
Rise of the Cursed Lord

“The Wheel of Fortune” can decide what man you are born, but not what man you become. Though I was born twice, both times I was cursed to the absolute bottom. But even then, I had a blessing that made me want to thrive. Use before you get used. Gain power before you find yourself powerless. By any means necessary, that is what it means to truly survive. On the floating islands of Sanctum, knowledge is one’s most powerful weapon, and at the same time greatest vulnerability. The web of lies and deception spread far in this world, some even weaved and hidden by the very gods. The abyssal mysteries— those who near them get swallowed within the endless fogs that speak tales of Sanctum’s inevitable doom. For the sake of the world I envision, this won’t do… ************** IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE! This post was made by #NoHaremGang! The Novel's MC will not be a very moral guy. He is the farthest thing from hero and will value his own ambitions. The way he sees the world is very unique. Btw, this is totally NOT author Drip

SecretDrip · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


The scene looked like a sea of blue stars glistening in a purple sky the size of a large farmland of several acres, with blue crystals replacing the crops. Despite the open ceiling of the prison, the sunlight barely reached this vast, dimly lit hole— the big open ceiling almost the size of a fist within these depths.

It was a mesmerizing, ethereal scene Joseph had never dreamed of before in his life. 

Armed with only a pickaxe and wheelbarrow, all the inmates began digging these crystals— arcane energy. From what he deduced from his short conversation with Samara, this was the main energy source and currency, used to power the entire world.

He hung the pickaxe through his rope belt of his prison garb and began walkling. 

At first, he remained close with his cellmates, silently following behind until they all split up, some forming groups, and others going alone in their own direction.

'Interesting… I suspected as much…' He paused behind his cellmates and quietly observed… 'Odd movements indeed… But these shadows cannon escape my gaze…'

He had suspected Rayah would drag him as her slave to mine for her, yet it seemed like she had still not gotten over what happened the night prior. 

As such, he whispered a few words to Samara who walked right in front of him before he decided to stay close to Skylar— the only person who had treated him well thus far. 

"Sorry… This is the first time I've come here…" His voice had an undertone of embarrassment. 

"No no no! It's okay! My first time I was more confused than you and I wish I had someone to help! I know a reaaalllyyy good spot so follow me!"

Of course, this was all an act— yet it all served a purpose.

Out of all his cellmates, only Samara and Rayah knew his nature as they had met before entering this prison, Rayah far more than Samara.

The others were simply his cellmates— people of great importance they had grouped together to better keep an eye on. He had been in this prison for only three days, and those days were all spent unconscious until he woke into this new world. It seemed like he was the sole outlier in the cell, only there since he was Rayah's slave.

As far as he knew, all the other prisoners knew about him were his actions from when he woke, and whatever Rayah had told them in his slumber— this also included Skylar.

They knew nothing about this "degenerate Zephyr" Samara was so adamant about, so there was no use in pretending to be such. After how he carried himself yesterday, that was now impractical.

The mystery of his body's past still illuded him, yet that was far from his top priority. 

As they walked, Joseph's pupils always peeked behind, his honed senses screaming at him before he finally saw it, and then pretended he never did. 

With a simple glance, Joseph was able to determine that this hole once reached the open sky, and through years of mining reached these depths in which they then built prison cells for inmates to continue their labour.

Despite the large area, the prisoners were relatively compact. The few guards that were stationed had their attention spread, and even then they generally seemed disinterested: he looked at a guard sitting on a rock eating his breakfast, taking only occasional glances up. 

There were even many prisoners who dosed around conversing and not doing anything while playing amongst each other, and the guards seemed to not care less. 

As they finally reached the outer edges, the sky hole disappeared under a low-hanging ceiling of dripstones.

"How about we go over there, seems like a good spot," Joseph pointed towards an area that seemed rather generic, but one that for some reason caught his eye compared to all the others.

"Sounds good!" Skylar cheered. 

They reached their spot, and he continued observing as he mined, the more he did, the more he began to decipher Samara's words. 

Oddly, most prisoners seemed to be around his age. Why such a massive facility housed only children was a disturbing mystery that still pricked at his subconscious. Around most of these prisoners' legs, there was a glowing metal anklet attached. From what he was told, they were used to siphon arcane energy from the wearer, hence rendering their magic, or rather, arcane arts ultimately useless.

This meant that there was no means for them to benefit from these valuable arcane crystals, to them it was just as useful as a normal rock.

The only few not wearing these anklets were those who lacked any flow of arcane energy to siphon and hence, were unable to use magic. Joseph was one such person.

Every prisoner was to fill an entire wheelbarrow with arcane crystals— that was their quota for the day. After that, they'd be free to go back to their cells. Of course, Joseph knew this was undoubtedly to come with trouble.

