
Rise of the Goblin Kingdom

When a man enters the next chapter of his favorite game, yet no one mentioned that the next chapter is in another world. . . (please read the entire synopsis) Do you like a protagonist worshiped by his comrades and women like the best thing to ever exist since fire? How about a protagonist who picks up beauty after the other and adds to his harem. Maybe a protagonist so lucky he stumbles upon an ancient treasure at each turn and twist? Or perhaps one that has a hero complex and takes it upon himself to save the world by ruling it. Possibly one that kills mercilessly for the most minimal and stupid provocation. If you like these protagonists, then this story IS NOT FOR YOU!! This is a story about adventure, death, comradery. The life of our protagonist when he’s thrown into a dog eat dog world. He doesn’t want to rule, just wants to survive. But even survival becomes hard when what he has is coveted by those greedy for power. --------------AUTHOR’s NOTE-------------- Author Marco Diyan here. This is a novel I wrote according to my personal taste, which I am sure many web novels readers share with me. Basically, I HATE HAREM; Hate overpowered protagonists and repetitive patterns of the story’s volumes. English is my second language. I proofed read the story many times but I apologize for any grammatical mistakes that might still be there. Comments, good or bad, are very welcomed. The synopsis is something I wrote rote to convey my thoughts about the book and the things it DOES NOT INCLUDE. (PS: THERE WILL NEVER BE HAREM IN THIS BOOK) Have fun reading. \(◦'⌣'◦)/ ----- ヽ(^o^)ノ

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The DuBois shop was very neat and simply decorated. But it didn't mean that it's not luxurious, in fact, many decorations here that looked simple, exuded a type of elegance that suggested its value wouldn't be cheap in any way. The shops occupied the entire fourth and fifth floors of the auction house.

Rows of glassed cabinets and windows littered the place. It was divided into sections. Weapons, clothes, medicine…etc.

Sen and Nivera strolled around. It's been a while since they've had some leisure time so they've decided to make the most use of it.

The group needed a change of clothes, so Sen bought clothes for everyone including himself.

A weird thing Sen's noticed regarding his items in the game. When he was playing LR, he wore a complete set of items; cape, rings, belts, boots, and other game items. All of them of course were high-level items.

But these items in this new world did not seem to grant stats. Instead, when Sen wore them, he would feel nothing in particular, like they were just like any other clothes and accessories.

However, when Nivera was examining the items he has in his space, she informed him what he considered normal clothes and armor were made from rare and expensive materials that gathered energy and Mana, some of which, she had never even seen before in the demon continent.

Sen concluded that he didn't feel anything from them since now he uses the fused energy, not Mana or internal energy.*

But what is useless for him, is a treasure to his companions. Only they, couldn't handle the weight of much high-level equipment, so they each got one item. Leonas got a rapier, Risa a heavy sword, and Uncle Sama'l a vision goggles.

The two children were too young for weapons so he just gave them protective items. While Nivera who was the strongest out of the three was able to wield three high-level items at once: a cloak, boots, and a shield.

Sen and Nivera strolled around some more, buying whatever picks their fancy. When Nivera passed by the gentlemen's section, she saw a male earing on display. Her steps paused.

"What's wrong?" Sen asked.

"Nothing" she shook her head and walked away.

Sen looked at the single earing for a second before buying it.

After that, they've bought a few more combat and magic manuals, which they had to fight it over with other clients since the place was crowded to the brim with rich people coming from all over the continent to participate in the auction.

Fatima joined after finishing his work. He even offered them a tour on the sixth floor where VVIPs shopped.

Originally, Sen's identity as a seller was not enough to get him up here, but Fatima had a really good impression of the Sen and Nivera.

"So Sen," Fatima said on their way up, "I don't mean to be rude, but I can see that Miss Nivera is a demon, you two seem to be definitely not human."

Sen stiffened, Nivera as well. Their steps up the stairs halted and they vigilantly studied the surroundings.

Sen cursed himself for being careless, he already had a hunch that the DuBois house came looking for the fused energy and still sloppily let down his guard in front of a DuBois young master.

He was in enemy territory. There are two exits to the stairwell. The walls were made of durable alloy, which he doubted would break without effort.

Nivera took out her weapon, ready for battle.

"Oh, god!" Fatima hurriedly waved his hands anxiously, "I don't mean you harm. I really don't. It's just when you asked me before how I authenticated the ancient texts with just my senses; that was actually not entirely true."

