
chapter 14

A couple of days have passed since William returned to Storm's Land. The weather was warm and sunny, with a gentle breeze blowing through the trees.

The courtyard was quiet except for the sound of birds chirping and the leaves rustling.

William stepped out of his room and felt the cool breeze of the Stormlands brush against his skin. The scent of saltwater and damp earth filled his nose as he looked around at the rolling hills that surrounded Storm's End.

Trees of all shapes and sizes dotted the landscape, their leaves rustling in the wind. He could hear the distant sound of waves crashing against the cliffs in the distance, punctuated by the occasional squawk of a seagull. William took a deep breath, taking it all in. He had missed this place.

Turning his attention back to the present, William headed to the castle's courtyard and started warming up.

After a while, William's trainer, Rakharo, came into the courtyard, a tall and muscular man with a shaved head and a thick beard. He looked old, but not too old, and his eyes were sharp and focused. He approached William and greeted him warmly, his voice deep and gruff.

"Good morning, my lord," Rakharo said, bowing respectfully. "I trust you slept well?"

William nodded and said: "I did. And you, Rakharo? How have you been?"

"I have been well, my lord. Thank you for asking," Rakharo replied.

William grinned, twirling his sword. "Good. would you care for a spar?"

Rakharo chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Not today, my lord. I've grown old, and I fear that my bones might not be able to withstand the blow of your sword."

William laughed, amused at his trainer. Rakharo had taught him ever since he was young, he was like an uncle to William.

"You flatter me, Rakharo," William said, still grinning. "But I know better than to take you lightly. You still have some tricks up your sleeve, I'm sure."

Rakharo chuckled again, and said: " I guess, we could have a spar."

William grinned, unsheathing his sword. The metal gleamed in the sunlight as he swung it experimentally, feeling its weight in his hand. "Good. I'm ready to get started." 

And so, they began their spar, the sound of metal clanging against metal filling the courtyard. William was a natural with the sword. His movements were fluid and precise, a testament to years of training and discipline

For an hour or so, the two battled fiercely, their swords ringing out in a deadly dance. Sparks flew as they clashed, each testing the other's skill and strength. And in the end, it was William who emerged victorious. 

"It seemed you're getting stronger by the days my lord." Rakharo said with a smile.

William smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thank you, Rakharo."

The courtyard was then enveloped in a blissful silence, a silence that was not unsettling, but rather peaceful one.

After a while, Rakharo broke the silence. "My lord, I must apologize for not seeing you sooner after your return from the Red Keep. I hope you will forgive me."

William waved a dismissive hand. "It's fine, Rakharo. I know you have other duties to attend to."

Rakharo nodded gratefully. "Thank you, my lord. How was your stay in King's Landing?"

William shrugged. "It was... interesting to say the least. I met some new people, saw some new things. But I'm glad to be back home."

After that, Rakharo bowed once more and left the courtyard. William took a moment to catch his breath, wiping the sweat from his brow. That's when a servant approached him.

"My lord, your father wishes to see you," she said.

William frowned, wondering what his father could want. He sheathed his sword and followed the servant to his father's chambers, his mind whirling with possibilities.

What could his father want from him? Only time would tell.