
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

Spreading The Flames Pt. 1

In the middle of a silent forest, under the light of the full moon a massive vortex similar to a galaxy took form. As the vortex opened wider the clear sky quickly filled with thick clouds and lightning began to arc while thunder rolled over the distant surroundings. Then as the first Xenomorph pulled itself out of the portal the clouds began to let loose rain. As more Xenomorph's came through the rain became stronger until the point where it fell with such force that no man would be able to stand under its pressure. Atleast, that was how strong it looked. However, Upon closer inspection the rain was ethereal and seemed to pass straight through the tides of Xenomorphs and fall straight to the ground where plantlife grew at an accelerated pace.

As the heavyweights of the Xenomorph vanguard came through they stood on either side of the portal and faced out toward the forest. No sooner had they done so had Vinncent and Kali stepped out of the portal onto the four foot tall grasses. Standing before the portal Vinncent was amazed to see that the grass had grown taller than when he left. While he had made sure to put the portal close to the mouth of the mine he was surprised to see how quickly a path had been trampled between where he stood and the mine entrance from the path small trails had been started. Likely from the scouts going out into the environment to check the surrounding area and status of the Orc's.

Looking behind him Vinncent saw Kali looking at the surrounding forest while occasionally looking back at the portal. After repeating this a couple of times Kali looked to Vincent and the mine's entrance where some drones had begun the expansion while runners moved the loose rock out of the mine and into the area around the entrance.

"How long will it take for the drones to finish the expansion of the first floor?"

"It shouldn't take longer than first light for the floor to be expanded with the rest of the hive focused on relocating resources from the old nest."

"Sounds good, and how are the rest of your brood coming on the relocation?"

"So far they have gathered the young and the human weapons in chambers near the portal. However, they are having trouble moving the eggs and some of the more conscious hosts."

"I see, would it help speed up the process if you had a few of the chrysalids or runners start moving the weapons down to one of the lower floors? Maybe even send some drones with them to start construction of a storage chamber to put them in."

"The chrysalids are more adept at moving smaller items than hosts and eggs... Very well, I agree with your logic. I have ordered a moderate group of Chrysalids to gather and begin moving the human weapons. There is also a group of drones and crushers coming to speed up the excavation and extraction of debris from the new hive."

"That should be more than enough to help speed up the move. Have the scouts discovered anything in regards to the Orc's wareabouts yet?"

"They have. It appears that there are currently four orc's patrolling in two groups around the warehouse you previously described. Shall I have the scouts take the enemy?"

Vinncent looked off into the forest toward the warehouse as he thought.

"No, I shall go into the forest. Have the scouts lure or flush them to me. I leave the command of the move to your discretion, Do what you see fit to speed up and streamline the process."

Vinncent walked slowly into the forest toward the Orc's warehouse, the once silent forest came alive with the sound of broken trees and crushed brush. In his wake a path clear of tree limbs and saplings began to take form.

Meanwhile, deeper in the forest Mabub was patroling the outer perimeter of his tribe's territory with his partner Onog. Their chief Targhed the mighty, had left with everyone else but Larek, Zurgug and Onog to raid a group of Umies to the north in an effort to get food and supplies for the tribe. It had only been a day when Onog came back from night patrol saying that he had found a Umie mine. While they were all excited to explore it, It was best to wait for Targhed to come back with the other orcs and then investigate. Thus they had reluctantly returned to guard duty where Mabub had to listen to Onog's whining.

"Why ain't wes exploren da mine? We could ave lots of loot for da chief when he comes back."

"Wes ain't looken cause it ain't safe ya git. 'Ho knows what's down en dat mine. Could be loot or could be Umies layen ta clober us."

"Da chief coulda looked in da mine for Umies seein as he went ta go attack'em? Maybe theres a female Umie wit some food willen ta give some company!"

"You Git! Da chief didn know about da mine an still don't know, How's he supposta look if he don't know bout it?! An what you want more foot for you grot wes just ate.

"Well I'm still ungry dem berries wasn't very filling."

"You ate da whole bush of em ya git an left none for me."

"You was being slow I..." Onog stopped and looked out into the forest, squinting his eyes.

