
Rise of the Goblin Kingdom

When a man enters the next chapter of his favorite game, yet no one mentioned that the next chapter is in another world. . . (please read the entire synopsis) Do you like a protagonist worshiped by his comrades and women like the best thing to ever exist since fire? How about a protagonist who picks up beauty after the other and adds to his harem. Maybe a protagonist so lucky he stumbles upon an ancient treasure at each turn and twist? Or perhaps one that has a hero complex and takes it upon himself to save the world by ruling it. Possibly one that kills mercilessly for the most minimal and stupid provocation. If you like these protagonists, then this story IS NOT FOR YOU!! This is a story about adventure, death, comradery. The life of our protagonist when he’s thrown into a dog eat dog world. He doesn’t want to rule, just wants to survive. But even survival becomes hard when what he has is coveted by those greedy for power. --------------AUTHOR’s NOTE-------------- Author Marco Diyan here. This is a novel I wrote according to my personal taste, which I am sure many web novels readers share with me. Basically, I HATE HAREM; Hate overpowered protagonists and repetitive patterns of the story’s volumes. English is my second language. I proofed read the story many times but I apologize for any grammatical mistakes that might still be there. Comments, good or bad, are very welcomed. The synopsis is something I wrote rote to convey my thoughts about the book and the things it DOES NOT INCLUDE. (PS: THERE WILL NEVER BE HAREM IN THIS BOOK) Have fun reading. \(◦'⌣'◦)/ ----- ヽ(^o^)ノ

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The day of the auction arrived. Elaila enforced a curfew on the Lavin citizens. She did not want to take the risk of someone from her city offending a great personage. She couldn't wait for this auction to be over and be done with it.

The hall where the auction is held is almost as big as a football field on earth. Giant crystals hanged at every corner, of the hall, displaying the stadium where the items will be broadcasted.

In fact, even though it is called an auction, it lasts all day and the auction part isn't until very late in the evening.

The auction started with a banquet, where they introduced basically every personage that's attending the auction, including the royal family of Grandor, Azurite, and Flasa; each represented by their crown prince.

Sen paid special attention to these three kingdoms since they're the only ones still to recognize slavery and segregation against non-humans.

Sen this time brought with him Nivera, Leonas, and Risa. Fatima had explained to him that their safety will be guaranteed. He had looked around and seen that indeed, aside from the three kingdoms above, the rest all had with their delegation non-humans.

The DuBois house declared that should Grandor take any action against the non-humans that attended the auction, they would completely cut off their businesses in Grandor.

This is the last thing that Grandor wants to see happening. Their economy and the reason why Grandor is rich is all because of the DuBois house tax returns. Should they really do that, their entire economy would be crippled and thousands of their citizens would lose their jobs"

He now understands why Elaila had hypocritically shut down the slave markets and applied curfew. These powers were not something a small kingdom like Grandor can afford to offend. Many were already dissatisfied with their policies against non-humans, so Grandor was definitely unwilling to add on to their enemy list.

The food banquet was absolutely delicious. The previous food critique like Sen commended the quality of the food repeatedly while his three companions were already on cloud nine from the delicious food.

"The chef who cooked this meal is a gourmet mage" Fatima smiled and said. They were sitting at the same table. They would occasionally be greeted by a few people, the reason why Sen and his companions were unbothered by pompous young ladies and young Masters throughout the event.

"A what?" Sen asked. Another unfamiliar term to him. He turned to his walking encyclopedia –Nivera- for an explanation.

"It's just another profession such as translators, Mana surgeons, and array masters. Gourmet mages use specific spells to manipulate Mana to affect texture, temperature, and basically everything the is food-related. I've actually heard about this chef and her diner all the way at the demon continent; Fat Lady Baratie's Flying Diner."

"Oh?" Fatima was intrigued.

"She visited the high demon kingdom once in search of a new flavor otherwise her cultivation would regress. She was treated as a guest of honor. Shame I didn't get to enjoy her food at the time" she said while savoring the flavored venison meat on her plate"

The more Sen hears about this world the more intrigued he becomes.

"Why would her cultivation regress though?"

Fatima answered him, "gourmet mages cultivate Mana through mysterious means. Their talent, like translators, is innate and cannot be learned to those who do not possess that innate talent. It is only known that when a gourmet mage loses his or her true path towards culinary discovery, their cultivation would regress back to the very first level."

"It's complicated really," Sen sighed.

"But that is also the reason they are sought after. For example, a talented gourmet mage like fat lady Baratie is able to create food that regenerates limbs, food that temporarily grants flight, invisibility, even food that totally cleanses the body from impurities. And most of all, they are extremely delicious"

Sen nodded in admiration, just the thought of that food is mouth-watering. But he had to admit, even though the food on his plate is really delicious, it does not fit what Fatima had just described.

The young master seemed to have read his thoughts, "that's Baratie's best work, but she did not use her gourmet skill on that. After all, it would be too expensive for us to serve almost a hundred people with her special dishes"

Sen understood and they no longer talked about food. Instead, they just enjoyed eating with Fatima telling him about each guest and the kingdoms of the continent.

