
Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

From the world of united star systems and advanced technology to the realms of magic. Cotton Hollow starts in the world of Harry Potter gathering his bearings in a foreign UNKNOWN world. After a life as a Planetry-class Warship Commander, he finds the wizarding world intriguing and a breath of fresh air. That is until a Dark Wizard arises and pisses him off. Then a Time Magician appears, along with beauties, wealth, war, jealous old men, Greedy Goblins, and more. The cover does not belong to me but is how I picture Royal Hollow, the Main Character's Father.

Player_Tenason · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Professor Severus Snape

"Where the bloody hell is it?" A man grumbled as he walked around Godric's Hollow, approaching an hour since his arrival.

"Irhi, love," Vanessa spoke as the man's constant approach and desire to find the Hollow estate kept alerting her.

"Yes, Mistress," she replied.

"How many times have I told you to call me , mom. " Vanesa sighed, "Find the man who seeks us. I'm sure he's somewhere in Godric's Hollow asking around.

"Yes, Mistress." Irhi disappeared.

When she returned with the man, he looked around the house that was meant to be owned by Muggles. "I am Professor Severus---" the professor suddenly stopped and sniffed the house. " Snape."

"Are you not muggles?" the professor asked. "Your house smells like a brewer. Two brewers of different status. You have Yumboe slaves, rare even for purebloods of Britain. Although related to house-elves, they are far more difficult to tame let alone catch. And this estate, I couldn't find it."

"Yes, my son and his tutor. Professor, can we help you with something?" Royal asked.

Snape handed Cotton's parents a letter and followed the scent. Vanessa looked over the letter and noticed it was from Hogwarts, addressed to Hollow Family. Vanessa and Royal weren't worried about the professor in the house as three tutors, Moon Mother, and four yumboes were in the house.

Snape moves through the house and makes his way to a dungeon and finds the tutor and boy brewing Fae Liqueur. A potion that attracts the Faes of the forest: Nymphs, Undines, and the like.

"Who taught you to brew?" Snape spoke from the door as he watched the tutor and boy interact like researchers with tunnel visions.

Cotton's tutors were more so meant to stimulate his critical thinking and keep him safe as he developed. So Marcus and Cotton usually talked about Cotton's random thoughts. Some were proven and unproven already while others were fresh and untested.

Cotton, looking up. "I taught myself." he said, "Marcus helps, and if you don't have any advice, shut it!"

Snape smiled. "Add sugar cane and a spoon of vanilla extract," he spoke and in a low, elongated voice.

Cotton and Marcus' eyes lit up. Marcus waved his wand and called for the ingredients. Once added the sweetness of the brew magnified by ten and released scent close to the sexual pheromones Fae released during mating season.

"Bloody hell!" Cotton exclaimed.

"It's like attracting monarchs!" Cotton and Snape spoke at the same time.

"Bananas and sugar," they spoke in unison again.

Snape couldn't suppress his smile as the Hollow family was the most interesting family he had encountered during the year.

Forgetting about the students he had yet to visit, Snape, Cotton, and Marcus spoke avidly about potions and ingredients. Their enthusiasm and uninhibited curiosity fueled Snape to speak to them as if they were potions masters at his level. Though they couldn't understand two-thirds of what Snape said, Cotton recorded his voice and wrote notes on the thing he found interesting and wanted to research further. Marcus did the same but continued to work on an ongoing theory of his. It was the dream of every potion maker to complete at least one history-making potion.

Sundown had come quickly and Snape unfortunately had to leave. Though Vanessa stopped him and invited him to dinner.

Severus Snape was a thin man with shallow skin, a large, hooked nose, and yellow, uneven teeth. He usually dressed in flowing black robes which made him resemble "an overgrown bat". He had shoulder-length, greasy black hair which framed his face in curtains, curling lips, and dark, penetrating eyes that resembled tunnels. Snape had a strong, authoritative presence, though he spoke in a soft, contained voice most of the time.

"I would enjoy that very much. You have a wonderful child, Mrs. Hollow."

Vanessa blushed at Snape's comment. She then walked away to prepare supper.

Royal then talked as he poured two glasses of scotch. He handed one to Snape as he said, "Professor, you still don't realize where you are. Have you read the letter you've delivered?"

"It's the same as all the rest, why would I?" Professor Snape asked.

Royal chuckled as he sipped his drink. He then tossed the letter over. On the envelope, it read: Hollow Family, Hollow Estate, Godric's Hollow.

