
Forest of Death part9/ Grog

"Emilia! Where are you?!" yelled Dorian, The last thing He remembered was Emilia shooting down like a meteor at the dragon.

In front of them was a large cloud of dust, suddenly...*Fowsh* Emilia walked out of the cloud in her human form.

"Is it still alive?" asked Sasori.

"Yes, but barely" she said.

"Alright, do it" Sasori said to Dorian.

Dorian then walked and with a chant the dust cloud dispeared, showing the enormous form of the earth dragon.

The dragon was severely injured, but his eyes didn't leave Dorian's.

"Mr Earth Dragon, at first i wanted to make you a mindless dark creature, but now i want to give you a chance to make a contract with me." said Dorian.

Dragons are an intelligent creature they can understand the meaning behind sentences, the Earth Dragon understood that Dorian wanted to enslave it at first but it's intelligence and might had won his respect, and wanted to make contact.

After a few minutes the dragon's eyes opned and the hostility vanished, replaced by hope.

Dorian eyes shone with happiness, he then touched the dragon forhead, and light shone on both of them.

"Alrigh Grog, now i will unsummon you to heal" said Dorian smiling at the giant dragon.

The dragon noded and vanished.

"Grog?" said Emilia

"Yes, short for Grogumi'Raa" said Dorian.

"How much time it will take you to summon it?" asked Sasori.

"About 3-6 months, he was lucky to survive that attack." Dorian said.

"Alright let's find a safe place to camp, we move at dawn." asked Emilia.

Dorian and Emilia noded.


At dawn the trio were riding mounts moving through the forest, suddenly Dorian who was lying on his mount lazily, opned his eyes.

"My summon found a large group of competitors 10 km west, but it was shot down by a high lvl archer before i could collect more informations" he said lazily.

"How strong is the archer?" asked Sasori.

"About lvl 13" said Dorian.

"Ignore them, our first priority is to hit lvl 15 as soon as possible." said Sasori.

"We still have 2 years we will achieve lvl 15 sooner or later, so why the rush?" asked Emilia as she patted her mount mane.

"The beasts in the forest are getting stronger the more we advance, i sensed a lvl 16 beast a while ago" said Sasori.

"W-what a lvl 16 beast?!" Emilia's eyes winded.

"Thats not a good thing" Dorian said

"The centre of the island must be where the strongest beasts live, we need to be at least lvl 15 to survive there." said Sasori.

"Heh, this Competition is more interesting than... Wait." Said Dorian.

"What?" asked Emilia.

"The path ahead is bloked by a large group of competitors." Said Dorian.

"Can we bypass them?" Asked Sasori.

"No, the force field in the sky is keeping us from flying" said Dorian.

"We don't have any other choice huh?" said Sasori.

"What's the plan boss?" said Dorian exitedly.

Sasori raised an eyebrow at Dorian.

"We will crush them" said Sasori, as he took a bootle of Purple liquid from his storage seal.


Sorry guys for not updating this Junkfic... I-i mean Fanfiction, i had problems... alot of problems, and i felt lazy.

Anyways i will try to write more from now on, and Merry Christmas.

Ps: If you have any suggestions plz do tell.

DemonSectcreators' thoughts