
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Waking Up

Ryuji feeling like his body had been put through 5 years of close-combat (hakuda) training opened his eyes slowly. When his eyes opened all the way a surge of cosmo was released. Scared to lose control of this new energy, Ryuji pulled all the released energy back in.

"This energy is a lot wilder than reiatsu, if I didn't study reiatsu control at the academy I would have lost this small amount of energy I just gained." Ryuji begins to sense inside his new body and noticed the flow of cosmo in his body spiraled in a rotation like a universe. He begins to sense the cosmo flowing around his body, on the ground, in the air, and in everything nearby.

"Let's absorb some of this energy to see how strong I have become." Smiles Ryuji as he slowly gets up and sits up against the wall. After clearing his mind he finds the flow of cosmo nearby and reaches out with his cosmo to pull the flow into his body. As the cosmo flows into his body and combines with his inner universe; it begins to grow and condense, constantly back and forth. Eventually, his body begins to fill full so he stops and stands; looking around to examine his surroundings.

With newfound resolve Ryuji walks forward thinking of what is to come. "Wherever, I am it looks a whole lot better than Soul Society, I just hope there are humans nearby." He makes his way forward through the crevice, slowly getting higher and higher until he finally gets out.

"Fresh air and sunshine, if only big sis Kukaku were here to see this environment. We could have created a vacation mansion here for the clan. I hope they are doing okay, I will one day find my way back to you all, I promise." Assures Ryuji as he walks forward into the giant forest ahead.

"I need to find a town or at least some people so I can get an understanding of this world. Let's hope the locals are friendly to strangers." Laughs Ryuji as he jumps through the trees.

For hours Ryuji maneuvered through the forest looking for signs of a town or a road. Instead of finding any of those he came across a river. Knowing that people usually build towns close to rivers to supply the town, he follows the river through the forest. An hour and a half later he spots buildings in the distance and hears movement nearby.

Ryuji stops in place wondering if he will be able to communicate with whomever he finds. Not knowing what to do he walks forward stepping closer to the village gate. As he gets closer the guards standing by the entrance notice him and begin to step forward.

With their weapons drawn pointing at Ryuji, they begin to speak to him. "Who are you and why have you come to our village?" Asks the guard on the left wary of this new person before him.

"Hi my name is Ryuji, I have become lost in the forest and happen to stumble upon your village. I don't know where I'm at and am very tired from all the walking I have done. Is there a place to stay in the village that accepts strangers?" Asks Ryuji hoping the guards don't attack him for his fake story.

The guards look Ryuji up and down and look at each other. They gather and begin to discuss something before the guard on the right walks away entering the village behind.

"We will allow you into the village for now, however, you will have to speak to the village elder first." Says the guard as he begins to walk to the village escorting Ryuji inside.

As they walk forward Ryuji looks at the guard and questions. "Do you mind if I ask for your name sir?"

"The names William, I've lived in this village for 28 years, your the first visitor we've had in a while. So I hope you stay and don't cause us unwanted trouble." Says William with a smile.

"You won't have to worry about me William, I ran away from home and decided to use this time to train myself to become stronger." With determination in his eyes Ryuji explains his circumstances to William.

With a questioning look William stops and looks at Ryuji. "Why do you wish to get stronger, is there some foe you need to defeat."

In hurried confusion Ryuji responds. "No, No, it's just that where I'm from I was training to be a Royal guard, that will eventually protect our city. After my training I would be sorted into 1 of 13 Royal Squads that are lead by a Captain, who are then lead by the first squad commander who is the head Captain of the whole court."

They both continued to conversate about their situation until William stopped in front of a big building. "Well this is the place, please be respectful to the chief, he will determine if you get to stay or not." Explains William as he knocks on the door.

"Chief are you inside, I got a visitor for you!" Yells William

For a while everything is quiet, however, heavy footsteps begin to sound near the door. The door opens and in sight the form of a man with the visage of a bear steps forward. His body big with muscles, his face scarred and wrinkled, his hair half grey showing signs of old age setting in.

"William who have you brought me this time, I hope its not another punk who doesn't know his place!" Puffs the Chief as he smirks while examining Ryuji.

