
Rise of the Celestial Asura Clan

Rosario was forced into the collective with all other humans from planet Earth and other races from the Milky Way Galaxy. Having been dropped into a crater on a massive planet and given some resources to survive, Rosario has to take what he has been given and turn it into a prosperous Empire. Follow Rosarios journey as he learns to be a leader to his people and an even better warrior. From the ashes of two civilizations the mighty Celestial Asura Clan arises.

PrimordialGio · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 45: Attack on the Great Hall

Rosario didn't have to wait long for the remaining groups led by his clansmen to join him outside the Great Hall. Someone had clearly warned the inhabitants of the Hall that they were either coming or that something was going on. The Hall doors were barred shut and all the windows had been closed and bolted.

Rosario hadn't bothered to even try opening the doors or windows, he had just hidden across from the front of the Hall overlooking the open square just outside the Halls front doors. Over the next half hour one by one Rosarios clansmen joined except for Herald. Once everyone had gathered Rosario had stopped bothering to hide and had gathered everyone in the square. There he gave orders to the men who had been following them.

"Sort yourselves into four teams, I want you to go door to door, house by house and flush out any other goblins left behind. If you come across some goblins that are too much trouble and you cant win against them then retreat to here. DO NOT retreat to where Herald has taken the rescued ladies, the last thing we want is you leading the goblins right back to them. Got it."

Seeing nodding heads all around Rosario dismissed them.

"Then go, I want this village exercised of all the goblins before nightfall."

Turning back to his fellow clansmen Rosario continued.

"As for us, we will need to bust down the door, who wants some target practice for their magic? Bolog and Tormund, go around the back of the Great Hall to watch if anyone tries escaping from the rear. "

Once Bolog and Tormund had gone to cover the back, the first magical projectiles smashed into the front hall doors. As the projectiles began their barrage on the doors Rosario could faintly hear someone yelling from within the Great Hall. The words were not distinguishable, but he could tell in the voice that it was someone scared trying to sound tough.

It took two hours before the doors gave way, as they had begun crumbling and deteriorating Rosario had everyone move to the sides away from in front of the doors. It was the right move as when the doors finally collapsed a barrage of arrows was shot out of the entrance.

Quickly ducking into the doorway Rosario charged in before a second barrage could be unleashed. Before him was a Hall with a vaulted ceiling, on the far back of the hall was a throne. Rosario almost got hit with the second barrage of arrows as the throne had distracted him for a split second.

'No way this idiot took the golden throne from the catalogue!!'

Diving into a roll the second barrage of arrows passed over him as he popped back up already swinging his sword, decapitating the first hobgoblin he reached. He had reached the archers and now that he was upon them he could wreak havoc. As these were hobgoblins and all Evo1 beings they were not as easy prey as the other goblins, they each immediately dropped their bows and unsheathed their swords and spears for combat.

As Rosario engaged with the first line of 5 hobgoblins the remaining four clansmen charged through the doorway. They saw as Rosario fought with sword and shield against 5 hobgoblins while one laid at Rosarios feet missing its head.

Looking further into the room they could see that there was a younger man standing in front of the throne yelling while pointing their way. Standing in front of this young man was a group of ten more hobgoblins in full plate armor with spears and shields. They did not bother advancing, they just stood there shields down and spear pointed at the intruders.

Two of the four jumped into the fight with Rosario while the other two moved to the sides of the room keeping an eye if the ten armored figures began moving. It didn't take more than thirty seconds before Rosario and the two to eliminate the five hobgoblins, their main skills had lay with the bow, and they had not been skilled at all with swords.

After the last Hobgoblin fell a deafening silence fell over the entirety of the Hall. The silence was broken as Rosario wiped his sword clean on the fallen body of a Hobgoblin, earning himself a frown from the human watcher standing in front of his throne. After wiping his blade Rosario sheathed it and called out his spear. Slamming the butt of the spear in the ground as he squared himself with the throne Rosario broke the silence that had fallen again.

"I am assuming you are one Cooper Clay."

"Who the f*ck are you."

"Oh me, I am nobody. You might know her though."

Pointing at Julie Rosario waited for the drama to unfold. He couldn't wait to see this dumba*ses face when Julie took off her helmet.

Julie for her part knew what Rosario wanted and slowly took her helmet off, she stared Cooper in the eyes the whole time and reveled in the shocked expression that crossed his face as he recognized her.

"It's you! Your back!"

Putting her helmet back on Julie didn't answer, instead Rosario responded to Coopers outburst.

"Well that confirms your Cooper Clay, only he would recognize my friend over here."

"How dare you take what is mine, she is my summon, mine to do with as I please. Her sole purpose is to serve me and do what I say to do."

Raising an eyebrow under his helmet Rosario mumbled.

"Well now even if you weren't Cooper, those words are good enough to justify this."

"What did you say."

"I said, even if I was planning on just talking and then leaving, now after your dumbas* just admitted that I will definitely not be leaving."

Shrugging he added.

"To be honest it doesn't matter as I wasn't going to leave anyways, Julie already identified you as our target. One Cooper Clay."

Saying this Rosario shot forward towards the armored hobgoblins shield in the lead.

Rosario used his shield to redirect the spears thrust at him as he slammed his shield into one of the armored hobgoblins helmet before his whole-body weight hit the shield knocking the hobgoblin back into the second line of their little formation. The hobgoblins had been in a two-line formation with five in front and five in the back. With one charge Rosario had ruined it. The Hobgoblins to the left and right wanted to turn to stab Rosario, but his remaining four clansmen had charged and slammed into the hobgoblins using their shields also.

After interrupting the formation, the fighting turned into an all-out brawl, Rosario had been the only one of his people wielding a spear, the others were using swords giving them an advantage as they stuck inside their opponents' guards.

After Rosario had burst through the line knocking the front hobgoblin into the back one, the front hobgoblin fell onto its backside underneath the feet of the second one. Having the front hobgoblin landing on its shins made the rear one back us a couple steps allowing Rosario time to curb stomp on the helmet of the already dazed hobgoblin on the ground.

As he fought the hobgoblin he would take every opportunity to smash his foot onto the fallen goblin until he saw a quick message scroll across the top left of his vision, out of the way of course. Rosario had turned on the notifications banner in his system, it was there to notify the user about any statuses or kills the user achieved.

After fifteen minutes of fierce fighting the five of them emerged victorious in the fight. It was not without some serious injuries that would need to be treated though. If Rosario hadn't killed his second Hobgoblin quickly and begun helping the others they most likely wouldn't have won the fight.

Turning back towards the throne when the last hobgoblin was killed Rosario saw it was empty, as his heart sank he heard footsteps coming from behind a door not far from the back of the throne. Preparing himself for battle along with the others he waited with bated breath for whoever came out of the door.

The door was kicked open causing Rosario to almost rush forward before he noticed who it was.

"Where is the party!"

Tormund's Voice reverberated in the almost empty hall as he strode through the door. Following behind him was Bolog dragging an unconscious Cooper back into the Hall by one leg.

Chapter 1 of 2

PrimordialGiocreators' thoughts