
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs


The next morning Vinncent was awoken by a loud ruckus next to the bed. Opening his eyes Vinncent saw Samantha standing in the corner of the house in a slight crouch and holding either wall as though her life depended on it. Her eyes were wide with panic and her mouth was quivering. Smiling Vinncent pulled himself to sit on the side of the bed. "Goodmorning my dear why are you so distraught?" Vinncent asked with a smile. "We... We didn't..." Samantha stammered. Laughing as Vinncent got out of bed hiding his crotch with a hand while walking toward the dresser. "No my dear we did not." Vinncent eased "Although you did tell me how you felt before you passed out drunk." he said smiling, Samantha's face turned white "Wha... What... Did I say?!?" She stuttered in a surprised panic. After putting on a pair of pants Vinncent slowly approached the panicking Samantha. As he approached he couldn't help but smile as her eyes quickly glanced at his muscular chest.

When he reached her he took her chin between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand and lifted her head until her eyes met his. As he did so he could feel Samantha tense and her breathing quicken as her panicked eyes looked into his "My eyes are up here my dear." Vinncent said with a gentle teasing smile. Samantha began to furiously blush and began to stammer. "I... I'm sor..."

"Ssshh, there is no need to apologize my dear, heaven is full of temptations." he said with a wicked smile "So do you want to know what you said last night." Vinncent teased the frightened woman "What... What did I say?" Samantha said with a quieter and calmer voice. Vinncent leaned in next to her ear and again felt her breathing quicken. Smiling Vinncent said "You told me how bad you wanted me. How when you got home that night you masturbated to the thought of me and my heavenly cock and how it would feel inside of you. How it would feel to lay in bed with me."

Vinncent heard Samantha gasp as her breath caught in her throat. "Do not worry my dear. You passed out before I could tell you how I feel" Vinncent smiled Samantha looked up at him in shock her eyes wide with hope. "How? How do you feel?" She asked as her heartbeat quickened. "I feel that we could give it a shot however last night was not a proper time for you to ask or for me to respond." Vinncent said, taking his right hand off of her chin and gently stroking it with his finger as he pulled away causing Samantha to push her head forward to try and keep her chin on his finger and release a small silent moan. Vinncent then lifted his hand up and brushed some stray hairs out of Samantha's face and tucked them behind her ear as she looked him in the eye.

"I wanted to wait until you were sober before I told you how I felt." He said starting to lean in closer. "I wanted you to know that I am no ordinary man following me will bring many perils and dangers and although I may not be able to give you everything you ask, I will indeed try my hardest to please you." Samantha's face was inches from him and he could feel her breath, quick and warm on his face. Slowly she closed her eyes and waited for him to kiss her but to her dismay it never came she felt him pull away and opened her eyes to see him smiling down at her like a maniac before she realized she had puckered her lips when she closed her eyes to receive a kiss that didn't come. She quickly looked away from Vinncent her face red like a tomato before he suddenly took her chin between his thumb and forefinger again pulled her head toward him and kissed her. Vinncent felt Samantha's body go limp and quickly put his left hand on the small of her back to support her. She slowly raised her arms to his chest as she began returning the kiss with a growing courage after around a minute of passionate kissing Vinncent pulled away and looked at the blushing beauty before him

. "So... is that a yes?" Samantha asked nervously "Do you need me to tell you how I feel again?" Vinncent asked with a smile "I'm not sure. You didn't seem to sincere about it." Samantha said while biting her lip. "In that case then let me say it again" Vinncent then pulled her closer to him causing Samantha to cry out in surprise and joy as her breasts were now on his chest and their stomachs flat as Vinncent adjusted his hand on her chin to the soft skin of the side of her face before leaning in and kissing her. Once again Samantha returned his kiss and likewise moved her hands from his muscular chest to his chiseled face. After another minute the two parted "You should go home before people begin to suspect something." Vinncent said with concern

"You need to get a job anyways so it would be best for me to guide you to the right place would it not?" Samantha said with a smile. "I suppose that you are right, then let's go." Vinncent said while holding open the door for Samantha "Thank you sir." she said while passing him and exiting the house. "So what jobs would best suit me do you think?" Vinncent asked Samantha while he closed the door "Hmm well I would say a guard or soldier would best fit you with your strength. I can't really see you as an architect with how muscular you are."

