
Rise of house Black

Guy dies, gets isekaied in the Harry potter world and realises he is a black.Watch as he goes through life in this new world.

Asce · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

Chapter 4

' 5 years has passed since I made the shadow clones and so far they have been my saving grace. Seriously Naruto is just a dumbass for not using his one of kind gift. '

Nero during this time had abused the shadow clones to a ridiculous degree. The continuous use of shadow clones had increased his magical reserves by a lot. His magical core went through magical maturity at the age of 10 due to the amount he had and it's density making it evolve into a liquid core.

As for the subjects he learned everything. Each time he used shadow clones the amount of magic he needed to make them reduced so he could more and more. This allowed him to make enough clones to learn the subjects and under stand all the concepts.

For wandless magic he became a master at it.By doing all the control exercises he can use magic as if it was a muscle and his casting speed was almost instantaneous and he didn't to say or think the incantation.The most useful were the Nen techniques. Along with the spells used in books he also recreated jutsu from Naruto that seemed useful.

Body flicker: Naruto jutsu that can allow the user to increase his speed.

Substitution: Able to switch places with objects mainly the all powerful log.

Genjutsu: Using magic he can create an illusion over the target.

Emotion sensing: Can sense the emotions of other people.

With wandless magic and the amount of time he had he also practiced elemental magic. Nero favorite are water, wind, lightning and space. He mad plenty of spelled using the elements however his favorite is when he uses water to make himself invisible. Combined with zetsu and he can't even be seen. For space he basically used it as an inventory that only he has access to.Plus he can even cover himself in magic that makes people ignore him even though he's physically there.

For occulmency and legemancy he is a master now. Shadow clones reduced the amount of time significantly.

His occulmency now has fake memories which hides behind a barrier that has dragon guarding it. With this level of occulmency he can even resist truth potions other wise known as veritaserum.

With legamency he can go into the targets mind undetected and view their memories easily. Only other masters can notice such as Dumbledore. Using this he gained insight into martial arts and trained in his mind and outside to gain experience.

As for looks he stands at 4 feet 3 inches with messy black hair and black eyes. He has a bit of muscle but it isn't seen since he wears baggy clothes that are very comfortable. However he can change his appearance thanks to him mastering his metamorphmagus ability.


Currently Nero is in his room reading a watching anime mainly HunterxHunter.

' Still surprised that anime like this exist in the 1980 through I'll just chalk it up to other world different rules.

I'm 3 years older than Harry so at best I don't have to deal with anything or have to interact with him until I have to get Sirius out of prison.

Though I will have get the Tonks family since his wife is a black and their daughter is a metamorphmagus.

Plus learning how to do negotiations was certainly helpful. I'll have use that when dealing with other pureblood houses and ministry.Plus I can use the fact that I'm in 11th grade to my advantage as smart student.

Though I'm wondering they will arrive...

Speak of the and devil appears. '

Nero then put everything away before walking to the door and opening it. Outside he saw a man wearing black ropes with blank expression on his face while his eyes expressed that he didn't want to be here.

" Nero someone came here to see you. He's a professor at boarding school. " The matron said.

" Okay. Hello sir. " Nero invited him in as the matron left. Nero had his occulmency up and removed the dragon as the person in front of him was Severus Snape.

" Hello mister Black. I'll keep this brief. Have you ever had an incident where something strange happened. "

" Yes actually. One time I was running away from bullies when I thought of going to my room and then I was there. " Nova said while having that fake memory for Snape to see.

" I see. That mister Black was apparition. How you did that was threw the use magic. " Snape said while taking out his wand and lifted Neros books from the shelf. Nero had small shocked face from seeing this before returning to his regular facial expression.

" I am here to inform that you are admitted to Hogworts a school where you will learn magic. Now come along we will be going to buy your materials. " He said while handing Nero the letter. Nero took the letter and followed him.

Snape put his hand on his shoulder as he warped himself and Nero to Diagon alley.