
Rise of ITIRI (The andromedian wars)

Billions of years into the future, when the long predicted collision of the Milky Way galaxy had finally come. Technology had reached unbelievable levels but there was still no way to stop the collision. It was left to a 22 year old undergraduate and his friend with special abilities to stop the collision. The suspicious collision leaves them with a question, is it a coincidence? Was someone, somewhere manipulating the galaxies? If so, then why? Was the andromeda galaxy created, in the first place to get rid of Milky Way? Was it all a revenge plan by some angry god?

Krystal_george · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Planetary destruction: defeating ahuho

Chukwu screamed in agony. He wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.

Chukwu unleashed a massive torrent of energy from his body. He coupled it with fire.

Ahuho wanted to still hold onto him, to demonstrate her power and sovereignty.

But as point, it became very uncomfortable as her hand started burning uncontrollably.

Then she wanted to let go.

But she couldn't.

The electricity seemed to root her into place.

It was her turn to scream in agony.

Is it really that painful?

Chukwu who was in massive pain at the moment couldn't help but pause for a second to gape at ahuho who was screaming uncontrollably.

Ahuho used her second hand like a spear. She flung her hand towards Chukwu's head to incapacitate him.

Chukwu released his grip on her hand that held his neck. He reinforced his hand with the elements of water, fire and air. Chukwu controlled his hand to meet Ahoho's hand. The two hands collided and they both instantly stopped, none overpowering the other.

The power generated from this collision of fists was immense. The shockwave generated was very powerful.

Being so close to Jupiter, the shockwave went flying straight into the planet.

The shockwave reverberated through Jupiter and it was multiplied. The planet shot the shockwave out as fast as possible. But serious damages could be seen, even from space you could see the damages being done inside the planet.

Jupiter shot the shockwave out with a loud sound. The sound was no less loud than a supernova. It was hard to imagine that a mere planet could produce that loud noise without being destroyed. The noise was so loud that it could be heard across Milky Way.

The fight was taking a different turn, he could as well just destroy the galaxy he was trying to save.

Surprisingly, the shockwave was concentrated into a thin line as it was shot out of Jupiter, it was like an air fissure bullet.

Chukwu immediately flipped ahuho who was distracted into Jupiter and the planet sucked her in without any hesitation.

Chukwu created a shield to block the concentrated and powerful shockwave coming at him.

The shockwave banged on the shield and even though the shield was destroyed immediately, the deed was already done….A very terrible deed indeed.

Chukwu was sent flying by the impact. Flying far far away. But even though chukwu was knocked faraway, he saw the incident clearly.

The shockwave that banged on his shield was turned away. It raced back to Jupiter which had not even sending out the previous shockwave.

Even before it happened, chukwu knew what was coming out of the act.

The whole scene repeated itself, this time with an even grander power.

Jupiter couldn't take such a high shock output. It immediately tried to discharge the shock from every part of itself. But this only worsened the problem as the shockwaves met each other inside the planet.

This created an even bigger shockwave than the preceding ones and the planet definitely couldn't withstand this.

It exploded violently.

No. It first imploded. The planet shrank at such a speed that it was invisible to the naked eye. In another split second, the planet had released all that energy and exploded violently.

With ahuho inside of it.

There was no doubt that this was the end of the weird girl.

Chukwu was shocked. He already saw this coming but he didn't expect it to happen in Such a way. He had to say….

It was kind of….beautiful

Maybe I overdid it. Chukwu thought with regret as he watched the shockwave that had become a ring circling the exploding planet.

The explosion of Jupiter created an even bigger shockwave. All shockwaves merged and headed towards Earth at an incredible speed.

Forget about andromeda and itiri, this shockwave alone was sure to obliterate earth.

Chukwu needed to move faster than light.

But, chukwu was light headed at that moment. The shockwave that blew across him made him feel like he had been drinking and smoking all day. Chukwu's eyes was about to close.

Just then.

Chukwu's eye caught the shockwave that was heading to earth at incredible speed. And he was forced to become more clear headed that never.

If he couldn't save earth now then what was the point?

Why did he even come out here?

To strip people of the little time they had left?

He was certainly not going to do that. He was going to save them. Certainly!

Chukwu merged the elements of water, fire, air and electricity.

He turned into a streak of lightning being powered by different merged elements.

These four elements ropes around him and sent him moving even much faster than the shockwave, creating a beautiful arc as he sped forward.

Getting to the shockwave before it destroyed earth was one thing. Stopping the shockwave was another.

Was chukwu going to save earth?

At what cost could he save earth?