While examining Ryuji the chief sensed cosmo within him, surprising the man; he begins to think mentally. "I wonder if he is associated with the Saints of Athena?"

William Smiles at the chief. "No chief Harvey, Ryuji was lost in the forest and stumbled upon our village, he asked if there was a place he could stay in."

Harvey nods at the reply and looks towards Ryuji. "Okay, Ryuji is it; let me ask you some questions. Do you have any enemies chasing you that might bring harm to our village?"

Ryuji stares at chief Harvey resolutely. "No, I don't have any enemies; even though I have ran from my home no one will come to get me. Where I'm from I'm not important enough to send a squad to return me back."

Harvey nods in understanding. "Okay, then how did you come to unlock your cosmo, usually only warriors of the gods have that unlocked."

Ryuji stunned of at this discovery is taken aback. "Uh, I was in a crevice near a mountain recently; while meditating I felt cosmo all around me so I willed it to enter my body. Other than that I have no knowledge of how to utilize this energy."

Chief Harvey turns towards the doorway. "Come inside, Ill explain to you about cosmo and how it can be utilized." As Harvey walks forward into the house Ryuji looks towards William who proceeds to nod at him. Ryuji walks inside and notices the furniture placed around the living room, pictures of people standing as a family, and a picture of Chief Harvey standing by a beautiful woman.

"Are these your family; they seem very happy, where are they now?" Asks Ryuji as he examines the photos placed around the wall.

Chief Harvey stops walking and turns around to look at Ryuji. His face is scrounged up, looking as if he had to make a hard decision. " Long ago the village was raided while I was away. The guards were defeated and many people were killed that day. My wife and kids were unfortunate to run into the chief of the bandits.

Harvey closes his eyes the sadness scrounged on his face like a permanent scar. Ryuji in understanding apologizes. "Sorry for bringing up painful memories, I didn't know my question would lead to this."

"Don't worry about that, let's go we have things to discuss." Says Harvey as he turns around and walks through to a door down the hall. He opens the door and walks inside; inside lies a runic circle on the ground.

"Come inside I will tell you about the uses of cosmo and then I will figure out if there is something connected to your fate." Says Harvey with a welcoming grin. Ryuji walks into the room confused on the meaning of Chief Harvey's words.

"Good let us begin; cosmo is a energy that has existed since the Big Bang of the universe. All living things contain it and it flows everywhere ever present. Humanity over the countless generations have learned a way to harness this energy by burning their cosmo. This is an application of creating an small explosion within themselves that resembles the Big Bang." Ryuji nods listening intently to Harvey's words.

"By burning your cosmo you can produce enough energy to perform amazing feats, destroying rocks with your bare hands, punching foes at great distances, and moving at speeds faster than sound. With training you can control your cosmo to achieve greater levels of strength, creating abilities to defeat foes greater in strength to yourself." As Harvey explains cosmo to Ryuji, his hand begins to glow with a bright energy.

"There is a group of warriors that train to control and harness cosmo to protect humanity and its defending god; The Saints of Athena. These Saints are masters of cosmo and the senses utilizing cloths representing the great constellations above. The cloths of these great warriors show what type of warrior you are and help guide the warrior down a path best suited for them." The energy in Harvey's hand begins to take on the form of a warrior in a tight armor. This warrior begins to fight illusionary enemies blasting them with waves of energy.

"I sense a great fate surrounds you and I believe there is something out there that calls out to you." Harvey explains as he cancels the energy projection and steps towards the runic circle.

Ryuji after hearing Harvey's words begins to see visions of a cloaked figure who wields a scythe. This figure while dark and lonesome, carries a sense of holiness and unwavering devotion. the cloaked figure raises his scythe; cosmo gathers around him and begins to form 4 green demonic dragons that rush from the ground. These dragons fly high up into the sky and peer down at the direction of Ryuji, they then lean downward and begin to fall at great speeds in his direction. As the dragons approach they slam into the ground in a blast of energy, that destroys Ryuji's projection removing him from the vision.

Ryuji's eyes begin to regain color as he snaps out of the vision. In front of Ryuji stands Harvey holding his shoulders. "It seems my words have signaled something within you, this could be a sign of your future constellation, tell me what did you see."

