
Forest of Death part/19 past/8


A beam of energy was shot at the old man.

"Gaaaaaaah" roared the old man in pain.

'Now, chosen one!' Ceaser heard a familiar voice, it was the unicorn, but he felt the life force leaving its body, he grabbed his sword and concentrated his energy at the tip.


"Nooooooo!" the Goldman who noticed Ceaser roared in unwillingness, his body was temporarily weakened.

Ceaser stabbed at the old man, this the barrier broke easily.


Silver energy exploded, turning the old man to ash.

Light shone on Ceaser, a sign that indicates a breakthrough, but Ceaser didn't celebrate his advancement to level 17, he rushed at the Unicorn, but he only found a corpse.


Inside an old looking temple, Sasori left the butler and Emilia with a shadow clone and decided to follow the whispers, he noticed that only he could hear them.

He noticed scorpion drawings on the walls, the darkness seemed to fade the more he walked, Sasori guessed that some great entity was allowing him to see what Emilia didn't.

The more he walked, the clearer the whispers sounded, but he could not understand the meaning behind them.

Finally, he arrived at a large stone door.


The door began to open, the moment Sasori approached.

The room was large and empty, except a simple stone coffin, Sasori walked closer and the coffin seemed to magically open.

'This is?!' instead of a corpse, Sasori found a living scorpion.

The scorpion was black, like the night sky shining dots filled its body. (Author: Scorpion+Galaxy)

The scorpion looked at Sasori in curiosity.

Sasori tensed, his hand moved without his control to the scorpion.

Sasori was sweating heavily, he tried to move but he failed, the scorpion then moved to his hand, and prepared its tail for an attack.

'Damn it' Sasori cursed, he was immune to poisons, but a stung from a scorpion strong enough to ignore the barrier between reality and illusion is not something he can survive.


The scorpion stung Sasori...


Inside another room, the butler was holding a black armored by the neck, Young Emilia was unconscious.

"What did you say?!" Said the butler coldly

"I-i swear the master and even lord Darwin are dead, I'm the only survivor!" said the soldier in fear.

"Hahahahaha! Sulkan's legacy will be mine hahaha!" he said as he throws the soldier.

"Y-yes *cough*," said the soldier.

"Then what happened to that knight?" asked the butler.

"My lord, he is severely injured, he lost an arm and his mount," he said.

"Good, now to make this work I need the girl give me her blood essence willingly," the butler said as he began to think.

"Guard the entrance outside" he ordered.

"Yes!" said the soldier as he runs.

"*Yawn*where are we uncle wade?" asked Emilia as she woke up, but she began to tremble when she remembered everything.

"young miss, you don't remember?..." he touched young Emilia forehead and altered her memory he made her see her father arriving from a portal but he was killed by Ceaser, his final words were for her to follow and listen to the butler.

"*sob* father..." then she began to cry.

"Young miss, we need to find a way back home, you can avenge your father later," he said.

"Hn" she nodded with determination.

"Now this might sting a little but I need to some of your blood to open the portal, can you give me your hand?" he said.

"O-okay," she said as she handed her hand.

The Butler took a dagger from his sleeves and when he was about to draw some blood...


Sorry, I know this arc is boring for some of you action addict fans, but don't worry you won't have to wait or quit.

As you see in this chapter Sasori will not be limited to Energy, now he has bloodline powers Yaay!

DemonSectcreators' thoughts