
chapter 15

A servant approached William.

"My lord, your father wishes to see you," she said.

William frowned, wondering what his father could want. He sheathed his sword and followed the servant to his father's chambers, his mind whirling with possibilities. 

As William approached his father's chamber, he noticed two guards standing at the end of the door. They bowed when they saw him and opened the door, allowing William to enter the room.

The chamber was grand and adorned with the sigil of House Baratheon, a crowned stag. The walls were covered in tapestries depicting the history of the Baratheon family, from the founder Orys Baratheon to the present day. The room was well-lit by several candles and a large hearth that was burning a warm fire.

William walked in and saw his father, Boremund Baratheon, sitting on a chair with a table in front of him. The table was cluttered with parchments, quills, and maps. Boremund looked deep in thought, but when he saw William, he smiled warmly and gestured for him to come closer.

"Come, sit my son," Boremund said, gesturing to a nearby chair. "There is much we must discuss."

William took a seat, his mind racing with what his father would want. Boremund leaned forward, his eyes locked on William's.

"I have come to an age where I must face the reality of my mortality," Boremund said, his voice solemn. "And with that comes the question of succession. You are my firstborn son, and it falls to you to continue our family's legacy."

The only thought that was racing in William's mind, is how he wished the current timeline was The Game of thrones period. Not the house of the dragon period.

As the current House of Baratheon is does not yet have the power and influence that they have in the timeline of "Game of Thrones." 

"You have always been a strong and honorable young man," Boremund continued. "I have faith that you will carry on the Baratheon name with pride and distinction. But remember, being the head of House Baratheon is not just a title. It is a responsibility, a duty to our people and our lands. Are you prepared for that burden?"

Even though, the current house of Baratheon was in a weak state compared to the Game of Thrones timeline. 

William is determined to make the house of Baratheon even more powerful than it was in the Game of Thrones period politically and economically.

With that resolve, William straightened his back, and replied:

"I am, Father," he said firmly. "I will do everything in my power to honor our family and protect our lands."

Boremund smiled, placing a hand on William's shoulder.

"Good," he said. "I am proud of you, my son. Together, we will ensure a bright future for House Baratheon."