
Rise of the Munchkin (Versatile Mage Fanfic)

What would happen if I just so happened to die and get reincarnated into Quanzhi Fashi with 3 wishes? Well, that's complicated... NAH! I would just Munchkin my way through the plot!

Ryuriki_Toshiro · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 00: Reincarnation

'Huh? Have I died?' wondered a young man, who was about 14 years old. Normally, he would be panicking, but the strange void which seemed to be all around him prevented him from doing that. He assumed that he was in line to be reincarnated, seeing as he had jumped in the way of a truck in an attempt to rescue a little girl that was trying to pick up a ball. That was when his memory blacked out, and the next thing he knew, he was here.

"Oh? I didn't expect this.." A voice echoed through the void. "The void in unable to process you due to your outstanding intelligence." It stated with an intrigued tone. "How about this, as the void cannot process you, I will allow you to reincarnate in a universe of your choice with three wishes. The universe can be anything from an Anime Universe, to a Book Universe." It offered.

"I accept." the young man responded. "My universe of choice is the Quanzhi Fashi universe. My three wishes are: Inner World Creation from Superpower Wiki, The End from Medaka Box, and 100x Cultivation Speed." He stated. "Just for confirmation, you are wishing for the Inner World Creation Ability without weaknesses, The End Ability from Medaka Box, except for it being able to copy Unique Talents like Double Element Awakening, and for your cultivation speed to be multiplied by 100, right?" the being asked.

"Yes." the young man affirmed. "Aight, now, I'll be sending you into the body of Mo Fan with all of his memories. Try not to die too early, 'cause I won't be able to reincarnate you again for at least a century." the being told him before a bright light flashed and the young man was transported into the body of the protagonist: Mo Fan.

'Yes! Yes! Yes!' was the last thought that the young man had before Mo Fan's memories came into his head. They were fairly close in educational level, so the teen didn't gain much in that area. However, Mo Fan was much more adventurous than the teen and was much more athletic, thus knowing a lot more about martial arts than the teen.

This knowledge, as well as the ingrained reflexes which Mo Fan gained from fighting thugs on the street, allowed him to learn how to fight properly and minimize energy usage in physical combat. Along with his ability to cultivate faster, his The End abnormality, and his Inner World Creation, there was practically no way to easily kill him.

Which meant that as long as he played his cards right, he would be able to munchkin his way through the plot while excelling at his role as the protagonist. After all, he had read the translated Light Novel on readlightnovel.org from Front to Back! He also knew that the Monsters weren't going to be of danger, seeing as he had picked abilities which would ensure his survival.

For Example: All Fiction, and Unlimited Blade Works were two things which could be replicated with The End, and Inner World Creation. Too OP? Yes; Did he care? No. After all, when fighting for your and everyone else's survival, was it not a good thing to be too OP?

This chapter may be short, but all the other chapters will be at least 1.5K words long, I promise! Other than that, I don't have a proper Update Schedule, so chapters may take for weeks sometimes, or may even come out as 3 in a day. It all depends on how much free time I get.

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