"Did you see dat? I tink there's sometan in da trees... There it is ya see it!" He joyfully said pointing with a meaty green finger.

"I don't see what ya..." Mabub stopped as he saw it. Illuminated by the moonlight a shiny malformed tree cat darted through the undergrowth.

"Ya saw it! Did ya see it? Les get da kitty an cook it!"

"Onog dat didn't look like no kitty ta... ONOG DON'T YA GIT!" Mabub tried to warn his partner as he chased after the strange creature.


"ONOG COME BACK ERE YA GIT!" Mabub had no choice but to chase after Onog as he stupidly chased the weird beast.

As he shouted continuously to his partner to come back Mabub noticed that they were heading toward the shelter.


"Lark, Zurgug Ave you seen da kitty coming dis way? I's thinkin we cook it and eats it."

Mabub felt wrong, why would they come across Lark and Zurgug after Onog chased the beast? Was it a trap or coincidence? Exiting the forest and seeing Lark, Zurgug and Onog together Mabub couldn't tell until he heard trees breaking in the forest to his left between him and the trio.

"Onog I think ya kitty just got its mama! An I don't tink she appy!" Mabub said as he started backing up toward the shelter with his ax in hand as the other three watched the forest.

"Let's eat this one too! It sounds like its a biggin!" Onog was in a deep hunger induced trance and thus, failed to recognize the danger that the creature emerging from the forest posed.

Lark, Zurgug, and Mabub watched in terror as the creature's towering form emerged. They noticed its massive hands that could easily pick them up. It's long legs and arms. Then they looked at the prominent head and its vicious jaws. The head alone was as big as the human carts that they had attacked when the road was still part of a prominent trade route. Scared for their lives Zurgug and Lark did their best to become statues, Knowing the outcome of their encounter Mabub turned and ran as fast as he could toward the shelter.

"RUUUNNNNNNN!" He cried as he ran past his three companions ignoring the betrayed looks of Lark and Zurgug.

Vinncent was rather amused listening too and watching the Orcs. Truth be told he couldn't help but feel like he was reenacting a scene from one of the movies he watched as a child. Deciding that the moment to enjoy the skit before him was over he charged at the group of three. Two of them having realized the failure of their ploy turned to run while grabbing the third to drag him alone. Unfortunately for them Vinncent's legs weren't simply for show, in five colossal strides he was before them swinging his tail to knock them off their feet. As the orcs were sent flying by the force of his attack he chased after them pulverizing their femurs while they laid on the ground by stepping on them, punching them and using his tail.

Moving on to the fleeing Orc, Vinncent looked back as a mixed group of Warriors, Drones and Runners came to finish subduing the wounded prey. Soon he reached the fleeing Orc and kept pace just behind him as he enjoyed a simple game of cat and mouse. Tiring of his game as quickly as he had started it, Vinncent grabbed the Orc by the torso and walked back to the hive while his captive made a futile attempt to escape his grasp. Eventually the Orc Mabub stopped struggling and accepted that he was going to likely die a horrible death. In ten minutes Vinncent and the group of xenomorphs returned to the hive the mine entrance was now large enough for Vinncent to fit through and a field of debris had been made to make the terrain to the entrance unnavigable to any bipedal creature. The xenomorphs faced no issue as they crawled over the terrain and Vinncent simply strode over or around the majority of the obstacles. By the entrance of the mine Drones and runners moved rocks piled along the walls to the ever growing debris field. While inside others clawed away at the walls alongside ravagers who made deep cuts in the stone and praetorians who used their acidic saliva to erode the rock with precision. The rubble that fell away was shoveled to the piles at the entrance by crushers who used their large heads like a bulldozer and the smaller trails were swept up by runners who cupped their hands together to use as a drag net. Releasing the Orc in his hands to a group of drones below, Vinncent walked up the face of the hill that the mine was underneath at the toward the peak Kali basked in the moonlight as it reflected off her exoskeleton and illuminated the forest around her like a dancer in a spot light.

Sorry for taking so long to post but you know the drill this is a side project of mine and I don't really work on it very often. Either way enjoy.

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