
Rise of the Dragon Shaman

After starting his first year of college, a young student discovered an incredible power within himself that sent shockwaves throughout the entire realm of shamans. His newly unearthed abilities surpassed even the most experienced and revered practitioners, and he quickly became a force to be reckoned with in this mystical world. The revelation of his hidden power not only transformed his own life but also had a profound impact on the future of shamanism as a whole.

All_Knowing_Parrot · Urban
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25 Chs

Li Clan's Princess

As the dust settled on the first round of elimination, we were granted a fleeting hour of respite. This was no mere break, but a calculated move to instill in us the discipline of time-management and the importance of a clear, focused mind on the battlefield.

Without delay, I slipped into a state of deep meditation, seeking to rejuvenate my fatigued muscles and rekindle the fire within. I knew that the upcoming matches would require every ounce of my strength and resilience.

With four rounds left in the elimination, the pressure was mounting. Each class had a staggering 34 students, and only four representatives from each department would advance to the semifinals. The competition was fierce, and only the most dedicated and skilled would emerge victorious.

As the midterm rankings approached, I made a strategic decision to conceal my true abilities. After all, securing my place in the prestigious vanguard department was my main priority. While others may have felt the need to flaunt their skills, I was content to bide my time.

With only my hand-to-hand combat skills and my water body armor at my disposal, I was determined to prove that I could excel as a shaman, even without the advantage of a noble bloodline. For me, winning the final match was not as crucial as demonstrating my potential to excel in this highly competitive environment.

My decision was final, and I had already discussed it with Maria. As a proud and supportive partner, she readily agreed to stand by my side. Her unwavering dedication and strict adherence to our shared vision only served to reinforce my determination to pursue my own endeavors.

One of the keys to success in shamanic combat is the ability to utilize one's spirit effectively. As a vanguard with a unique second spirit that provided boosts similar to those of an assault shaman, I had a distinct advantage in battle.

My partner Maria recognized the importance of this advantage and took it upon herself to supervise my hand-to-hand combat training, tailoring it to suit the needs of my spirit. By exerting minimal aura to specific body parts, I was able to maximize the impact of my attacks and outmaneuver my opponents.

As I walked back to the platform signaling the second round of elimination match, I noticed that it had been fixed, and to my surprise, I saw the young lady from the notable family standing at the opposite side. Memories of her being bullied by my arrogant classmates came rushing back, and I couldn't help but feel concerned.

I paused for a moment, contemplating what to say, but before I could utter a word, she greeted me, her voice stuttering slightly. However, she quickly composed herself and smiled shyly at me. "H-Hey," she said, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "Good luck in the upcoming match!"

Her greeting caught me off guard, but her shy smile was undeniably cute. I couldn't help but smile back at her. "Thank you," I replied, my own voice softening. "You too. Let's do our best out there!"

Her eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "Yes, let's!" she said with renewed confidence. It was clear that she was determined to prove herself despite her previous hardships.

The moment the match began, she activated her chip, and a titanium staff made of nano machines appeared in her hand. My eyes widened in surprise. It wasn't against the rules to use weapons, but I hadn't expected her to do so.

But that wasn't the only surprise in store for me. With a flick of her wrist, she infused the staff with her own aura, and it transformed into a weapon of devastating power. She struck a combat pose, and I could see the infamous combat style of the Li clan reflected in her movements.

I gritted my teeth, ready for the fight ahead. "So you're going all out," I said, summoning my own spirit.

She chuckled, twirling the staff with ease. "I have to," she replied. "I can't let myself be defeated right now, even if it's you."

I smirked. "I like your determination, so I guess I'll have to show you what I'm made of."

With that, I charged forward, my spirit at my side. She met me head-on, her staff swinging in a blur of titanium and aura.

Her weapon and my fist clashed, sending sparks flying. I was impressed by the strength of her attack, but I didn't let it faze me. I gritted my teeth and focused all of my energy into a single blow.

Our weapons collided once again, and this time, I felt the titanium give way beneath my spirit's aura. Her eyes widened in surprise as her weapon shattered into pieces.

But to my dismay, the shattered staff immediately began to reform, thanks to the invulnerability granted to it by her aura. It was an annoying skill, to say the least.

"You're quite skilled," she said, a hint of admiration in her voice. "But it's not enough to defeat me."

"I guess I have to use 'that' technique," I thought to myself.

In a split second, I changed my form, mimicking the graceful movements of a snake. I infused my aura into my fingertips, drawing on the ancient kung fu technique that Maria had taught me. It was a perfect match for my water body armor, enhancing the fluidity of my movements and allowing me to strike with deadly precision.

I lunged forward, my fingers aimed at her weapon. Her staff came down, but I dodged with ease, slipping past her defenses. With a swift jab, I struck the weakened point in her aura-infused staff.

To my satisfaction, the staff shattered into pieces, unable to reform due to the disruption in her aura. She looked shocked, caught off guard by my sudden change in tactics.

"That's not possible!" she exclaimed, her confidence faltering.

I smirked. "Never underestimate the power of adaptability," I retorted, my voice laced with determination.

With renewed vigor, I continued my assault, my movements a dance of water and aura, weaving in and out of her attacks with finesse. Her invulnerable weapon was no match for my precise strikes and strategic use of my aura.

After a fierce exchange of blows, I landed a final, decisive strike, and her aura dissipated, leaving her weaponless and defeated.

She stared at me in disbelief, and then a smile spread across her face. "Well done," she said, acknowledging my victory. "You truly are a formidable opponent."

I nodded, a sense of pride swelling within me. "Thank you," I replied, offering her a hand to help her up. "It was an intense battle, and you fought well."

She accepted my hand, and we stood facing each other, the tension of the fight dissipating into mutual respect. Despite our differences, we had both given our all in the match, and I had earned her admiration.