
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Springing the trap


This chapter contains graphic scenes of violence and blood shed.


When Vinncent threw the rock into a dense bush he could not have dreamed of a better outcome. The group of horsemen were so on guard that they all abandoned their watch over their surroundings to focus on Vinncents decoy. When Vinncent saw one of the men getting off his horse to investigate he made a note of the man's intelligence. "So he's smart enough to know that he will have a better chance on the ground than on his horse. He will be challenging to deal with if that is not the extent of his knowledge." Then as the man pushed the branches aside with his sword and the rock fell from its perch so did Vinncent leap from his. The man Cried out "Ambush" however it was too late.

Vinncents intended target was who he assumed to be the commanding officer judging by his choice of plate mail over the others leather armor. Pulling his left arm back Vinncent extended his fingers and slashed the man's neck. His claws made swift work of the man as their sharpened edges cut through flesh and bone as though the man's exposed neck was made of clay. When Vinncent landed on the ground all of the horses began to panic and began bucking two of them knocking off their riders while the horse of the man on the ground and the horse of the now dead commander bolted through the forest. Taking advantage of the chaos Vinncent leapt toward the man near the bush.


Seeing the Demon coming toward him, Holbrook lifted his sword to try and block the demon's claws only for its tail to slash his flank before it disappeared into the dense foliage of the forest. As Holbrook began to feel blood spurting from his open wound he quickly switched his sword to his left hand and applied pressure to slow the bleeding. "Lyveryche can I get a heal?" he said with a small smile "I will be right there hold on!" she said as she pulled herself off of the ground and ran to his side. "Damn it that hurt!" Alikok said as he too got off of the ground and dusted off his ass. "That means your alive Alikok. After all that's how it should be." Cheberell said from his horse. "Stop the senseless jabor you two!" Delabere scolded "That demons still out there it might be back for more at any second." grouping back together the squad of five pulled away from the forest into a more open patch of the forest. "How much longer until Holbrook is patched up?" Delabere asked "Not much longer." Lyveryche said "however the wound was rather deep despite it hitting his armor." as his skin began to melt over where his wound had once been Holbrook took the liberty to inspect his armor. "I'm not surprised that its tail pierced my armor considering it so easily decapitated the captain." He said while looking at the large gash in his chest piece.

"We grossly underestimated the demon." Delabere shook his head as he looked toward where the group had been ambushed. "We were warned of its intelligence as well as saw the effects of its magic. We cannot afford to make that mistake again!" Cheberell said from atop his horse. "He's right we need to regroup." Lyverynche said as she finished healing Holbrook. Immediately the group pulled into a circular formation facing toward the forest around them. All five of the guards looked out into the forest waiting for the demon to appear. The only noises heard were the whinnies and steps of the horses as they nervously shifted about and the gentle sound of leaves rustling in the wind.


When Vinncent jumped past the man who he assumed to be Holbrook he was not surprised to see the man raise his sword so as to try and defend himself from Vinncents claws. Seeing an opening Vinncent used the man's preparation for an immediate attack he opted to use his tail to slash and hopefully immobilize him as he passed. As the dense vegetation encapsulated him Vinncent could feel his tail carving through Holbrooks' side. When his whole being was concealed by the dense foliage, Vinncent lowered himself to the point of almost being prone as he slowly stalked in the forest around the group.

Vinncent was rather surprised by the calm demeanor of the group considering that he had just beheaded their commanding officer right before their eyes. He had an undeniable respect for them as it takes much courage and experience to overcome an encounter like they had just faced. "I do not doubt that they would grieve later." However I cannot afford to allow them such a luxury." Vinncent thought the severity of the truth weighing heavily on him "If they escape they can tell others of my whereabouts and current condition, and what they have learned. Although it pains me I cannot let them leave this forest alive."

Quietly moving around and avoiding moving too close to the group Vinncent learned some more about them.

Apparently the woman was named Lyveryche. Judging by how she was able to heal the wounded Holbrook Vinncent came to the conclusion that she was a magician, and likely the most dangerous member of the group. The two men that still rode their horses were either idiots or were confident in their control over their mounts. (A.N. Although horses can be good in battle they are better suited for hit & run tactics, as if the horse is taken down or spooked it can put the rider in a compromised position giving an opponent the upper hand) It was hard to discern if there was any secondary commander amongst the group as both of the men on the horses and Holbrook seemed as though they were filling the role. As the group began to form a circle Vinncent quietly crept through the forest undergrowth before coming to a tree just before it began to thin. Waiting until the next gust of wind he then quickly and quietly climbed up into the tree setting himself on a higher branch with an opening toward a tree closer to the group's location. Vinncent once again waited for the wind before jumping into the other tree rustling the leaves and causing some to fall.


Alikok had been excited for this expedition. He had always wanted to be an adventurer however his dream had been cruely crushed when he found that most adventurers were not but thieves and bandits in disguise. With his dream lost he had become a guard. He was proud of what he did although he occasionally had to do boring grunt work. Alikok was part of a guard that protected a village that was almost considered a town. This "Demon Hunt'' was about the closest thing that he had experienced to true adventuring. He had expected some blood and maybe death. However, the rate at which both were exposed caused him to panic as the tainted thought of his untimely demise began to make itself prevalent.

His mind had been eased ever so slightly when the group began to form a circle. Their backs to one another gave Alikok a sense of security amongst the intimidating forest before him and its hidden horrors. When the wind rustled the leaves on the trees Alikok could have sworn that he heard a rapid rustling amongst the calm. "Did you guys hear that?" he asked still unnerved from his thoughts. "Hear what?" Cheberell asked the young man with a grunt. "The leaves in the trees are rustling!" Alikok said prompting a groan from the group "It's just the wind moving the tree branches Alikok." Delebere told him. Suddenly the wind picked up again rustling the leafs slightly harder. Alikok again heard an out of place rustling among the rhythmic sound of the swaying leafs. "There! There it is again!" once again the group groaned Alikok turned his back to the surrounding forest. "I am telling you that I heard something! I am not going insane!" Alikok affirmed with a slight growl. "Yes I'm sure Alikok." Cheberell mocked "It's not as though you face danger every day."

"What do you mean to say Cheberell?" Alikok asked, his face beginning to burn red with anger. "Your a second rate guard Alikok." Cheberell said "You only do grunt work, you barely can lift a sword and I am almost positive that when the demon killed Captain Perot that you soiled yourself." "Why you son of a whore I'll rip your throat out." Alikok said as he swung his sword while lunging for Cheberell. Laughing Cheberell easily parried Alikakos' attack, knocking the sword from his hands. "I believe that proves my point." Cheberell said smugly as the wind once again blew through the forest.

Lyveryche was starting to become angered by the two idiots fighting like children in a life or death situation. She was just about to get involved and try to break the two of them apart when she heard a rapid rustling of the tree leaves. "Guys shut up did you hear that!" she said over her shoulder as she kept her eyes on the forest. "You heard it too right? The leaves?" Alikok asked in a faint voice. Lyveryche nodded, Alikok was right there was definitely something else besides the wind moving amongst the trees. "Oh come on now Lyveryche." Cheberell said "Don't tell me you actually believe him now."

Alikok began to go silently cheer to himself as he went to grab his sword completely disregarding the growing uneasiness in his stomach. "Alikok get back here it's too risky to retrieve your sword!" Holbrook commanded only a few feet away from the sword Alikok looked back over his shoulder and said "I will be quick beside the nearest place that anything could hide is...'' without warning the leaves of the tree closest to Alikok's sword violently burst apart as the demon sprung forward. It leapt from the branches to Alikok as though the distance was of no matter before impaling the man on its tail.


Vinncent had taken his time moving from tree to tree. He waited for the wind to pick up and rustle the leaves so as to try and mask his movements however it seemed that one of the guards heard him. Vinncent had been in the tree just before the tree closest to the group when he heard them begin to fight amongst themselves. When he got to the tree closest to the group Vinncent could see that their previously impeccable formation was now missing a man. Looking around Vinncent saw a younger man walking toward a sword that had partially embedded itself into the ground. When the man made the mistake of looking to his comrades Vinncent made his move. Leaping from the tree branches he lunged towards the young man shoving him to the ground with his hands before moving slightly to the side to allow his tail to skewer the poor man. His spear headed tail met no resistance despite the presence of leather armor. It pierced through the man's stomach only stopping just before the head of the tail embedded itself too far into the ground.

