
Rise of Swain (Marvel x DC)

A person reborn in Asgard as a younger brother of Thor and Loki. He awakens as the new generation of Ancient Divine Power inheritor. It is the epic tale of his adventures in a universe that is chaotic mixture of Marvel and DC.

Novel_Surge · Movies
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29 Chs

A time leap

It has been more than 80 years since Swain's awakening. Swain is now 100 years old and is now considered an adult.

In the Royal training ground, two figures were fighting with spears. One of them had brown hair and brown caremol eyes with wheat coloured sun dyed skin. He was about 2.1 m tall and was huge burly man with strong muscles which looked like they could tear you apart the moment you look at them.

The other person looked like a young man. He was 1.8 m tall, shiny golden blond short hair and deep ocean blue eyes. He has a slender build with almost snow white smooth skin free of any pores or freckles. He was not short but compared to the other person fighting him, he looked small.

These the two ate Traus and Swain who are practicing. Although Swain has really grown a lot in tgese 80 years but in fighting, he still can't beat Traus. His main growth is reflected in his magic studies. He has studied almost all the common magic to a terrifying level and the special magic isn't also great. The only better mage in Asgard than him can only be said to be mother and father. As for Loki, he can be completely tied with him and can even overpower him slightly.

As for the amount of divine power, it has reached the point of about 400 years which means that his divine power increase is four times more than that of an Average Asgardian and two times of the Royal family members. And this is the amount without using any extra source like Rubik cube, etc.

Now Swain is Hundred years old and has become an adult according to the traditions of Asgard. He can now do many things which he couldn't do before.

" Your Highness, you have really grown a lot in all these years and I am happy to be your Martial Arts instructor." said Traus.

" It's not yours but mine good luck to have a teacher and a friend like you. Now let's finish this fight. "

In fact, since the day he awakened his divine power, Traus attitude has really changed a lot. If he was polite to him as a Royal Prince before then now his treatment has reached the level of no other. After all, he had awakened the inherit power of King of Vanaheim and Traus believes that he will make Vanaheim prosper again.

In admist of all this, they have really become close friends. Traus can be said to be one of the few people who Swain considers a friend.

After the sparring, Swain fell on the ground out of breath. Seeing this scene, Traus sighed and picked up swain and took him back to his palace. Now swain has grown an adult and has his separate palace.

After taking a bath, Swain was lying on the bed thinking about his future plans. Now he can go out of the Asgard without any restrictions, so he has to start planning for the future things like Rubik cube on Atrium, Ice casket in Royal treasury and many other things.

As for shielding Hemidell's perception, he has already prepared for it. He found the spell in a part of Royal library which Loki uses to escape from Hemidell's sight. As for going to Earth, he has got the location of space caves which connect the nine realms from Loki for a single favor in the future and for not telling anyone else about the location of cave. He can do a thing for Loki whenever he needs, but it must not be against his interests and Loki agreed to it.