Ryuji looks down and thinks about what he just envisioned before. "There was a dark cloaked figure wielding a giant scythe, his form was menacing yet from the figure I sensed peace and a holy nature. The figure then summoned 4 dark dragons that exploded in front of me pushing me out of the vision."

Harvey rubs his beard in thought. "I do not recognize a constellation of that description, it seems you have a new one never seen or heard of. My runic circle won't be helpful in this situation then."

"Tell you what stay hear for now and I will train you in controlling your cosmo for the duration of your stay here." Says Harvey as he walks towards the door. "I will have William show you where you will be staying for now; if you have any questions about food or anything you need ask him. Tomorrow morning, come find me and we will begin your training I will get you started on how to manipulate and control cosmo." Harvey walks to the front of the house and walks up to William.

"William take Ryuji to the empty house out back and get him situated with his basic needs; he will be staying in our village for a while." Harvey gives William orders then walks back into his house.

"Follow me, I'll show you to where you will be staying, then I will bring you to the best place to get food around here." William with a smile plastered on his face begins to walk around the chiefs house.

"The house you will be living in has been empty for a while, but its still good as new. If you notice anything that needs fixing either let me know or do it yourself." William and Ryuji walk up to a old house that has seen better days, but could use a little tlc to get back into shape.

"This is where you will be staying, she isn't much but she is something. Now let's go get something to eat I need to hurry and get back to my watch before the chief fires me." Ryuji laughs at Williams words and begins to follow him through the village.

They walk for a while and eventually come up to a building with a sign that says "Aunt Li's Kitchen". "Aunt Li cooks the best food in the village, your gonna die and go to heaven after this meal." Exclaims William in excitement as they enter the restaurant.

After the meal Ryuji says bye to William and Aunt Li and makes his way back to his new home. He walks inside and examines the place, eventually he comes across a bedroom. The bed seems fine but it could use a dusting off. Ryuji lays on the bed and begins to think about all the things that have happened to him so far. He was used, whisked away to another world, and is now trying to find a way back to his world.

"At least I'm not dead just yet; I wonder what that vision was about, that figure felt so familiar yet I can't seem to remember any figures like that. Guess I'll meditate before I rest, can't become complacent at this point." Ryuji after clearing his thoughts sits in a meditate pose on the bed and begins to infuse cosmo into his body. Like before the universe within his body begins to expand then contract constantly.

Once done Ryuji lays down in the bed and quickly falls asleep. In his soul world his zanpakuto spirit begins to talk out loud. "You must remember my name, only by remembering my name can I truly help you." The Spirit stands in a silent world staring at the sky waiting watching for that fateful day.

In a forest far away, on a path created through the forest, stands a man in golden armor. "Fate seems to be constantly flowing in this direction, it seems if I continue to follow it I will come across this mysterious person." Shijima stands there looking at the sky watching invisible strings that flow in the sky continuously flowing south.

Just before Shijima teleports forward to follow the strings of fate, he senses a presence watching him nearby. " So you people have noticed him as well, I will not allow you to get to him. Your evil will corrupt this person bringing destruction and death to humanity."

"Your reputation Gold Saint Virgo Shijima is true, even when concealing my cosmo to the smallest degree you still discovered me." Replies a voice drifting in the trees.

"Why is a specter of Hades here, is this a sign of the possible resurrection of Hades. Has your master returned already, his vile evil will never corrupt this world while the Saints of Athena still stands. Show yourself worm!" Shijima releasing his cosmo, reaches out with his hand and pulls at the air.

Heavy cosmo surrounds a figure hiding within the trees, the figure is then pulled forward at great speeds towards Shijima. As the figure appears in front of Shijima it is rooted to the ground screaming in pain. The figure is a hunched over man in black armor similar to what the Saints of Athena wear.

"You specters will not get in my way, begone back to your master." Shijima gathers his cosmo and begins to release a attack.

"Tenma Kofuku!" A great blast of cosmo with the essence of Buddhist lotus and death slams into the kneeling specter.

"Ahhhhh" Screams the specter as his body is destroyed.

Shijima calms his cosmo and turns back towards the fate strings. "I must reach this person before Hades's Specters get to him."

Shijima teleports away making his way towards Ryuji's location.

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