"Wow, Zephyr! You're almost done!" Skylar glared at him with star-like eyes. 

"I just want to get this over with, I heard we get food when we get back to our cell,"

"Yep yep! But I'll warn you now the food is disssguuussssting! They need to fire the cooks!"

'This girl just keeps yapping. It would be good if she spoke anything of substance. In the cell, she was so shy and quiet. She's way too happy for a kid locked up in prison… Why?' Joseph wondered before he continued. 

"Well, I haven't eaten in three days, so I'm sure I'd eat anything,"

Several hours had passed, and Joseph had almost filled up his barrow. 

Despite his frailty, his current body had excellent stamina, like it had been used to long hard manual labour. If one were to think about it, It was not much of a blessing, but after receiving nothing of note, Joseph found it more than welcomed.

Withholding Ki powers, using it for another purpose, he tried his best to mine as fast as possible to gauge himself against the other prisoners. 

Most had already finished and the guards left along with them, while very few were behind. For example, Skylar, still at his side had almost filled her barrow and was only slightly behind him, even though she was clearly not giving it her all.

For Joseph, it was far too easy to split his attention between mining at full speed and keeping a mental note of everything around him. Everything from the guard's tendencies, blind spots, optimal mining spaces, and even full conversations from others around him were fully stored in his subconscious. 

'All the conditions have been met. No one is around. If all was according to how he envisioned things, 'they' should be coming soon…'

"Hey, Skylar, do you mind if I ask what relationship you have with Mistress Rayah?"

"That bitch?"

Like a 180-degree turn, her tone completely changed. He did not know the word 'bitch' was even in her vocabulary. 

"Did… something happen between you two while I was asleep?"

"Aghhh don't even get me started! Anyways, why even mention her?"

Joseph had no idea she harboured such hatred towards Rayah, yet he continued unphased under his poker face. 

"It's just that I wanted to know your relationship is with my own master, and I was gonna ask you for advice. You see, she's been avoiding me all day and—"

"So what if she is!? Isn't she—"

"HEY!! YOU TWO!!" A bellowing voice intruded into their conversation. "Give me all of your arcane crystals now and you won't get hurt! I promise!"

Ahead of them stood a solitary figure, larger and older than most kids in the prison. His presence was imposing, a smirk playing on his lips as he approached, a wheelbarrow filled with crystals trailing behind him.

'He's a bit earlier than I expected. But, it will suffice…' Joseph calmly acknowledged.

"Z—Zephyr…" Skylar muttered, looking up at the wicked figure with eyes shaking in terror.

She instinctively stepped back, finding refuge behind Joseph. His arm, outstretched before her, became a protective barrier.

"First, I want you to promise her safety! You only need one barrow right!? Just take mine and let her go!" He declared.

"Awwww such a cute little couple!" The boy mused, parting strands of his blonde hair. "I already promised I won't hurt you if you just give me the goods… What's with that look? You don't trust me?"

"Like hell I do!" Joseph's words were firm. "I need to confirm her safety first! Once she's gone, I'll give you what you want! I can tell you're in a rush, so don't make this harder than it has to—"

"Sure, I'll let her go…" The boy casually shrugged. "You're right, I am a bit tired, and I'd really not like you two resisting. If letting her go will solve that then whatever. Besides, I'd really rather not have to beat up a girl… Only problem is if she goes ratting off to a guard…."

"I promise you she won't!" Joseph declared. 

"Z—Zephyr… What are you talking about… Just give him the stones and let's leave… You're a dreg… You can't—" Skylar crumbled down on her knees, rivers of tears flowing down each of her rose cheeks. 

"Don't worry… Your safety is my top priority…" he smiled.


"No buts. This is the least I could do… You're the first person who's ever been so nice to me… Even if I get a little beat up, It's all worth it… Just promise to not call the guards okay? It'll only make my life harder,"

"I… I promise…" She tightly clenched the clothes over his chest. "Just—"

"HEY HEY!! ENOUGH OF THIS DISGUSTING SHIT!! My god! I have places to be! So fuck off before I change my mind!"

Skylar, rattled by the voice, her eyes still wet from tears, nodded and slowly began to back away whilst dragging her wheelbarrow. She took one final look at Joseph, her gaze filled with a mix of gratitude, concern, and anguish. "Please be safe," she whispered, barely audible.

The remaining two watched as she retreated far in the distance until she was barely visible. 

"There! She's gone!" The kid yawned. "Now give me what I want and I'll only slightly kick the crap out of you for wasting my time! How does that sound? Deal?"

"What!? No deal!" Joseph's voice squealed


"You coward!" He stuttered, "you said you wouldn't hurt me if—"

"Well, guess what? I lied…" He casually laughed, "Too naive for your own good. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, if you just cooperated from the start none of this would have happened,"

"YOU'RE PURE EVIL! Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything…" Joseph began to back up slowly, sweat all over his face and his hands shaking in front of him. 