The second part of the auction is a sparring contest that Sen wasn't interested in joining so he was happy with just watching. Leonas and Risa, however, participated. Sadly, they both lost. Even with Nivera battle training and Sen's training manuals, they still couldn't match the talents of the entire continent.

The sparring event ended and finally, it was time for the auction.

There are fifteen VIP rooms on the second floor for nobles and special guests. Five in the second level reserved for royalty and the owners. On the first floor, were thousands of chairs for those who managed to receive a ticket or bought a seat directly from the DuBois house.

Sen hadn't noticed before, but the reception hall, the shop with all of its floors, and this massive auction hall are way too big to be able to fit in the big, but not big enough building he saw from outside.

When he asked Fatima, he was surprised to find out that this building is actually a pocket dimension and the entrance is the door frame they've placed at the building entrance.

The DuBois house auction hall is movable. This hall has been placed throughout the entire kingdom whenever the auction time arrived.

"Honorable guests, distinguished nobles, and your majesties. Welcome to the seventieth annual auction of the DuBois house. We've enjoyed food made by ladies Baratie herself, and entertained by the various talented warriors and mages of several kingdoms. Now, it is time for the highlight of the day"

People cheered and clapped as the announcer finished his introductory speech. But people were getting somewhat restless.

"We'll start with the first item"

One handsome young man and a beautiful young woman both dressed in red and white brought out three glass containers.

The item images were reflected in the huge crystals hanged at every corner of the hall. From Fatima's explanation, Sen understood that they operated like screens from back on earth, used to transmit image and sound.

The three glass containers each contained transparent liquid, like colored water. But inside that liquid swam three small animals, each in one container. The first is a roe dear with a fishtail, the second a butterfly with many antennas, and a bird's tail, the third are two intertwined fish. Though they were animals, their form was spectral and transparent.

"These are the latest creation of lady Baratie. Seraph, Sapir, and Sporah. All three have the effect of cleansing the body"

The crowd was somewhat disappointed, they could find body cleansing elixir in the market. Why would they buy it expensively at an auction?

"Oh my bad, what I meant is that they cleanse it, but not like you're used to" the announcer smiled meaningfully. He pointed at the deer fish container and said, "Seraph has the ability to renew bones, muscles, and skin. It practically means that it renews the body from scratch. All after a few minutes of pain that is. Of course, it is as delicious as it is beneficial"

"My god!"

"Renew the body?"

"Won't that mean that it can basically cure any disease?"

"Yes," the announcer smiled, "Seraph renews the body and expels all impurities within including tumors which not even Mana surgeon are able to heal"

"Manager Bali," a woman stood up from the noble section and addressed the announcer whose name is Bali.

"Lady Temari," Bali bowed slightly.

"Lady Baratie had created a few similar dishes before but not with this kind of efficacy. I assume lady Baratie has entered the world rank?"

The crowds were silent before the murmur started. A world rank gourmet chef emerging is an extremely great deal. It means that Baratie would probably receive invitations not just from the Thesa continent, but all surrounding lands as well.

"You're right lady Temari" Bali answered shortly before focusing on presenting again.

"The second dish, Sapir, is a dish not for us to consume, but for beasts"

Each strong figure naturally keeps a beast companion. When Sen heard it, he suddenly thought of his pets and mount in LR. He needs to figure out how to summon it.

"Sapir allows the beast to unlock its bloodline and enable it to head for the path of evolution, even possibly, the beast can acquire intelligence in the process"

Another round of silence filled the hall. Bali didn't give them time for chatter before he introduced the last dish.

"Sporah is a special dish. It has to be used by two cultivators at the same time. When using it, the couple needs to engage in dual cultivation through sexual intercourse."

Blushes appeared on some young ladies and young masters as they glanced at their spouses, lovers, or crush.

"When practicing dual cultivation, the effects not only will multiply several times but should a baby be conceived through that intercourse, it would have a body immune to most poisons and cleanse since birth. The baby would grow up to be in extreme health and be most optimal for cultivation. Oh, and by the way, Sporah increases the chances of conceiving a child."

Dead silence filled the hall once again.

Sen suddenly felt terrified. If the very first items have earth-shattering effects like these, what would that mean for the latter items?

Leonas, Risa, and even Nivera were also agape when Bali stopped talking.

Fatima sense their awkwardness and explained. "Relax, lady Baratie has important business so she asked that her items be presented first. Otherwise, they would've been one of the very last items to be presented"

"Oh, so that is the case"

"Compared to the texts Sen brought which ones are more precious?" said Risa.

"Well, it depends. Naturally, these three dishes are extremely rare and expensive, especially the last one. On the other hand, the ancient texts might contain anything from a food recipe to a forgotten magic manual. So we will not really know until the texts are translated"

Back to the stage, Bali set the opening price at 50 dragon coins for Seraph, 50 for Sapir, and 100 for Sporah.

----Author's note:

power stones keep the work going. If you liked the chapter and have one or two to spare, click on that vote button ^.^