
Rise of the Munchkin (Versatile Mage Fanfic)

What would happen if I just so happened to die and get reincarnated into Quanzhi Fashi with 3 wishes? Well, that's complicated... NAH! I would just Munchkin my way through the plot!

Ryuriki_Toshiro · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Another week had passed, and the results for the Entrance Exams had come in. Mo Fan had gotten third place in the city, at 98 Marks out of 100. The second place was taken by Mu Bai with 98.5 Marks and the first place was taken by Zhou Min with 99 Marks. Today was the day when Mo Fan would go to Tianlan Magic Highschool and "awaken" his Element.

Of course, he would actually be doing his Second Awakening, since he greatly underestimated how much the Three Step Pagoda enhanced his Cultivation and he had already achieved Mid-Tier Fire Magic along with Half-Step Mid-Tier Lightning Magic. He had also created more Magic Items to help with fighting.

To be more specific, he created 7 items, one of which could freely change his appearance. It was based on Gaea Foundation, a Teigu (Imperial Arm) from Akame ga Kill. He had named it after Gaea Foundation, because it was pretty much a replica of it with one modification: It was not restricted to only one person at a time and could disguise many people at once.

He was currently cultivating inside of his Mindscape in the Three Step Pagoda to hopefully break through to Mid-Tier in Ligutning Element. He had been cultivating for the whole night inside of his mindscape instead of sleeping. He didn't need the rest, due to him creating an item which restored his energy and healed his body every second, preventing him from getting tired or being negatively effected by lack of sleep.

Mo Fan's eyes shot wide open as the Star Map for Mid-Tier Lightning Magic popped into his mindscape beside the Star Map for Mid-Tier Fire Magic. A huge grin stretched across his face as his eyes gleamed in excitement. He had finally broken through to Mid-Tier Lightning Magic. He then got dressed for school and walked to school after bidding farewell to his father and sister.

"[Raptor]," he murmured, hiding in an alley as he traced the [Crystallized Authority] which he had created. His legs glowed dimly as leather boots with feather-like decorations on the sides appeared on them. He then disappeared in a burst of speed and appeared on a roof overlooking Tianlan Magic Highschool, unequipping his [Crystallized Authority].

He then jumped down the back of the building, hanging and swinging off of balcony railings to get down safely. He then jumped down from the first story balcony and rolled to absorb the impact. After that, he walked out from behind the building and walked into Tianlan Magic Highschool with a small smile. He was in Class 8 along with 74 other students. His seat number was 3

Mo Fan sat in the last seat, right behind where he knew Zhang Xiaohou would sit. He had already given Xiaohou an apple which he had implanted with an item he had traced that would alter his Element to Dual Elements of Wind and Fire. While wind was mostly used for evasion and scouting, it could also be used to strengthen fire, thus making it a terrifyingly effective combination.

The reason he had done that was because he refused to have someone only aligned to scouting and being bait allied to him. He much rather preferred someone who could also fight if need be. He had also given Xiaohou a Traced Magic Tool (Which I will call TMT from now on) that boosts his Strength and Speed. It was just a single plain silver bracelet, so it wouldn't get noticed easily. This secured his loyalty.

After a few minutes of sitting around, creating new Magic Tools and Noble Phantasms inside of his Inner World, the door opened and the teacher walked in, looking surprised to see him already there and not even looking sleepy. "Mo Fan?" The teacher asked him to confirm his identity. "Yes, I'm Mo Fan." Mo Fan replied in a monotone voice with an emotionless look in his eyes and a poker face.

Of course, he did all of that just to mess with his teacher. "Why are you here so early?" The teacher asked him curiously. "I woke up early, so I decided to come here." Mo Fan replied emotionlessly. "But the school gates weren't open?" The teacher muttered incredulously. "I jumped over 'em." Mo Fan replied, not lying, as he had indeed done that to enter the school.

The teacher, feeling that this conversation was soon going to become weird, decided to shut up and sat down, organizing his paperwork before the class. Mo Fan decided to follow his teacher's example and went silent, creating three powerful items, using up ⅗ of his Magical Energy to do so. However, due to him having amazingly high speed energy regeneration, he could regenerate it to 100% by the time the Awakening Ceremony occurs.

When all the students arrived and settled down, the teacher cleared his throat to gain their attention. "Hello, I am Xue Mu Sheng, and I will be your Homeroom Teacher for the semester." He stated. The students silently nodded in acknowledgement and memorized his name. "Now, All of you; Introduce yourselves." He told them.

