you did not give him your blessing. I would very much like to lay eyes on the man who as captured my darling young sister's heart so."

"I concur. I would like to see this man."

Alayah sighed in resignation.

"Fine, I will show you Kye."

She waved her hand and brought up the screen again and made it show Kye's current happenings. He was currently shirtless doing push-ups in the hospital room, his muscles bulging in his arms and back as he went up and down. Morrigan discretely bit her lip a little before giving her head a little shake to dispel her inappropriate thoughts. Alayah blushed slightly but kept her composure as Krous and Lerena's eyes began to glow as they looked at Kye, ignoring his current actions. They were inspecting his soul to see how strong it is and what properties it had. After a few minutes, their eyes stopped glowing and they looked at one another with a concerned look in their eyes.

"Before you say anything, I know his soul is... not in the best shape. He didn't know it at the time, but his upbringing and a certain incident in this life left his soul very damaged. I know he will be fine as time goes on so long as he grows as a person. I have sent him one of my greater angels as a companion and Morrigan will be doing the same. We will make sure he is healed."

The two elder gods nodded in acceptance and rose to their feet, summoning their large discs as they backed away from the furniture. The two sisters got up to say goodbye to them. Lerena gave both of them a small hug while Krous simply bowed slightly and they left the two sisters behind. After they exited the domain, Alayah fell back down onto her seat and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"I'm glad they approved of him. I really didn't want to get into a fight with big bro and big sis over our choice of man."

"I agree, it is a huge relief."

Morrigan didn't take her seat again and instead hugged her sister lightly.

"I should get back to my domain and summon my greater angel for Kye as well as watch those memory crystals you have. Make sure you don't do anything I wouldn't do in the meantime, okay?"

"You know I'm the older twin, right?"

"Only by two seconds."

They both smiled at one another before Morrigan was swallowed by purple mist and disappeared. Alayah sat on the plush chair for a while before picking herself up and taking out a small memory crystal she kept on her person at all times. It was a simple crystal that she had modified to put herself inside the memory for a short period of time. It was a memory of Kye from his past life sleeping, nothing more going on. She would lay beside Kye in the memory and rest for a few hours once every few weeks to regain her energy. After the pressure of having her elder siblings come visit her, she felt she had earned a few hours with memory Kye.