Sen seemed to relax for a moment but he did not dare to let his guard down again and let Fatima explain further. Fatima asked them to follow him to his office and he would explain everything. Sen cautiously agreed.

After entering the office, Fatima waved his hand all sounds from the outside went mute.

"Array master" whispered Nivera in Sen's ear.

Array masters, like Mana surgeons, translators, and many other special professions are rare jobs, some innate, and some can be learned. But they are extremely rare and highly sought after. Each of them can use Mana and energy to heal, operate, create arrays, and concoct medicine.

"please excuse my vigilance" Fatima sat on the couch and asked the two to sit down as well."

Sen concentrated on the man's face. When Fatima looked at them again, he was shocked to see his eyes. They were golden and like a cat's eyes. No, they are exactly like cat's eyes, round, vertical slit instead of pupils, even their size increased a bit more.

"an ocular demon" Nivera cried out.

Fatima nodded, "Miss Nivera sure is knowledgeable. Considering you are a demon and a very special one I might add, it's no surprise for you to know that"

"Ocular demon?" Sen turned to Nivera. He really knew nothing about this world and felt even gladder that he had Nivera, the knowledge groove, by his side. Especially since he cannot read not write this world's language; so reading books is out of the question.

"Ocular demons are half-demons. They are basically a new race that results from a demon mother and human father. They are not entirely human, nor are they entirely demon. When these two reproduce, the child can only be an ocular demon and not any other type. They have the body of a human, the lifespan of a demon. They do not inherit the demon's bloodline memories, but they do always inherit a special type of eyes that only their mixed-race can have."

"What about demon father and human mother?"

Nivera shook her head. "That combination gives birth to a variety of other demons, they can be full demons, full human, humans with demon parts, or demon with no bloodline memories. But a human father and demon mother always result in an ocular demon."

Fatima affirmed, "Miss Nivera is right. And since human genes are way weaker than demon genes, it is highly unlikely to have a demon mother pregnant from a human father. This makes ocular demons an extreme rarity"

"What does that have to do with us?" after having his curiosity quelled, Sen turned the topic back to business.

"my ocular demon eyes, they allow me to see beyond demon's glamor and any other mimic spells. Meaning If I activate them, I can clearly see miss Nivera as a demon, and you Sen…" Fatima hesitated. He stared a Sen carefully before saying, "and you Sen are something I've never seen before. The only thing I am absolutely sure of as I look at you right now is that you are the reason my family had sent me here for"

If Sen wasn't taking this seriously before, now he sure is. At the moment he feels something gone wrong, he and Nivera are breaking out of here come hell or high water.

Since he's already been found out, Sen didn't bother keeping the disguise, he turned to his Fanalis form, taking Fatima by surprise.

Fatima wanted to say how amazing the new look was but refrained as it may be disrespectful to Sen.

"Sen, I know you have to conceal the holy energy in your body, so as to not invite trouble to yourself, but I assure you that my family and I mean you no harm."

"The last one to covet my fused energy was a blood-drinking lunatic. What tells me you are not the same?"

"Because I've brought with me a world level mage and world level warrior. Had I wanted to take you, you wouldn't have been able to resist."

Sen choked on his words. He had to plan meticulously just to kill a very strong expert level warrior, can he really resist two world level? The answer is a big fat no!

"What does your family want from me?"

"Believe it or not, to protect you." Fatima suddenly stood up gracefully and addressed them. "Mister Sen, I Fatima DuBois, on behalf of house DuBois, offer you a deal. Are you interested in hearing it?"




The three talked for hours before each finally retreating towards their respective residences.

"Do you think he can be trusted?" Nivera asked after a road of silence.

"I'm not sure, but from what we've heard, I know we urgently need his help. We'll see what will happen during our stay in Lavin and give him an answer at the time."

They resumed the silence, both thinking about what they've heard today.

"Here," Sen handed Nivera the long cross-shaped earing he's bought at the shop. Which surprised him quite a bit, since he doubted if Christianity existed in this world.

Nivera was surprised, tears welled in her eyes as she took the silver earing.

"My…my husband had one like it. It was I who bought it for him when we got married"

Sen cursed himself once again for meddling, "I'm sorry."

"No," she smiled as she put on the cross earing. "Now I just have one more thing to remember him by, our daughter as well."

Sen left Nivera to her devices before retreating to his tent.

The days before the auction passed uneventfully.