"Did you really think I'd just let you go? Was that really your plan? You acted so tough in front of that girl… But you're really just a pussy… Sad, she's way too good for a bitchmade like you… You're the kind I hate the most! I'll piss on your crippled body when I'm done with you!"

"W—what? Are you jealous? At least I have comrades unlike your loner ass,"

"HAHAHAHA!! And where is your girlfriend now!? Like I'd ever be jealous of a worthless dreg!" The boy lunged towards him, his face twisted with malicious glee and fists clenched in anticipation of the cruelty they were about to unleash.

Joseph raised his shaking arms up to protect his face:

"No— no! Please don't! I beg of you! I'll do anything!! I'll—"

"TOO LATE FOR YOU NOW!" He punched with all his might at the seemingly defenceless boy, But it was like swinging at a shadow; his target had suddenly vanished, leaving him stumbling forward, his punch hitting nothing but air.

'I MISSED!?' His mind shrieked at him. 'No way he dodged!?' He snapped, around looking for his victim, but before he did, he heard a scream that did all the work for him. 


'There he is… pfff—' A wave of relief washed over him, quickly morphing into cripiling laughter and amusement. There lay his opponent, sprawled on the ground, hands desperately clutching his eyes. Of course, he was not strong or fast enough to dodge. He could not believe he felt anxious even for a split second.

The timing was too perfect - the kid must have tripped just as he lunged, injuring himself in the process. He chuckled at the absurdity of it all, his laughter baring no echo. 

"AHAHAHAHA!! NO WAY!!" The hilarity of the situation was so much that he allowed Joseph to stand back up, but as he did, he took a wobbly fighting stance with his eyes closed, wildly swinging at air.

"Come on then, fight me... you coward!" Joseph's voice was a mix of defiance and desperation.

The boy doubled over, clutching his stomach as spasms of laughter wracked his body. The scene before him was too absurd, too comical. He never anticipated being brought to tears at a time like this - tears of pain. This accidental comedy was the best blow Joseph had landed yet. If his plan was to kill him from laughter, it was certainly working. 

"Okay okay! The joke is getting old, but if was fun while it lasted…" he snickered, wiping away his waterworks.

Finally deciding to end this farce, the boy paced up with a musing boxer-like weave. He feigned left and then lunged to the right, aiming a solid punch towards Joseph's jaw. Yet, to his utter disbelief, Joseph's seemingly aimless arm movements shifted, intercepting his attack with an uncanny precision.

"What the—"

Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain strike his stomach, before Joseph's other hand shot out, gripping his wrist with a vice-like hold. In one swift motion, Joseph twisted his arm, using the boy's own momentum against him, and with a deft move, flipped him over onto his back.


Pain shot through the boy's arm and spread through his entire system, his face pressed against the cold ground. Confusion and disbelief clouded his mind. How could this 'weak' boy, supposedly blinded and defenseless, suddenly become this efficient, almost ruthless, fighter?

"LET GO OF ME!!" he growled, struggling against the firm hold, but it was no use. Joseph's grip was unyielding.

Through the pain, he found a moment to glance up, and to his utter disbelief and horror, Joseph's eyes were still shut tight. 

"I... I... You can't see! How did you—"

"It doesn't matter how," Joseph cut him off, his grip unyielding. "What matters is that you're in no place to bargain anymore—"

"GAUUURRDSSS!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" Once again, his voice did not echo.

None answered. 

The boy struggled, trying to free himself, but it was useless. Joseph's hold was unbreakable, and the realization dawned on him that nothing was going to save him, and he was completely isolated at Joseph's mercy. 

"Please… just let me go… I promise I won't bother you ever again! W—What do you want… I beg you… I'll do anything," He sobbed, his voice pathetic, low and muffled.

"You know, I was gonna say nothing but… You see, I've recently lost much of my memories… I now know close to nothing about this world…" Joseph spoke with a soft, almost embarrassed chuckle. 

"Th—that's weird… W—why should I believe you?" He gulped. 

"Because unlike you, I'm a man of honour, and I keep my promises. On my life, I promise to release you when it's all over,"

"Oh… okay…" He did not know why, but despite the situation he found himself in, he felt an odd comfort in Joseph's voice, like everything was going to be fine as long as he complied. 

"Good! But don't try to lie to me, I'm usually good at sensing that…" Joseph smiled. 

The boy's body relaxed, and he stopped resisting as he let out a breath and spoke: "Don't worry, like I'd lie to you over something so simple at a time like this… I'll answer anything,"

"So… uhhh… What is the name of this world?"

"Seems like you really forgot everything huh? This world is called Sanctum…"

Hope you enoyed

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