
Rise of the Celestial Asura Clan

Rosario was forced into the collective with all other humans from planet Earth and other races from the Milky Way Galaxy. Having been dropped into a crater on a massive planet and given some resources to survive, Rosario has to take what he has been given and turn it into a prosperous Empire. Follow Rosarios journey as he learns to be a leader to his people and an even better warrior. From the ashes of two civilizations the mighty Celestial Asura Clan arises.

PrimordialGio · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 44: Assault on the Village

As Rosario was preparing to enter the village with his six helpers, the other seven groups had spread around the rest of the village to enter at different points.

Bolog had been chosen to hit the front of the village and draw the attention of most of the guards while taking them on a wild goose chase. As he was getting into position he heard one of the men following him swear. Apparently one of the goblins that was by the gate had been one of the ones that had taken his lady away. The man lost his cool and went to charge at the gate mindlessly, before any of the other men could react the mans body dropped to the ground as his head rolled away. Bologs gleaming axe now had a slight red tint to the blade as he rested it on the ground next to him.

Staring at the remaining men with him Bolog addressed them. "As the Patriarch has already said, if you want to join us in this raid you will follow our orders. One of those orders being you will not put the rest of the group at risk due to stupidity. Does anyone else want to try and do something stupid?"

As he asked them, Bolog hefted the axe over his shoulder giving a silent threat.


The other six did not have any trouble like Bolog did, their followers listened to all the orders given and prepared themselves. They had been told that most of them might die but the determination to get revenge pushed these men on.

What the eight clan members didn't know at this time was that these men who they were allowing to join them for revenge would become some the most feared fighters in the Universe on day.


Rosario squeezed through the wall of the encampment while the majority of the goblins were preoccupied with their training or something else. He left the six younger men out of the wall right at the split in the fence as the plan was for Rosario to get as far away from the entry point as possible and get the attention of the Goblins. If there were any archers the six's job would be to sneak up on the archers while they were distracted by Rosario.

Rosario knew it was a stupid plan but to be honest he couldn't think of much better, he was planning on only hitting this settlement with his team of eight and just killing all the goblins he could see. The universe had given him an army to attack the village with, the only downside was his army was weaker than his enemies in both numerical and combat. Well, most of his army in combat, Rosario trusted his clansmen to hold their own against multiple goblin foes.

Sprinting across the open area Rosario go to the opposite side of the training area, that led out of the barracks area, in just a couple seconds. All the training goblins saw was a blur, surprisingly Rosarios plan worked quite well as all the goblins started yelling and charging at him. The dumb archers even shot a couple of their own guys as they had swarmed Rosario and couldn't get a clear shot on him. Rosario wielded his spear and shield in a more defensive stance using the shield to cover his body from shoulder to knee and his spear to knock away attacks from the other side. He allowed attacks through that he thought his armor could take, trying to turn his body so the attacks he let through would deflect off his armor instead of going through it.

Rosario killed when he had the opportunity which was not as often as he liked, but after ten minutes of fighting he accidentally stumbled over the body of one of the goblins he had already killed. Recovering he realized he needed to start moving away from the current spot he was in to keep from messing up by stumbling. As he moved away he expected a barrage of arrows as he tried distancing himself from the goblins, but no arrows arrived.

Noticing that no arrows had come his way Rosario glanced behind the other goblins quickly and noticed that where the archers had been, was now just a pile of bodies with their bows missing. Smiling under his helmet at the success of the younger inexperienced guys he felt completely reinvigorated as he slowed down enough to allow the group of chasing goblins to re-engage with him.

This time after only a few minutes of fighting Rosario began noticing the group of goblins was thinning out. At first he wasn't sure if what he was seeing was correct, he didn't remember killing that many. However, as he kept a more watchful eye he saw a projectile flying at the group, it took his brain just a second to process what was happening. For a spilt second he thought some of the archers had survived and that he was mistaken, and the young men failed, but that thought was thrown away as quickly as it came as he noticed the arrow slam into a goblin.

Watching the goblin hit the ground another five arrows sprouted out of the downed goblin leaving it a dead pin cushion on the ground. Rosario realized that the guys must have grabbed the goblins bows and arrows and were now whittling away at the group of goblins from the back as Rosario tanked them. 

The fight lasted another ten minutes before Rosario shish-kabobbed the last goblin, this time purposefully. After shoving the goblin off his spear Rosario looked around for more enemies. They had been fighting for close to a half hour and he thought at least some more had to have heard the fight and should be on their way.

"Stay hiding where you are for now, cover me from the shadows with your bows."

Getting an arrow at his feet in response Rosario took it as confirmation the guys had heard him. He began moving to the buildings and sweeping them one by one to check for any hostiles. Once he was sure all the barracks were clear he moved out of the entrance into the village to make his way to the great hall where he would meet up with the others.


As Rosario made his way to the Great Hall the others were also making their way there. Andromenia had taken over the water wells which were the sole source of the water in the village. Bolog and his men had used bows to begin picking off the guards at the gate, the reason not many reinforcements had gone after Rosario had been because of Bolog's persistent attacks aimed at the goblins firing blindly into the trees.

Eventually no more goblins continued showing up at either of these places allowing Bolog and Andromenia to begin moving towards the great hall. The remaining 5 other teams had also accomplished their objectives, especially Julies team. She had been tasked with finding the imprisoned women and getting them safely moved to join Heralds group. Once Hearld's group received the women he led his own seven-man crew along with Julies seven-man crew back out of the village with the shocked women in tow.

Once the ladies had been dropped off Julie made her way towards the great hall by herself. It was time for some revenge.

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