
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs


Warning this chapter contains implied scenes that may be disturbing or unpleasant to some readers so read at your own discretion.


Vinncent and Llorva turned to the sound of the voice and watched as a group of men emerged from the undergrowth. Shortly after a woman in leather armor emerged.

"I have seen many things along this road. I have seen merchants wagons spontaneously combust and horses eating their former riders. Until today I hadn't seen two naked folks just simply strolling through our checkpoint." The woman said as she put her hands on her hips.

"I am glad to make your list of bizarre encounters but we must continue on our way if we wish to reach our destination in a timely fashion." Vinncent smiled

"I'm afraid you're going to have to make a rain check on that lad." said a short bearded man in the group.

"Stunty's right you ain'ts goin' nowhere." a tall man in the back nodded.

"damn asshole." mumbled the short man

"What was that stunty?" the tall man asked

"I said there's a grass hole."

"Dat's what I thought ya said."

"Hey boy's back to the task at hand eh?" the woman said snapping her fingers

"Sorry boss." they replied in tandem

looking back to Vinncent and Llorva the woman continued while looking over Llorva and Vinncent eventually stopping on his exposed member and quickly licked her lower lip.

"As stupid as they may be their right neither of you are going anywhere. It's been a while since my men expressed some of their pent up emotions and I enjoyed a nice piece of meat. Afterward we'll either kill you, take you for ourselves or sell you to one of the slave traders."

"I see, so you and your men are bandits then?" Vinncent asked

"I prefer the term repossession personal but yes we are bandits." the woman said crossing her arms.

"Good that makes killing you all that much easier." Vinncent sighed

the bandits looked at eachother and began laughing.

"How are you gonna do that? are you going to fuck us to death?" a man laughed while holding his sides as tears slowly forming in the corners of his eyes.

"No I'm going to use." Vinncent said as he changed into a praetorian. "This" he finished, his deep menacing voice echoing through their minds causing them all to stop laughing and looked towards him.

Where once a man stood now stood a demon. Its ten foot height and large shield like crest casting a long shadow toward the group. The sight of the demon caused a couple of the bandits to get on their knees and pray for god to either save them or send them aid.

"Ha Ha Ha" Vinncents laughter rang in their minds completely occupying their thoughts

"You dare pray to god after you were once so eager to have your way with us. You truly are fools, after all who would pray to god after such a lecherous act... You pray for salvation yet you know you shall find none. The only salvation you shall have is my claws upon your flesh, freeing your bodies from your corrupted minds!"

Vinncent charged forward with his head lowered as he plowed unto the gathered bandits sending some flying through the air.

Snapping out of their trance they began to draw their menagerie of weapons. Two of them began to cast spells while the leader drew her daggers and faced toward Vinncent. Their complete focus on the raging demon before them Llorva managed to sneak away and lay low in some bushes and shrubs.

As Llorva hid he was deep in battle fighting against the bandits while he had killed four of them and stunned three from his charge nine more remained among them the two mages. Both mages proved to be a proper pain in the side as they either buffed the attacks and defences of their allies or pelted him with attacks. If not for the mages he could have easily killed the bandits and been on his way with the only one giving him actual trouble being the leader.

'I need to kill those mages quickly or I will have to wait for their mana to run out and risk getting injured or killed.' Vinncent thought as a swipe of his tail sent a bandit crashing into a tree with a deep gash in his chest.

Realizing there was now some space behind him Vinncent took a stride back before looking towards the mages. Seeing him step back the bandits thought that he was trying to retreat and started to group up for a joined attack. Taking advantage of their movements Vinncent took a few more steps back causing the bandits to clump closer together.

A look of realization dawned upon the leader as she remembered the effects of his charge earlier.

"Spread out, it's gonna charge again."

However, it was too late with how clumped up they were they would have to scramble over one another to get away. With a jerk of his body a stream of cyan green liquid poured from his mouth onto the gathered bandits, a majority hitting five closer to the front and small droplets spattering those farther back. Howls of pain quickly filled the air as the acid did its work eroding clothing and tissues indiscriminately. The five men who were subject to the most were rolling around on the ground or viciously clawing at their own flesh in an attempt to rid themselves of the substance.

Those who were spattered vigorously wiped away the acid allowing for a moment of confused panic. Seizing his opportunity Vinncent charged toward the two mages who quickly chanted healing spells on their allies to heal their wounds only for the acid to make more. As heavy footfall ragn through the ground The mages both turned to look toward Vinncent before turning to run. Had they not turned to look they may have survived but that precious second allowed Vinncent to close the gap.

Reaching out with both arms he simultaneously decapitated both mages as he ran past. As their heads hit the ground and their minds realize what happened before embracing the cold of the void Vinncent had stopped and turned around. All that remained were the leader and four of her goons, three of them barely able to stand. Silence descended upon the forest as both parties stared at one another. A sea of blood and body parts surrounding them and coating the once green forest floor.

Taking two slow ground shaking steps Vinncent stopped "I will let you all live on one condition." his voice rumbling in their heads

"Wh.. what do...do you.. want?" a young bandit asked his legs trembling as he held his sword out as if it could completely stop any attack on him.

"A smart one I like that." Vinncents voice rang in their heads as what looked like a smile appeared upon the demon.

"Give me the clothes of your leader and of that man." he said pointing to a scruffy bandit. "And I will let you live."

As the man Vinncent pointed out eagerly, disrobing all eyes fell on the leader. Her face white as a sheet before quickly turning red as she gritted her teeth. While she looked at him two of her men came up behind her and grabbed her by the arms. They quickly took away her daggers before the young man from earlier began to take her clothes off of her forcefully.

"What are you bastards doing let me go!" she shouted her demand falling on deaf ears.

Realizing that she was moving around too much the young man picked up one of her daggers to cut the clothes off of her.

"I need them intact." Vinncents voice rang through the young man's mind.

With a sigh he put the dagger into the earth and resumed his efforts to dirobe his screaming leader. After stripping down the man from before folded his clothes and presented them to Vinncent who carefully grabbed them and rested them on his arm. His part of the deal completed the man turned and went to help the other men hold their leader still.

Shortly after the young man presented the leaders' clothes to Vinncent and backed away.

"Llorva it's clear you can come out."

Slowly Llorva poked her head through the bushes and shrubs. looking around and confirming what Vinncent said she made her way towards him.

As he turned away and Llorva disappeared into the brush heading north Vinncent paused and looked back on the five bandits. The leader covering her now naked body with her hands and arms.

"I wish you men luck relieving your built tensions and for you to find some good meat." his voice said with a smile in it

"Also that reminds me, You lads do realize that there are four of you and one of her right?"

A look of enlightenment fell upon the men, small smiles slowly creeping on their faces as they realized what the demon was saying. The leader just looked between Vinncent and her men in horror as he too disappeared in the brush.

As Vinncent changed into a human and took the clothes from his former body. The voice of the leader rang through the forest.

"Don't you bastards do it, don't you even think abou..." the sounds of footfall and people falling over drifted through the forest as Vinncent and Llorva got into their new clothes. While they began walking to the road the bandit leader cried out.

"Stop... please stop... please I'll give you, OH... I'll give you anything you wannnt... Just please mhmmm... stop" Her cries were mixed with her sobs and moans as the duo walked away leaving the bandit leader to her fate in the hands of her men.

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter leave me your comments.

Also if you either just manage along with my story or genuinly enjoy it you should check out the novel "Reincarnation of the Xenomorph" by Mazeball

Unseen_Unheardcreators' thoughts