
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

The Path Forward

Moving through the air at crazy speeds, Shijima carries Ryuji to the City of Unending Knowledge. A mile out from the city, Shijima descended to the ground dropping Ryuji.

"Let's walk from here, we can talk on the way to the city."

Ryuji nods his head then follows behind Shijima.

"Tell me about the power you possess, it works a lot differently than the techniques we have."

"Well in my word their are Soul Reapers, Hollows, and Quincy's. Soul Reapers send the souls of dead humans to the afterlife, they patrol the living world and Hueco Mundo to destroy Hollows feasting on the souls of the living or dead."

Soul Reapers are the souls of dead humans, who train to wield the power of the Zanpakuto or Kido arts. Reapers are categorized in positions in the 13 Court Guard Squads, each squad is lead by a Captain, a lieutenant, and the seated officers. All 13 squads are lead by the Captain Commander of the first court guard squad.

"Soul reapers train to wield the blade; these blades are called an Asauchi or a nameless Zanpakuto. These Asauchi's are able to connect with the soul of the Soul Reaper and develop a spirit after time communicating."

"Once you are able to communicate with your Zanpakuto spirit, you will have to say it's name to release its power. Zanpakuto's have 2 states of power to be achieved; the Shikai which is the first released state. By saying the release command and name of your Zanpakuto, your blade will transform into whatever form best suits you."

Shijima nods his head as they continue to walk forward.

"The last state is called Bankai, it is the final evolved stage of the Zanpakuto. This state is through long years of training, then through externalizing your Zanpakuto spirit and finally subjugating it. This form possesses five to ten times the power of the shikai state.

"Hollows are the souls of humans that were not able to cross over to Soul Society and after staying too long in the Human world become corrupted. The appearance of an hollow usually has a creepy mask with the body of a demonic monster. Their will also be a hole in the chest of the hollow where the heart would be."

"Hollows can evolve by devouring other hollows eventually becoming a Gillian, then a Adjuchas, and lastly a Vasto Lorde. Vasto Lorde can then evolve into an Arrancar, who gains powers similar to a Shinigami."

"Quincy's are a living being who possesses the power to absorb and control Reishi from their surroundings. They use bows to fight and use a large array of different techniques to fight in battle."

"The power you saw me use was a combination of my Shikai power and the hollow inside of me going on a rampage."

Shijima's eyebrow raises in confusion.

"Wait you have one of those hollows inside of you, how does that work?"

"No idea honestly, before I came to this world I was part of an experiment. The person who experimented on me betrayed me and used my body to fuse a Shinigami and a hollow together."

"At first it didn't work, so I was considered a failure and was to be removed quietly. I ended up being pulled by a space storm and dragged into your world."

"Cosmo entered into my being and nourished my soul, creating a body for my soul to inhabit, forming my Zanpakuto spirit, and fused the hollow within my body perfectly with my soul. My soul was somehow able to use the cosmo in this world as a substitute for Reishi to power my abilities.

"So I have no clue how this is possible, but whatever this is my Zanpakuto spirits say I can eventually utilize it's powers for myself."

"You lived in an interesting world, hopefully I can train you to utilize both your worlds powers and the powers of the cosmo to become more powerful than any gold Saint."

Shijima and Ryuji continue to walk and after a while make their way to the gate of the city. They walk forward and move towards the guards standing watch.

"Lord, gold saint, you have returned and with another, how can I help you today?" Says the guard a smile plastered on his face.

"I won't be needing your services, just carry on with what your doing."

"Yes sir!"

The guards salute Shijima and allow him and Ryuji entry into the city.

"Saints must be well known, for them to respect you that much?" Questions Ryuji.

"They do not respect me, it is the fear of what we are capable of and our fight to protect humanity from it's destruction that keeps them in check."

Ryuji nods his head in understanding looking around at the civilians staring at them. The civilians stare and whisper about the gold saint and the boy following him.

"Come, I need to get you some new clothes to wear and supplies for our trip."

Ryuji rubs his head with a smile on his face, remembering that most of his clothes are destroyed and he is almost naked.

Shijima takes Ryuji to the tailor he previously went to. They get to the store are walk inside, the same woman can be seen standing at the counter looking at them.

"It's good to see you again, how can I help you this time?"

"I need clothes for the boy, enough for a few years of traveling through most environments. Also, we need backpacks to carry our clothes and items."

"Sure, come here sweetie let me measure you then we can find some stuff for you."

"Time goes by and Shijima and Ryuji walk out with 2 big backpacks with lots of clothes. Let's rest at the inn then we can start our adventure and your training."

They walk to the inn and make a reservation for 2 rooms. Ryuji gets to his bed and begins to think about everything that happened.

"I've accomplished my shikai and I can move forward in my training of cosmo. Combining the power of 2 worlds could be very crazy."

"I wonder if I will get one of these cloths that these warriors wear that gives them incredible power?"

Ryuji finishes his thinking session then meditates as usual, then falls to sleep. The next day they both get breakfast and then leave the city.

As they walk out on the plains Shijima stops then turns to Ryuji.

"From now on your training will consist of cosmo control training and training to acquiring your sixth and hopefully seventh sense."

"In the morning I will have you training your cosmo control. I will have you manipulating multiple flows of cosmo while sparing with me. You will need to figure out how to utilize the least amount of cosmo with the most efficiency."

"In the afternoon, we will spar and get you combat experience up when dealing with other cosmo wielders."

"At night, you will meditate and sense with your body and soul every aspect of the universe and cosmos. When you can sense the flow of space, time, life and death, and fate around you then you will have to grab hold of those aspects and will them to accomplish whatever you desire."

"During our sparing matches, use your Soul Reaper powers, you will need all the practice you can get utilizing all of your abilities in combat."

Shijima begins to drop his things on the ground and flare up his cosmo pressuring Ryuji.

"Now then let's begin!"