
Rise of Swain (Marvel x DC)

A person reborn in Asgard as a younger brother of Thor and Loki. He awakens as the new generation of Ancient Divine Power inheritor. It is the epic tale of his adventures in a universe that is chaotic mixture of Marvel and DC.

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29 Chs

Divine power awakening

Five years have passed,

Although for the Asgardians, five years doesn't matter much because of their long ages. But for Swain, these years means a lot. He's has grown a lot in these five years.

His physical and weapon education has been going well in these years. Although he doesn't even come close to the level of Traus but still he has improved a lot and Traus had also praised him for his efforts.

Now he is twenty years old and it is time for him to awaken his divine power and start learning magic. He has been waiting for this day all these years.

So today he is present at main hall of Golden Palace and many important people of Asgard are present here like Father, mother, Thor, Loki, Traus, Hemidell, Sif and other three companions of Thor, etc.

King Odin said to Swain in front of him :

" Swain, my son, you will awaken your divine power today. For the divine power power you must know that we Asa Royal family awaken it at the age of twenty and it grows along with our ages.

As a third prince of Asgard, it is an important day for you as well as for the whole Asgard. Awakening of a new God means a lot to Asgard. It will be your duty to stand up for Asgard in face of any dangers. Do you promise to do it? "

Swain replied " I shall fulfill all my duties. "

Hearing My words, King Odin nodded and waved his gungnir spear and a huge amount of energy from Asgard came toward swain and entered in him. Swain felt such an enormous energy and closed his eyes to mediate and focus. Swain felt that he was standing in a whole blank space and it began to fill with blue and white. He lear of the divine power he awakened. He has awakened the divine power of Ocean (water) and Storms(wind) .

The venue outside him and the golden palace and the whole Asgard felt changes. Strong winds began to flow and the tide of water in Oceans and everywhere began to rise. It seems that they knew the awakening of their king.

The whole scene was also presented in front of the people in the Golden Palace. Everyone's emotions were different. Traus and Goddess Friga had excited expressions and there was a noatilga in their eyes as if seeing a long lost treasure. Thor, Loki and others were happy for Swain's awakening and King Odin's eyes were complicated. As if recalling a memory of Past.

But the Swain who was awakening didn't know all of this, on his chest appeared a small pattern of trident and the whole extra energy after the awakening didn't stop but kept pouring inside the trident sign and swain felt his divine power increasing.

He was confused because from what he knows, there are not many ways of increasing the divine power. There are only few and mostly for the ones who have elemental divine power like using a cosmic treasure of same attribute but such things are rarely found in Asgard and even the whole universe.

The other way may be the second awakening like Thor's during the fight with Hela but such situation are also extremely rare. So thats why swain is confused because he is not experiencing any of these situations and the energy outside him doesn't match his attributes.

Others in the awakening hall were also surprised by the increasing input of energy and it was still pouring toward swain. So Odin , observing that Swain has completed his awakening, stopped the energy input and it dispersed.

Felling that the increase in divine power has stopped and external energy has stopped, he opened his eyes . He saw the happy expressions of everyone around and his mother's and Traus expressions were not only happy but also noatilgic. He knew the reason because the divine power he has awakened is the divine power of Oceans and Storms and its previous owner was the former king of Vanaheim and mother's Brother Njord. It is a very powerful divine power because using it, the former king of Vanaheim, Njord, who was younger than Odin ,tied with Odin many times but in the fight due the use of Runic magic and the ultimate use of Odinforce which is Odin's special power used by combining all his power, he defeated Njord. King Njord also died after that fight and Vanaheim lost to Asgard.

After that war , Odin married Friga,the sister of Njord and the only member of Vanaheim Royal family present. At first it was a political marriage but after the marriage, Odin began to fall in love with Friga. After all, no one can say that Odin is pure white as he is the God of knowledge and one of the most intelligent people in universe.

But anyway, it doesn't matter to me because Odin has already stopped the brutal self of himself of the past and I am also a prince of Asgard.