
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

Forest walk pt. 2

Vinncents claws made short work of the ground around the entrance. Any small roots were quickly cut by his sharp claws while larger roots were left alone for now. Llorva worked behind Vinncent to spread the excavated dirt and roots evenly throughout the area.

After roughly seven minutes when the hole to the hollow was wide enough to crawl through. Vinncent checked the barrier, the once viscous amber secretion had now turned jet black with a metallic sheen to its surface similar to obsidian. Grabbing the barrier by either side of its base he gently moved it to the hollow entrance.

As the edges of the barrier entered the hole Vinncent let go. With a small thump it fell onto the hole it's rims barely prevented it from falling into the hollow. Making notes he then pulled the barrier out of the hole and twisted its peak into the ground nearby and began to secrete more resin. Gently molding it to be a better lip for the barrier.

A few seconds later when the resin hardened to a strong enough state he once again fit it into the hole. Then taking a mass of sticks and leaves from various places nearby and piling them in front of the plug he released the last of his resin. With barely enough resin Vinncent managed to finish the plug after sprinkling leaves over the available surfaces.

After a minute Vinncent removed the plug and changed back to his human form. While his previous form turned to ashes behind him Vinncent went into the hollow. Gently crawling in on his back Vinncent slipped into the hollow after falling a small distance to the floor. He was pleased to find that the floor of the hollow instead of being dirt and stone was instead a layer of soft moss. Getting up he looked up to the entrance four feet above the floor.

"Alright Llorva come on in but watch out the entrance has a bit of height to it."

Llorva slowly crawled into the hollow on her hands and knees. Seeing what Vinncent meant Llorva asked.

"Vinncent would you be able to help me down?"

"Sure." Vinncent said as he extended his hand out to Llorva

"Thank you." Llorva said while taking his hand as she repositioned herself in the available space so as to land on her feet.

Once Llorva was in the hollow Vinncent jumped up into the hole. Stepping out as the last light disappeared beyond the horizon he grabbed the point of the plug and pulled it behind him as he re-entered the hole, thus sealing the entrance behind him. Making sure the plug was snuggly in place with a couple of tugs he turned around to look into the hollow.

Although pitch black it only took a minute for Vinncents eyes to adjust from the low light outside to the pitch black of the hollow. Once his eyes adjusted he could see Llorva kneeling by the brook. Although dark Vinncent could still make out her long blonde hair stretching to the middle of her back and the silhouette of her arms moving to bring her cupped hands from the brook to her mouth.

Vinncent walked to an area of the brook downstream of Llorva and immersed himself in the water. Taking his time to wash off the dirt and sweat that covered his body. Getting out of the water he walked back toward the wall of the hollow and sat on the soft moss covered floor. Llorva stood up not long after before walking to the opposite side and gingerly laying on her back looked to Vinncent.

"Vinncent, Do you think that the barrier will fool anyone who comes looking for us?"

"I do, especially since there seems to be almost no moon light. If anyone was trying they would likely wait until the morning."

"I'll hold you to your word."

"I would expect nothing less."

A silence fell upon the duo before Llorva interrupted.

"So what do you plan on doing when you reach Heustead?"

"First I have to see how badly oppressed the inhabitants are before I can make a decisive move. However, I don't doubt that they are rather beaten down. In which case I may need to forcefully liberate. Especially since any coup I try and stage would likely be stopped by either the people or the governing officials."

"And how are you going to liberate them? You may have other forms that are deadlier than your demon but its still just you against an entire garrison, It would be suiside."

Having already come to this conclusion Vinncent tried to key Llorva in on his plans.

"Does your world have a bible?"

"Im sorry but what does that have to do with this?"

"It has everything to do with what is to come, Llorva I am going to assume there is a bible in this world just as there is one mine. Although the events may differ they should have similar stories."

"Alright so what are you getting at?"

"In my world's bible there is a story about a holy artifact called the ark of the covenant that is said to house the two stone tablets engraved with the ten commandments of god. During the siege of Jericho it is written that for seven days and seven nights the leader of the Israelites, Joshua, instructed the priests carrying the ark of the covenant to circle the great walls of Jericho while blowing trumpets as they were quietly escorted by soldiers. On the seventh day the walls fell and everyone in the city perished except for a prostitute and her family who helped Joshua carry out gods plan."

"Okay so what are you saying? Are you going to slaughter everyone in Heausted that contests your decree and spare those who don't?!" Llorvas face paled as she realized the implication of Vinncents words.

"No, I am going to kill the guilty and raise the innocent. Many would oppose me either because they are forced or willing. If I were to kill the opposers I would end up killing the innocent and thus lead away from the path of salvation and toward damnation."

"So what is your criteria for being guilty?"

"Since some may have been forced to abuse others the sentences will vary depending upon their actions. Slavers and major slave owners will be killed with no question. Minor slave owners and physical and/ or verbal abusers may lose a limb or two. As for the guards and governing officials they will have to die inorder to set about the creation of a new governing system that is inclusive in rights and rule to the former oppressed."

"It's great that you have a plan for after conquest but how are you going to get there? Like I said before it's just you against an entire garrison. There is no army to back you up or to carry any divine artifact."

"Llorva I do believe you're missing a detail in there."

"What detail did I miss? The size of the garrison or your odds of winning?"

"What you missed was that I had no army, Yet."

"And how exactly do you plan to do that? You already said that any attempt to make a Coup or army would be squandered by the guards."

"I'll take care of it in the future but first we must reach our destination."

Vinncent smiled as he rolled over to face the wall with his back to her.

"Goodnight, Llorva"

"Are you seriously just gonna stop there and not tell me anymore?!" Llorva said a little surprised and offended by his actions.

"Yep, I do. We need sleep and talking won't help."

"Fine don't tell me then." she said as she too rolled over to sleep.

short chapter however I plan on hopefuly updating more frequently as I work on the story during my break between classes. Hope everyone is doing well, any and all comments are welcome.

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