"Zhou Min." "Mu Bai." "Mo Fan." The pattern continued and eventually everyone had introduced themselves. "Now, as you have started High School, you will be required to learn Practical Demonstration of Magic. For that, you will have to awaken your element. As all of you know, there are 6 Basic Elements. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, and Light. I possess the Light Element."

"To awaken your element, put your hand on this crystal ball. If it glows red, you have the fire element. If it glows blue, you have water. If it glows green, you have wind. If it glows brown, you have earth. If it glows purple, you have lightning, and if it glows golden, you have light." The teacher wrote told the students.

"Zhou Min." The teacher called the top student of the class. "Yes, sir." Zhou Min responded as she stood up from her seat and walked to the teacher's desk, which had the crystal ball on top of it. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and put her hand on top of the crystal ball. After a few seconds, a reddish-orange glow began emanating from the ball, along with it heating up slightly.

"You possess the Fire Element." The teacher told Zhou Min with a smile, before gesturing her to return back to her seat. The teacher then let the ball cool down and then called up the next student on the list:

"Mu Bai." The teacher called the asshole. "Yes." Mu Bai responded as he walked to the crystal ball with a confident swagger. Honestly, he looked kind of like a peacock to Mo Fan. He casually took his hand out of his jacket's pocket and placed it on top of the ball. The ball began glowing ice blue and waves of cold mist began emanating from the crystal ball.

"You have the Ice Element. If I recall correctly, the Mu Family specializes in Ice Magic." The teacher remarked with the same smile that he had when he told Zhou Min her element. He then gestured for the asshole peacock to return back to his seat. He then waited for the ball to return to room temperature and called the next student on the list:

"Mo Fan." He called out, expecting equally great results from the Third Best Student in the Class. Mo Fan casually walked up the ball and placed his hand on it, closing his eyes. He then found himself floating in a representation of outer space and picked out the brightest shining star-like structures. They were: a cluster of black stars representing the Dark Element, and a cluster of translucent white stars representing the Summon Element.

Meanwhile, outside of his Mindscape, the ball under his palm first turned black and sucked in all of the light in the room before turning transparent, instead of the frosted white color it previously had. Mo Fan then opened his eyes and found himself staring at a teacher with a dropped jaw and similarly wide-mouthed students.

"D-Double Innate Elements of Shadow and Summon." The teacher stuttered out in awe. "Both are irregular elements." The teacher told him, regaining his composure and smiling a brighter smile than what he gave Zhou Min and Mu Bai. Mo Fan nodded silently and walked back to his seat, secretly smirking when he saw Mu Bai grit his teeth.

Like this, people were called up to awaken their elements, but the only ones who Mo Fan paid any attention to was Zhang Xiao Hou who got Double Innate Elements of Wind and Fire, and that was only because Xiao Hou was loyal to him. Extremely loyal, in fact, since he had personally handed him a D-Rank Noble Phantasm he traced called [Rabbit Foot] because it allowed Xiao Hou to double his speed by calling out "Rabbit".

After the Awakenings of almost everyone, only the student #48 was left. Mo Fan didn't really bother to remember his name since he knew that the majority of students from Bo City would die due to Demon Beasts if he didn't save them like the Canon Mo Fan did by formulating plans to fight the Warrior Class Demon Beasts.

That was when the commotion from one of the students in another class Awakening the Lightning Element happened. Most of the class got up to look at the up and coming Lightning Mage, but Mo Fan didn't even shift in his chair as he drew in a deep breath and entered Total Concentration Mode to create his Main Weapon which he would use until he got a Monarch-Level Weapon.

«Star of Destruction» – Tàiyáng Yàobān

[Rank]: [A++] | [Type]: [Anti-Fortress] | [Range]: [1~500] | [Maximum Number of Targets]: [1000].

[Effects]: [Creates a large beam of heat energy which destroys everything that it hits to an atomic level. The heat energy can be compressed instead of shooting off as a beam to heat the blade up to incomprehensible levels to cut through nearly everything.]

[Concept of Creation]: [Complete Incineration of Everything.] | [Basic Structure]: [A European Longsword without a Guard. It has a ruby adorning the pommel. The blade is pitch black, though it turns bright red when the True Name of the NP is called.] | [Composition Materials]: [Meteorite Ore] [Heat Energy] [Origin Rune of Fire] | [Skill of Its Making]: [Crafted by a God of Smithing to get revenge on the one who mocked him.] | [Experience of its Growth]: [Slayed over a hundred thousand beings to fend off extradimensional invasions] | [Accumulated Years]: [5750 Years].

My exams are next week, so I won't update until March 20. I might even stretch it a bit more, but I'll try not to do that.

Ryuriki_Toshirocreators' thoughts