
Rise of House Terranova

Their father and mother were murdered in front of their eyes. Death Eaters, and they swore they would avenge their parents one day. Their family held a high place in the wizarding world. Respected and powerful, the Terranova family was a perfect family to back you up. If you are under their protection, then you are also under the protection of their followers as well. But it turns out fate had other ideas for this seemingly perfect family. When they chose to remain neutral in the wizarding war, Voldemort needed them wiped out. Lest they get in his way and join the other side. And so the next day, the head of the family and his wife were wiped out. But two escaped, follow the life of Celine and Alexandre Terranova.

RavenclawPrincess · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Ch 2 - Diagon Alley pt. 2

Lucia said calmly," Don't get into trouble now. 125 galleons should be enough for your school supplies along with an early birthday present, alright? Spend them wisely... We'll meet at the leaky cauldron in four hours alright? On your way now." She handed them each a bag with an extension charm and strolled away to do shopping of her own.

"I'll see you in a bit Celi," Alex grinned and she nodded back at him and went to different shops.

Celine went straight to the apothecary to buy all her potion supplies. As she had always adored making potions, Celine began studying and making potions since she was 6. She also bought some rare potion ingredients with her own allowance out of the money she earned over the years; phoenix tears, mandrake leaves and roots, horns of bicorns, skin of boomslang, and a vial unicorn blood.

After that, she went to Olivander's. Standing out the shop she hesitated, touching the thin chain around her neck, and walked in. Walking out of Olivander's, she had a pale green wand in her hand. It had vines wrapping around in and a handle in the shape of a closed flower. At the bottom of the handle, a small crescent moon was seen showing out. Willow, phoenix feather 14 inches, unyielding flexibility. Celine looked at her wand with admiration and went to buy all her other supplies along with extra potion books.


After shopping for everything, Celine and Alex met Lucia in the Leaky Cauldron. "Before we go, I want to get both of you a pet." So they walked into the pet store and looked around. Cages lined the walls and it seemed as though every animal in the place would be looking at you.

Alex decided to get a snowy owl with eyes that seemed to pierce into your very soul. Celine looked around the pet shop with an indifferent gaze, before spotting something that sparked her interest. On top of one of the large cages, sitting there was a black cat with green eyes that seemed to have glimmers of gold in them. When Celine met the cat's eyes, she felt a sparking connection. And so leaving the store, Celine came out holding a black cat whom she named Lune. Lucia was beside herself with joy, Celine never looked so happy when she saw that cat. It was a smile that Lucia longed to see ever since her son and his wife died. Celine never showed much emotion unless it was her brother or her raven. But when Lucia saw Celine with the cat, she had something in her eyes that she thought she lost so long ago. Hope.

Hope, that one day, Celine would be the carefree girl she once was. A girl who always had a teasing smile on her face and eyes that seemed to radiate happiness. But after Celine's parents had died, her eyes had turned empty and blank, never showing any emotion. Lucia always thought that she would see a glimmer when Celine was talking to her brother. But after a few seconds, the light would fade away. Turning into a dark pit of loneliness that seemed to swallow you up, once more.


"You're so slow, you know that Celine?" Alex smirked looking at his twin sister. Celine only hummed in response. Today was the day. The day that they were going off to Hogwarts. Alex was carrying his owl in a cage and Celine was handling Lune in her hands and Dolora on her shoulder. They both had their trunks in their pockets. Having a shrinking trunk with an extension charm came in handy to the attractive siblings. Before getting on the train they were faced with a red-eyed Lucia.

"Now remember, if anything happens, anything at all. Just write to me and I'll solve it immediately alright?" Lucia kept nagging the while her husband, Dexter simply looked amused at the dumbfounded twins. Lucia was known for being calm and organized, the siblings barely saw her this flustered before. Kissing goodbye to her grandkids, she burst into tears. Dexter had to hold her back from joining her grandchildren on the train. She kept glaring at him accusingly as though saying, why are you stopping me from going to Hogwarts too, my grandbabies need me.

Looking through the compartment one by one, Alex finally saw the redheaded twins. Sliding the door open he said smirking," Mind if we join you? I believe I need a break from trouble."

"Wondered when you'd come!" Fred said grinning from ear to ear. Alex plopped down on one of the seats and Celine sat across from her brother, right next to Fred.

"This is my sister, Celine," Celine nodded at them before taking out a book to read," Doesn't talk much. Don't take in personally." Alex said introducing her to the boys. Lune hopped off Celine's lap and walked off, wanting to see all the students.

From day one, Lune and Celine had a connection. Celine would always know what Lune was thinking and vice versa. Lune wanted to see if the students here would bring her mistress trouble or not. Anyone with eyes could see that they loved and adored each other. Lune was very loyal. And so Lune spent the rest of the train ride watching the other students see if they would in any way harm her mistress. Lune loved her mistress and knew that her mistress confided in her and Delora and only them. Lune would protect her mistress from anyone that wished to bring her harm, including her brother. But Lune doubted that Alex would ever hurt Celine. He was extremely over-protective of her.