
Rise of the Death Ruler: Journey of Second Chances

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project)

ex_berfect · Fantasy
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11 Chs


[Quest 2: Find a New Identity

Description: You are currently outside the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which has exploded, and destroyed the castle. They have also spread the news that you are dead, and declared themselves as the new rulers of the kingdom. They have also sent their agents and assassins, to hunt you down and confirm your death. You have to find a new identity, and hide your true identity. 

You have to find a new identity, and hide your true identity. You have to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story. You have to convince the people, and the system, that you are someone else.

Objective: Find a new identity, and hide your true identity.

Reward: 2000 Death Coins, 2 Random Items, 2 Skill Points.

Penalty: Exposure, Capture, Torture, Death.

Status: In Progress.

Hint: The easiest way to find a new identity, is to use the mask of the Death Ruler, which can change your voice and appearance. You can also use the cloak of shadows, which can increase your stealth. You can also use the system, which can provide you with tips and hints. You can also use your skills and items, which can help you fight and survive. You can also use your charisma and intelligence, which can help you persuade and deceive. You can also use your luck and intuition, which can help you choose and decide. You have to make your way to a safe place, where you can rest and plan. You have to be careful, and avoid detection. You have to be creative, and improvise.

Sub-Objective: Enter the city of Lora, and find a place to stay.

Reward: 100 Death Coins, 1 Random Item.

Penalty: None.

Status: Completed.

Congratulations, host. You have successfully completed your sub-objective, and earned your rewards. You have also gained 100 experience points, and increased your level to 20. You have also gained 1 random item, which you can check in your inventory.

Please note that you have not completed your main objective, and you still have to find a new identity, and hide your true identity. You have to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story. You have to convince the people, and the system, that you are someone else.

The system will now scan your current situation, and assign you your next sub-objective. Please wait for a moment.]

He felt a mix of emotions and thoughts. He had completed his sub-objective, and he had earned his rewards. He had increased his level, and he had gained a random item. He had entered the city, and he had found a place to stay.

He had no idea what to do next, or how to proceed. He had no idea how to create a new identity, or how to hide his true identity. He had no idea how to convince the people, or the system, that he was someone else.

He felt overwhelmed and clueless. He wished he had a guide, or a tutorial, or a manual. He wished

he had someone to teach him, or help him, or explain to him.

But he had no one. He had only himself. He had only the system.

He decided to follow the system's advice, and use the Inventory feature. He said "Inventory" in his mind, and saw a new screen appear. He read the message, and felt a sense of curiosity and excitement:

[Inventory: You can view your items, and their details, by using the Inventory feature. You can also use, equip, or discard your items, by using the Inventory feature. You can access the Inventory feature anytime, by saying "Inventory" in your mind.

Current Items:

- Mask of the Death Ruler: A mask that allows the wearer to change their voice and appearance, according to their will. Effect: Changes voice and appearance.

- Cloak of Shadows: A cloak that allows the wearer to blend in with the shadows, and become invisible to the naked eye. Effect: Increases stealth by 50%.

- Ring of the Crown Prince: A ring that proves the wearer's identity as the crown prince of Zalora, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. Effect: Reveals identity.

- Dagger of the Hidden Master: A dagger that belongs to the hidden masters, a secret and elite group of assassins, who serve the crown prince of Zalora. Effect: Increases attack by 10%.

- Potion of Healing: A potion that heals the user's wounds, and restores their health. Effect: Restores 50% of health.

- Potion of Mana: A potion that replenishes the user's energy, and restores their mana. Effect: Restores 50% of mana.

- Potion of Speed: A potion that enhances the user's agility, and increases their speed. Effect: Increases speed by 50% for 10 minutes.

- Potion of Strength: A potion that enhances the user's power, and increases their strength. Effect: Increases strength by 50% for 10 minutes.

- Potion of Luck: A potion that enhances the user's fortune, and increases their luck. Effect: Increases luck by 50% for 10 minutes.

- Scroll of Fireball: A scroll that contains the spell of fireball, which can be cast by the user, and cause a large explosion of fire. Effect: Deals 100 points of fire damage to the target and the surrounding area.

- Scroll of Teleportation: A scroll that contains the spell of teleportation, which can be cast by the user, and transport them to a random location. Effect: Transports the user to a random location within 10 kilometers.

- Scroll of Invisibility: A scroll that contains the spell of invisibility, which can be cast by the user, and make them invisible to the naked eye. Effect: Makes the user invisible for 10 minutes.

- Scroll of Illusion: A scroll that contains the spell of illusion, which can be cast by the user, and create a false image of themselves, or anything else. Effect: Creates an illusion for 10 minutes.

- Scroll of Summoning: A scroll that contains the spell of summoning, which can be cast by the user, and summon a random creature, or object, to aid them. Effect: Summons a random creature, or object, for 10 minutes.

- Scroll of Identification: A scroll that contains the spell of identification, which can be cast by the user, and reveal the true nature, or identity, of anything, or anyone. Effect: Reveals the true nature, or identity, of anything, or anyone.

- Random Item: A mysterious item, that has not been identified yet. Effect: Unknown.]

He felt a surge of wonder and awe. He had many items, and he had to use them. He had to see what they could do, and how they could help him.

He decided to use the random item, and see what it was. He said "Use Random Item" in his mind, and saw the screen change again. He read the message, and felt a sense of surprise and shock:

[You have used the random item. The random item is a necklace, a silver necklace that has a pendant, shaped like a dragon. It is an equipment item, and it has a passive effect. It says:

- Necklace of the Dragon: A necklace that grants the wearer the power and the protection of the dragon, the legendary and mythical creature. Effect: Increases all attributes by 10%.

You have equipped the necklace of the dragon, and felt a slight change in your body. You looked at your reflection, and saw that you had a faint glow around you, and a pair of dragon wings on your back. You looked like a dragon, or a dragonborn.

You felt a thrill of power and awe. You had obtained a rare and powerful item, and you had to try it. You had to use it, and see what it could do.]