The school knew the estate was in Godric's Hollow but they didn't know where and the Estate couldn't be mapped.

"Fidelius Charm explains the broad location." said the professor. " The letter is so late after his eleventh birthday because Cotton wasn't born in Britain.

"Yes." Royal agreed.

The professor then read the letter.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Kight House of Dumbledore, Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear V--Viscount and Viscountess Hollow of the Viscounty of Thetford and Barony of Godric's Hollow,

We are pleased to inform you that your son, Cotton Hakopa Hollow, has been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To receive the seat entitled to the Viscounty of Thetford on the Wizengamot, your son must attend Hogwarts and Graduate. While he is in school, the seat belongs to Viscount Hollow as representative considering your status as a non-magical Lord of a magical Peerage.

I handwrite this letter to you to show my sincerity and hope that you allow the young Cotton to grace our school with his presence. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books, equipment, Items allowed to heirs of nobility, and a map to Selwyn Cottage that now belongs to the Viscount House of Hollow.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore."

Snape looked up in awe. He kicked himself for not realizing who the family was. But then again the name Hollow had appeared and vanished a year ago. They had made waves and were gone before anyone could put faces to name.

When the Wizengameot acted, they were always stopped and handled by proxies. Even when they were granted the Barony of Godric's Hollow, the world expected a banquet, and nothing came. When they claimed the Viscounty of Thetford, everyone expected a festival, but nothing came. All of it was odd and the Ministry was keeping a tight lid on details so the world just forgot about them, for the most part.

However, now he stood in the house of Hollow Men and stupidly barged in without a proper greeting. Snape went to one knee and bowed.

"Forgive me. Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Severus Snape, First Nephew of Viscount Asmodeus Prince of Thornhall and Protector of House Prince. I am the Potion Master and Head of Slytherin House of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Good etiquette," said Vanessa.

"And we know who you are. The House of Lords records you as the son of Eileen Snape nee Prince and Tobias Snape. Amazingly, you are the heir apparent for the Viscounty of Thornhall. Come on, Severus, you and I have a lot to talk about." said Royal.

"Dad!" Cotton called out as he arrived with his three tutors Quinn, Marcus, and Katleen, "We're going out."

"No, you are not. You're having dinner with us and the professor. This is a good time to learn about school politics. You're a wonderful sword, but you can not fail to be a pen. Come and sit, boy." Royal's voice rumbled.

Severus then looked at a familiar face, "Katleen Parkinson, fancy meeting you here."

"Good evening, Professor." The dark-haired woman spoke. "I heard you were here."

"I heard you quit tutoring," said Severus.

"No, merely quit my charges. As you know, this isn't the estate you can visit and leave at your leisure," she explained.

"Live-in tutor. Well, congratulations."

"Thank you, professor."

Later, at the table, the Hollows and the three tutors ate with Snape as he explained how he became heir apparent to the Viscounty of Thornhall despite his half-blood status and the current lord having many sons already. It just so happened that the Potion Master was next in line to become the Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Is there anything you can share about school politics? I'm sure the damn castle is a snake pit." Cotton spoke as he cut into his deer heart.

Snape watched him with a keen eye and found it hard to believe that he was watching an eleven-year-old. Even for an heir of a noble house, Cotton was refined and his moves crisp and concise.

"Two words, Slytherin, Ravenclaw. Gryffindor is a good house, with many great people. But they are the true bigots of the school. Obnoxious and arrogant, quick to judge and blind only to their own views. . Hufflepuff is full of adventurers, easy-going, loyalists, and soldiers. Not the brightest of Hogwarts but tough as Goblin wrought silver. Many of them become Aurors and discoverers because they aren't afraid of a tough life...

Now, Slytherin is a house where most of the nobles go. It's a political war and all about connections. And they all rival Ravenclaw in brains. They just apply their intellects to cunning and furthering their ambitions. And contrary to popular belief, rotten apples come from Ravenclaw more so than Slytherin, their insatiable craving for knowledge makes them prone to step over the darker spectrum of magic. But these two houses are the bedrock of everything. Operate within those two houses and the Hollow Family will definitely leave Hogwarts stronger than when it entered."

"So it seems most of the nasty business kicks up after graduations" Cotton hummed.

"Little Lord, the professor neglects the main reason of Hogwarts due to his own personal matters," Kathleen spoke.

"And what might be the reason to attend Hogwarts, Ms. Parkinson?" Severus asked.

"Simple, marriage. Alliances. The political games are played and get nasty because of potential. Potential spouses, allies, enemies, talents of ministry departments, and so on. You must look through the mist and see who benefits you the most and whose the greatest threat if they aren't allying with you."

"This is more concrete than making friends... How many people die a year in Hogwarts."

Kathleen smirked. "Many, little Lord. It is the way. The best killers are in Gryffindor and Slytherin. "

"Figures. Blood feuds and threatening alliances can't be allowed to fester outside of the castle. Kill your problems early and save assets in the future."

"Exactly," Royal agreed with his son.

The next day, Snape returned and took Cotton to Diagon Alley to shop for school material. They purchased robes and a few miscellaneous things. Though for the most part, Cotton had the year's material already in his possession. So to kill time, Snape took the boy to Knockturn alley.

Knockturn Alley was a shopping area off Diagon Alley. It was filled with numerous shops devoted to the Dark Arts, including Borgin and Burkes, which specialised in objects that had curious and strong magical properties. Unusual, sinister, and sometimes dangerous individuals walked around and shopped in the area.

However, the shopping area had a quaint little shop for potion masters on a more sinister path.

"Mr. Hollow, you are smart like Ravenclaw. Courageous and brave like Gryffindor, though you don't share their ego. You are cunning and ambitious like Slytherin. Trouble will find you. Allow me to take this time to teach a very important lesson." Said Snape as he led Cotton into the small orderly shop that smelled of sandalwood.

"What would that be, Professor?" Cotton asked.

"Hogwarts is the darkest place under the sun. Understand that analogy, because it will save you one day. Now, come. Allow me to show you the dangers of herbology and potions. Their alternatives can be found at Hogwarts and how to combat them. We will start with most used poisons and love potions that have turned students into sex slaves and drove them to commit murder and suicide."

Snape walked Cotton from shelf to shelf, lecturing him until the time was lost to them. When Snape returned Cotton home in the dead of night, he handed Cotton a slip of paper and said, "Feed it to the beast and you drink the other half."

Cotton had told him of the baby thunderbird he looked forward to making his bonded Familiar. But he was still surprised to receive the potion formula he had been looking for since he found out that bonded familiars could be taken to Hogwarts.

Snape then disapparated.

Sometime later, Cotton brewed the position as his mother read a book on sacred geometry to better her designs.

When Cotton was finished, the potion was jarred as his father walked in excitedly.

"Son, don't ever say that I don't work hard for you. I found her, Vinda Rosier. AKA, Vera Rose. She appeared after Vinda was reported dead and took over all of her assets. But here's the kicker...


-Paris France, Rosier residence-

"How did you find my house?" Vinda Rosier asked. She was an old woman with long white curly hair. but even with age she was beautiful and had a sense of fashion above the rest.

Royal Hollow smirked. "You lost a child. You bought a plot for him and inscribed the name, Zephyr Grindelwald. Vinda was said to be very close to the Dark Lord Grindelwald."

"Ahh, I suppose that will do the trick. Muggles and their desire for transparency. What is it that you want?'

"Rufus Amos. I have a package and message from his old teacher. " Cotton explained.

"Let him in.." a man called out.

A moment later, Cotton and his family were led to a room with woods and magical beast parts along the walls.

"What did that old crackpot send?" Rufus Amos asked.

Cotton tossed him the journal. "Ollivander says that you've graduated."

Rufus looked shocked. He slowly opened the journal and tears watered his eyes. He gave Cotton his thanks. Cotton waved him off and requested that a wand be made.

"Do you have the materials?" Rufus asked.

Cotton smiled and pulled out the wooden bodhi box, the phoenix feather and the tail feather of a thunderbird.

"Good, good. Give me a week, boy, and I'll have a wand for you. Consider it payment for the message you've delivered. " Rufus replied.

Later that day at the hotel, Cotton pulled out a jar of potion that he brewed based on the paper that Snape gave him. His thunderbird drank half and he drank the other. Cotton awakened the next with his Thunderbird sleeping on his chest.

'Cotton Hollow or Tazmin Lexon?" a voice penetrated his mind.

"Cotton…' Cotton replied groggily as he tracked the voice back to his magical creature.

'The familiar bond is formed. We are one, child.' The thunderbird spoke and cuddled closer to Cotton.