
Rise of the Dragon Emperor

Hello there! I'm the author and this is my second attempt at making a novel. I have put in a lot of effort to make this novel as good as possible so that you can enjoy the novel which I have written. There will be minor mistakes within the novel, but I have tried my best to make the reading experience as best as possible. If you notice any errors or things that you do not like I will try to improve the problem as soon as possible. I hope that you enjoy my novel and continue to read it. I look forward to seeing all your comments and being able to interact with all of you :) Druak was an aspiring mage who wished to gain vast amounts of knowledge and had an incredibly amount of curiosity. Fate, however didn’t allow him to follow the path which he wished to follow. After a failed experiment Druak was sent into a coma for many years and lost his best chance to learn anything about magic. After living for 27 years Druak tragically died after being pushed off a cliff by a figure which was cloaked in black. Druak had lived a miserable life, each person he ever cared for or got close die before his eyes. Even his best friend was brutally killed in front of his eyes and Druak was powerless to stop it. 100 years after Druaks death a battle that shook the entire continent took place between a Lich king and four minor kingdoms. This battle resulted in the death of the Lich King. And the death of this Lich King seemed to set something into motion. Traveling all the way back in time Druak was once again alive, this time inside his 17-year-old body. He was finally given a second chance however, unbenounced to him he wasn’t the only one who was given a second chance. The cover of this novel does not belong to me so if the original owner wishes for me to take it down please let me know and I will be sure to change it.

RaygonWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
118 Chs


"So how many points do you think we have." Druak asked as he put down a large bag filled with monster parts.

"We worked pretty well together, so probably a pretty high score… You're not nearly as boring as I'd thought you'd be, thanks for the fun adventure. I might even consider teaming up with you again."

Druak watched as his companion started counting their points, laughing maniacally every time she saw a large amount.

'Guess I gave a good first impression. She's a bit of a handful but I'm sure she'll be helpful later and I didn't hate working with her so it could be interesting if we ever….'

Just as Druak was thinking about working with her again, she suddenly rushed towards him and grabbed his head, pushing it under some shrubs.

"What are.."

"Shhh. There's orcs ahead."

As soon as Druak heard those words his face showed how shocked he was, despite trying to hide this from his companion.

'Wait… Orcs… What the hell are orcs doing here. I don't remember anything like this happening in my past life.'

Druak hadn't yet realised he wasn't the only one that was making changes to this world. A certain lich had been busy too.

Within the forest that the lich was using as a base, one of the guardian monsters had left the forest, using the appearance of the lich as its cover.

The forest had already begun to show signs of conflict, as minor skirmishes between the major monster races became far more common.

One such conflict had happened near a large orc settlement.

As the conflicts continued they began to destroy the homes and the entire settlement of the orcs.

Watching this an enormous orc stood atop a boulder and shouted. "Orcs… These pathetic beasts dare to ignore our homes and trample within our territory. We can not stand for this! Fight, fight till every last drop of your blood is on the ground. CHARGE!!!"

A mysterious black mist escaped the orc and as if possessed, all the other orcs' eyes glowed a bloody red, as they charged straight at the monsters, yelling a battle cry that would put fear into any normal creature

It took hours for the battle to end and the battlefield had blood covered throughout, most of which were from the orcs. But after a long tiring battle, the orcs eventually won, losing dozens of their strongest warriors and 100s of innocent villagers in the process.

As the orcs looked at the orc that had commanded them, they noticed that the orc's body was changing. The orc that stood there was now more, and instead stood a human clad in the armour of the Argonaut kingdom.

At the top of his lungs, the now-armoured human shouted."HAHAHA. Stupid orcs. You died for nothing… Those were just monsters we collected to play with your pathetic lives, now we can just watch as you slowly die."

Hearing these words the orcs' faces become filled with rage, as they had realised they had lost their homes and family due to the selfish humans, which they had left in peace.

Before they could vent their anger out on the human clad in armour, he had already disappeared.

A large orc which was adorned with monster parts came forward. This was the chieftain of these orcs and as he stared down at his tribe, which were covered in blood, his rage could no longer be contained. "Those f*cking humans dare trample on our PRIDE!!! Who knows the base of those humans. I will completely eradicate them!!

An unknown orc stepped forward, this orc far smaller than the chieftain, and as the orc did so they bowed their head to the chieftain and said." Chieftain, I am a travelling orc and learned of those human's origin."

"Speak. If you know of their whereabouts, I must know."

"That was a knight from the Argonaut kingdom. I know of the perfect place to attack, if… you will allow me to lead you there."

"What are you waiting for… Lead the way... Orcs we march, for the death of the humans and our PRIDE!!!"


As the orcs marched, the small orc leading them had a maniacal smile on his face.

Muttering under his breath."Orcs are so simple. They trust anyone that's an orc like them… Master, I follow your will."

As Druak hide behind the shrubs, he couldn't help but be curious and decided to poke his head out to see how many orcs there were and what they were up to.

'Looks like it's just a scouting party. But why are they here.'

Druak tried to think of what he had done to change the future and bring the orcs here, but no matter what he thought he couldn't think of anything.

'I need a closer look. These orcs are too strong to just leave here without knowing what they're after.'

Just as Druak was about to look to move closer to see what they were doing, an orc quickly turned their head. Luckily Druak reacted quick enough to not be seen.

Watching Druaks actions, the ice mage whispered."What the hell are you doing. They're high-ranked orcs, if we get caught we'll have no chance of getting away."

Druak knew she was right, but he also knew that this might be the only chance to find out what they were after before it happened.

"Go to the teachers. I need to know what they are doing here."

"Fine. I barely know you anyway. It's not my fault if you die from being an idiot."

Just as Druak was about to leave his arm was tugged, as he heard the words." Don't die."

Not looking back Druak nods as he disappears into the large shrubs, which were closer to the orc scouts.

Looking back at Druak, the ice mage mutters."That idiot better not die. I still haven't paid him back for making fun of me."

She soon also disappears like Druak but in the opposite direction.

Druak, was once again alone, not realising just how dangerous what he was doing was.