"I'm flattered to hear you say that. Although I don't believe I could be either as I have not studied law or have any interest in joining an army." "Well those are really the only things that I can see you doing here in the village. We already have plenty of Architects, Butchers, Blacksmiths and farmers. We could use a teacher though, a lot of the kids and even adults in the village never attended any school and the closest many of us got was learning from our parents." Samantha said with a slight frown "Well I don't think being a teacher is a good idea for me. You see I have never been a child person, Hell I don't think I could really be considered a people person either." "Well I cannot think of any other jobs off of the top of my head. maybe you could go to Heustead to look for a job I am sure that they will have something for you there." Samantha said with a hint or sorrow, Oblivious Vinncent replied "You are right, that could be a good opportunity for me. Where can I find Heustead." "We have a map of the kingdom in the village hall I am sure that Elder Hugh will show you where to find it." Samantha informed Vinncent "Thanks I will have to go ask him then." Vinncent smiled at Samantha.

For the rest of the walk to the village neither of the two said a word to the other. When they reached the town square Samantha stopped and turned to Vinncent "Alright the village hall is right there." Samantha said while pointing toward a large two story building in the village. You will need to ask for Elder Hugh in the main lobby and you should be good to go from there. I am going to go home to freshen up so best of luck to you Vinncent." Samantha said while walking away "Thanks Samantha best of luck to you too." Vinncent said while he walked toward the building that Samantha had pointed out earlier.

As he walked toward the building Vinncent could feel people staring at him, not with curiosity or anger. No it was more like they felt sorry for him, but why would they? What had he done to be worthy of feeling sorry for? It didn't stop either which was the weirdest part, It only eased when he reached the village hall and even then a few of the villagers still stared.

Opening the door and walking inside Vinncent was amazed by the interior design. The ceiling in the reception room went up both floors, on the walls there was a small walkway in order to grant access to an antler chandelier that hung down to top of the first floor. There were columns to support the walkway and every other one was adorned with a lantern holder that rested just under the walkway and a window that looked out on the village between it and its neighbor. In the middle of the room there was a large wooden desk with a potted fern a inkwell and feather pen and a rather disgruntled man. Behind him on the wall there was a banner flag of what could only be the kingdom.

Walking up to the man Vinncent asked politely "Excuse me sir, I was wondering if I might be able to talk with Elder Hugh?" Looking at him with a blank gaze the man replied "sure he shouldn't be occupied let me go get him for you." "No I mean can I meet with him in private?" Vinncent asked again raising an eyebrow the other man nodded his head and waved his hand at Vinncent "Alright follow me then." Vinncent followed the man as he led him through a long corridor and up a flight of stair. Vinncent was again surprised by the village hall. Yes it was a large building but it was hard to grasp just how large without walking through it. Soon they reached a door and the man stopped and turned to him. "Alright this is his office here knock and give him a bit of time he answers the door in person." and with that the man walked off as though Vinncent was no more. Slightly surprised by the man's casual attitude he knocked on the door and did as he had been instructed.

After about fifteen seconds Vinncent heard a lock bolt being undone and watched as the door opened as he was created by the surprised face of Elder Hugh. "Well hello there Vinncent what brings you here today?" Hugh asked quickly recovering from his initial shock. "I came to see if you had a map so that I might find my way to the nearest city for work." "Well I do, Sad to hear you go although I expected that your time here would not last long." Hugh the turned around and gestured for Vinncent to come in, to which he quickly obliged. "Have a seat I am just going to lock the door real quick." as Vinncent began to take a seat in a large leather chair he heard the lock bolt again and waited for Elder Hugh to take a seat himself.

Ten seconds later the two men were sitting in their leather chairs looking at a large window that overlooked the farm fields. confused Vinncent asked Hugh "So where is the map?" To which Hugh replied "I am getting there angel boy relax." with a sudden flick of his wrist a large map came out of a large bookshelf on the wall and positioned itself over the window. "Is what you just did magic?" Vinncent asked in awe "Yes it is I am surprised you know of it. As I am well aware you are not from here."

Alright So I hit a bit of a drought for ideas with this one so this is kind of a bizarre part of the story however I plan to quickly burn the bridge that is Vinncent and Samanthas relationship and spread the ashes to the corners of the world. Also disclaimer for those who are weaker to blood, gore and violence. Shits about to get real with the next few chapters and is the main reason why I listed this story as 17+. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the chapters are taken down by admins or if my account is banned. This being said this is your warning and I will also warn you again at the beginning of the chapters in question.

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