
Rise of the empire

God has given me another chance, and I shall use it well

Xandergreat · Fantasy
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6 Chs

New information and a bit of stress too.

Reine sighed as she got up from bed having gone the entire night without sleep just working and thinking. She knew that it was going to be difficult to increase her kingdoms population but she then realized there was not nearly enough room in the city not to mention how she would actually recruit people to her kingdom. She knew far too little about her surroundings to know that. She sighed once again and took a shower after which she got dressed wearing the common dress of the world which looked like roman fashion with there being nothing but a robe leaving her more private areas only covered with a thin piece of cloth. she would have to fix this she thought to herself as she walked down to the dining hall where she would be eating the magnificent feast that would be waiting for her just like every other day.

She arrived in front of the oversized doors which served as the entrance to the room. She pushed open the doors and sat waiting for her food to be served. Of course she would never get to have such a calm and relaxing morning as the moment she sat down the doors burst open with her general popping in to say hello. In the time that she has been in this world she and general grant have become pretty good friends, so of course, she didn't mind the interruption even though it annoyed her a bit. She turned around half way and asked what on earth he could want so early in the morning as it was seven am not a time for such loud behavior as it was bound to wake someone up.he responded quite eagerly speaking of how the scout he had sent out to explore had just returned with new information regarding a war between two of the empires near here as well as information on the surrounding kingdoms.

"He brings word of war between the level 4 Egyptian empire and the level three Sudanese empire. he says that this might be a chance to recruit enough citizens to become a level three kingdom let alone a level two!" His voice shaking with excitement at the news. Reine's facial expression changed from annoyance to joy as they would be able to solve this problem as soon as it came up. But this news also had a downside to it, it meant that the other kingdoms nearest to the empires would also have the chance to recruit citizens maybe even advancing another level, this also increased the urgency that Reine felt to get the new farms up and running for the people she was hoping to recruit as even with their being space and food there was no guaranty that even a single person would show up. Sighing in frustration and dismissed Grant telling him to gather the council for a meeting which would be held over lunch in the palace.

Sighing once again Reine got up not even eating breakfast as her mood was ruined and she did not want to spend a moment longer in there when she could be doing other more useful things such as signing off on documents and the other egregious amounts of paperwork which would last her until at least dinner. As she walked to her office Reine suddenly turned around. She was in no mood for the problems of other people she was going to have to work with. She looked around the castle for a while exploring it, you could say. Time flew by as before Reine knew it, it was time for lunch as well as a meeting with the council...

I am going to try and upload twice a day but won't always be able too but you can expect at least one a day

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