Lifting his tail Vinncent quickly lashed it backwards flinging the man off and into the tree behind them. A large hole now lay in his stomach, his intestines strung between him and the hilt of his sword as blood began to seep from the wound and his mouth. Vinncent quickly let out a loud hiss startling the remaining two horses as they bucked off their riders and kicked Lyveryche and Holbrook in the sides before fleeing into the forest. Taking advantage of the situation Vinncent charged forward and lept on top of Holbrook before any of the guards could get up. Forcing the man down by the shoulders, Vinncent Pierced Holbrooks skull with his inner jaw. The look of horrified surprise still plastered on his face.

Jaw dripping with blood and brain tissue Vinncent then ran for one of the downed horsemen. Seeing him coming the man lifted his sword to try and impale Vinncent when he fell upon him. Realizing the man's intent Vinncent ran past the man surprising him before turning back and slicing his throat just below the jaw. The man quickly dropped his sword as he used both hands to cover the gash. When he tried to speak blood poured from his throat as his tongue slipped through the gap causing a sick bubbling to be heard. Looking up from his gruesome kill, Vinncent could see the other horseman Cheberell on his feet, his sword raised and eyes rapidly moving about the scene before him.

After setting himself on all fours Vinncent ran toward him. Caught off guard by his opponents sudden change in movements Cheberell swung his sword too early allowing Vinncent to cut off his right arm as he passed him before using his tail to pierce the man's skull from behind. Flicking off the kill, Vinncent turned toward Lyveryche. As he prepared to charge Vinncent noticed a fire ball quickly approaching him. Lunging to his left he just narrowly managed to avoid it before another one approached. Vinncent lunged to his right before running forward toward its source.

Lyveryche frantically cast one fireball after another. Each one barely slowed the demon as it approached her. Before she could cast it a seventh time the demon lunged at her Lyveryche screamed as she put her arms in front of her. Trying to stop the demon by some means however it did nothing. Her arms only daintily pressed the demon's skin as it forced her to the ground its hands on her shoulders and knees on her shins. Immobilized Lyveryche could only cry and wait for the demon to kill her.

Then she suddenly felt another presence in her mind as though she was not alone in her own body. "You fought admirably." It said "I wish that I could let you live as it pains me to kill you. However I cannot have others know where I am." It continued "Plea... Please Let... Let me live." Lyveryche cried "I am sorry but that is something that I cannot allow." The voice said Lyveryche heard sorrow in its words "However I can and shall give you a painless death." The demon then proceeded to get off of her and even lift her off of the ground by her armpits. It quickly ran behind her grabbing her chin and back of her head. "I am truly sorry. I wish that it would not have come to this. The strings of fate have twined us together." the voice said "I will see you soon but please do not wait for me." the voice said its words almost sounding like they were cried rather than spoke. Lyveryche smiled as she was about to die by the hands of a demon and yet it had the consciousness to apologize and show her mercy. Sighing, Lyveryche closed her eyes and said "Thank you." before the demon delivered on its word and snapped her neck in one swift motion.

Vinncent caught the limp body of the woman as it fell toward the ground gently laying her on her back. He had meant what he said, he truly did not want to kill her, any of them for that matter. They had only been doing their job as guards and were attempting to protect the village to the best of their ability. Vinncent felt vile for having to kill them although if he didn't he would put Llorva and himself in danger by allowing them to live and report his location.

Turning away from the scene Vinncent began toward the area where he had left Llorva. After a bit of searching Vinncent heard Llorva calling out for him and proceeded to climb the tree with the voice in it. Up in its branches Llorva sat, still lounging amongst the branches smiling as she saw Vinncent poke his head up lower on the tree. "How did it go?" she asked with some concern in her voice. "Not to bad however we should get moving the bodies will attract predators." Vinncent said in her mind.

Nodding Llorva climbed amongst the branches until she was on Vinncents back, her legs around his waist and arms under his armpits. "You don't mind if I ride your back right?" Llorva asked "Not at all just hold on alright." Vinncent began to slowly climb down the tree making sure Llorva held on tight even using his tail as a brace against her back. Soon the pair reached the ground. Vinncent knelt down to allow Llorva to easily slide off and onto the ground before changing into his human form.

Hope everyone is enjoying the story thus far. Reminder to everyone that chapters like this are part of why the story is rated 17+. Stay safe and practice the proper procedures to protect yourself from the resegence of the corona virus. Otherwise thank you all for taking the time to read and possibly enjoy my shoddy story.

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