
Rise of the Death Ruler: Journey of Second Chances

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project)

ex_berfect · Fantasy
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11 Chs


 - The Bar: The bar is the place where you can order food and drinks, and pay for them. The bar is managed by the bartender, who serves you food and drinks and collects your money. The bar is also monitored by the system, who scans your food and drinks and records your consumption. You have to be careful, and use your mask, your cloak, and your system, to order food and drinks, without arousing suspicion or attracting attention.

 - The Table: The table is the place where you can sit, eat, drink, and talk, with other people. The table is also monitored by the system, who scans your conversations and records your interactions. You have to be careful, and use your mask, your cloak, and your system, to sit, eat, drink, and talk, without arousing suspicion or attracting attention.

 - The Guild: The guild is a place where you can join, or create, a group of people, who share a common goal, interest, or profession. The guild has many features, such as:

 - The Hall: The hall is the place where you can meet, greet, and chat, with other members of the guild. The hall is also monitored by the system, who scans your chats and records your relationships. You have to be careful, and use your mask, your cloak, and your system, to meet, greet, and chat, without arousing suspicion or attracting attention.

 - The Board: The board is the place where you can view, accept, or post, quests, missions, or jobs, that are related to the guild. The board is also monitored by the system, who scans your quests and records your progress. You have to be careful, and use your mask, your cloak, and your system, to view, accept, or post, quests, missions, or jobs, without arousing suspicion or attracting attention.

This is the end of the Guide. You can access the Guide feature anytime, by saying "Guide" in your mind. You can also ask the system any questions, by saying "System" in your mind. The system will try to answer your questions, as long as they are related to the system and the game. The system hopes that you will enjoy the game, and become the best Death Ruler.]

He felt a sense of relief and curiosity. He had learned a lot from the guide, and he felt more confident and prepared. He had many questions, and he wanted to ask the system. He wanted to learn more about the system and the game.

But he had no time. He had to find a new identity, and hide his true identity.

He decided to follow the system's advice, and use the Quests feature. He said "Quests" in his mind, and saw a new screen appear. He read the message, and felt a sense of direction:

[Quests: You can view your current quests, and their details, by using the Quests feature. You can also accept new quests, or abandon old quests, by using the Quests feature. You can access the Quests feature anytime, by saying "Quests" in your mind.

Current Quests:

- Quest 2: Find a New Identity

Description: You are currently outside the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which has exploded, and destroyed the castle. They have also spread the news that you are dead, and declared themselves as the new rulers of the kingdom. They have also sent their agents and assassins, to hunt you down and confirm your death. You have to find a new identity, and hide your true identity. You have to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story. You have to convince the people, and the system, that you are someone else.

Objective: Find a new identity, and hide your true identity.

Reward: 2000 Death Coins, 2 Random Items, 2 Skill Points.

Penalty: Exposure, Capture, Torture, Death.

Status: In Progress.

Hint: The easiest way to find a new identity, is to use the mask of the Death Ruler, which can change your voice and appearance. You can also use the cloak of shadows, which can increase your stealth. You can also use the system, which can provide you with tips and hints. You can also use your skills and items, which can help you fight and survive. You can also use your charisma and intelligence, which can help you persuade and deceive. You can also use your luck and intuition, which can help you choose and decide. You have to make your way to a safe place, where you can rest and plan. You have to be careful, and avoid detection. You have to be creative, and improvise.

Sub-Objective: Enter the city of Lora, and find a place to stay.

Reward: 100 Death Coins, 1 Random Item.

Penalty: None.

Status: In Progress.

Hint: The city of Lora is a large and prosperous city, located in the kingdom of Lora, a friendly and neutral ally of Zalora. The city of Lora is known for its bright and beautiful lights, which illuminate the city at night, and create a dazzling and festive atmosphere. The city of Lora is also known for its diverse and lively people, who come from different backgrounds, cultures, and races. The city of Lora is a good place to find a new identity, as you can easily blend in with the crowd, and find a place to stay. However, the city of Lora is also a dangerous place, as you may encounter enemies, rivals, or troublemakers, who may recognize you, or harm you. You have to be careful, and use your mask, your cloak, and your system, to enter the city, and find a place to stay. You can also use your skills, your items, and your charisma, to deal with any problems, or opportunities, that you may face. You can also use your intelligence, your luck, and your intuition, to choose a place to stay, that suits your needs, and your budget. You have to enter the city, and find a place to stay, before nightfall.]

He felt a surge of hope and determination. He had a sub-objective, and he had to complete it. He had to enter the city, and find a place to stay. He had to rest, and plan.

He had no idea how to do that, or where to start. He had no idea where to go, or what to do. He had no idea who to trust, or who to avoid.

He felt overwhelmed and clueless. He wished he had a guide, or a tutorial, or a manual. He wished he had someone to teach him, or help him, or explain to him.

But he had no one. He had only himself. He had only the system.

He decided to follow his intuition, and his luck. He chose the paths that seemed the most promising, and the most exciting. He chose the paths that seemed the most fun, and the most adventurous.

He entered the city, and saw many things and people. He saw shops, and inns, and taverns. He saw markets, and guilds, and temples. He saw guards, and merchants, and priests. He saw humans, and elves, and dwarves.

He felt a sense of wonder and curiosity. He had entered a new world, and he had to explore it. He had to learn about it, and adapt to it. He had to find his place in it, and make his mark on it.

He decided to follow the road, and see where it would lead him. He hoped to find a place to stay, and a place to rest. He hoped to find a place to plan, and a place to hide.

He ran along the road, and saw a sign, that said "The Golden Dragon Inn, the best place to stay in Lora". He felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. He had found a place to stay, and he had reached it. He had found a destination, and he had arrived.

He ran to the inn, and saw a door, that led to the inn. He saw a sign, that said "Open". He opened the door, and entered the inn. He saw a reception, and a hall. He saw a bar, and a table. He saw people, and food, and drinks.

He felt a breeze of fresh air, and a sense of comfort. He had entered the inn, and he had to discover it. He had to see what it had to offer, and what it had to hide.

He heard a beep, and saw the screen change again. He read the new message, and felt a sense of accomplishment and reward: