
Rise of an Overlord - Salutios Awakening

Cultivation meets Medieval European style fantasy! In a world of lords and martial rule Faust finds himself in the center of a series of world changing events. The arrival of a stranger marks the dawn of a new era. Watch the boy be one of the first to adapt to a new age of strife, intrigue and cultivation. Will he rise to be the greatest overlord to walk the lands of Salutio? Will he be swallowed by the tides of change? Only time will tell... A medieval society meets cultivation. A story by Brisi. The Sexual Content tag is for my own safety, this is not a smut story, though there will be certain sex scenes as they will be important to the story. Expect: Long series Release every day. Ruthless Cultivation Environment Romance

Brisi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Farmer and the Baron

Spring, Year 909 - 5 Years ago, Salutio City, Imperial Palace, Guard Chamber

Faust spent the next day in bed. Mirabella took good care of him and made sure he ate enough. He was quite confused. Mirabella was a stranger, yet she was incredibly kind and caring. He also blushed whenever he thought back to her holding him. Shame painted his cheeks. After a day, he was able to leave the bed.

'I feel like I was reborn.' He smiled. He sat up and removed his blankets, sitting on the bedside. He was alone.

'Where are my clothes?' he wondered as he looked around the room and noticed a light brown pair of pants, socks, a belt, and a blue linen shirt neatly folded over a chair. The room was cozily warm.

He stood up and groaned, finally ridding his limbs of the stiffness accumulated from laying down for over a day. He took a few minutes to stretch and mobilize his body until he felt rather comfortable. He had long arms and big hands. He was also quite mobile. His body still looked very malnourished. He didn't feel as bad as before anymore due to the food Mirabella fed him.

He put on the clothes and the fabric was finer than anything he had ever worn before. He caressed the fine linen before putting it on. It was very wide, only getting tighter at the waist. It hid his skinny body and made him appear rather noble. He looked down at himself and shook his head.

'All of this… is too… expensive. This probably costs more than a cow. This color…' he marveled at the clothing right before the door burst open and Schenk ducked through it to enter. He was 2.2 meters tall after all. When he saw Faust dressed and standing, he smiled happily. He was glad to see the boy was well again.

"Kid. Good to see you up on 2 legs again." He laughed and patted Faust's shoulder.

"Looking good!"

Faust gulped. "I'll give them right back after earning my clothes… somehow. I can't afford these. Nor can I pay you for the food…"

He appeared a bit helpless. The food Mirabella fed him was the best he'd ever tasted. He concluded it was also the most expensive. Schenk roared in laughter.

"Do I look that poor? You can keep these clothes. I can't have you looking like a beggar," he stopped, took a breath, and continued.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. Why don't you accompany me to take a bath? We can talk while we do. My servants already prepared 2 bathtubs so you can't refuse."

Schenk added the last part as he saw that Faust was about to refuse. The boy was completely taken aback as he looked down his body at the clothes and asked once more timidly.

"For me?"

Schenk only smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry kid. Anyone who would abuse you in your situation would be a heartless idiot. No. Now shut up and come with me." He turned around and ducked through the door again. Faust could just walk through with enough space to spare.

'How can a man be that big?' it wasn't the first time Faust asked himself this question, but he thought it would be rude to mention. He was still very careful and apprehensive around him now that he knew who Schenk was. Mirabella told him when she brought him food the day before.

But he knew that the treatment he received, and the kindness shown should be enough to convince him of his good intentions.

'If a woman like Mirabella trusts him, then so can I.' he concluded, and the two men walked through a hallway. The castle wasn't ugly on the inside, but the walls were whitewashed and the floor wooden. The two walked for a few minutes and then Schenk opened a large wooden door with beautiful carvings. He didn't need to duck this time.

"Welcome to the bathroom," Schenk exclaimed and spread out his hands presenting the room. It was beautiful. The bath was a room filled with well-crafted tiles, a large window that let in sunlight, white walls, potted plants, and 2 big, round bathtubs, that could even accommodate Schenk's ridiculously large body.

In between the 2 tubs, there was a desk with a carafe filled with wine and 2 bronze goblets. Faust didn't recognize the metal nor the materials the tiles and windows were made from, but he knew they must be extremely expensive. If he knew their actual value, he would've probably fled the room.

Schenk noticed the boy was extremely uncomfortable and got curious.

"What is it, boy? Oh. I forgot you're not used to luxury like this…" he scratched his head.

Faust's expression eased a bit.

"No, not really." He chuckled. Schenk closed the door with a creak.

"Don't worry so much. It all belongs to me. Just enjoy it. I thought you could use some relaxation. Have you ever had a hot bath?"

Faust shook his head a bit ashamed.

"Not really, it's just too tedious to heat all the water if you only have a small pot."

Schenk nodded, undressed, and hopped into one of the bathtubs. Faust gulped as he saw the many scars on Schenk's body. He immediately thought of how Schenk must have gotten them and started sweating a bit. After a minute he gathered his resolve and glid into the second bathtub.

The water was steaming hot, yet it was a nice hot sensation that enveloped his body and he sighed, causing a cheerful laugh from Schenk.

"Nice, isn't it? Now I've got something even better!"

He grabbed a small vial next to the tub and put a few drops into the water. Immediately a smell of pine tar spread through the room. They spent a few minutes silently enjoying the water before Schenk spoke.

"Kid. I know it's hard on you. I hope my wife treated you well. I've had a long talk with her about you."

"A talk with her?" Faust grew anxious.

Schenk immediately assured him.

"Nothing bad. The opposite even." He smiled. "We want to offer you something I wouldn't normally offer anybody else."

Faust couldn't believe his ears.

"You've given me too much already. I'm not worthy to receive even more milord." From his early childhood on his parents had ingrained into him the difference between a noble and a commoner. He didn't believe himself to be even deserving of anything Schenk had given him.

"I would also receive something from you." Schenk quickly said.

"I need men. Reliable, loyal men. You're young. I would like to invite you to join my retinue and become a soldier."

'What? A soldier? No beak braking work on a farm anymore? Can I gain strength? Avenge my family? Make money? Live in this castle?' many questions shot through his head, and he looked quite puzzled on the outside, yet Schenk waited patiently with an understanding smile.

"I know it's probably overwhelming. Take your time and ask any questions you want."

Faust opened his mouth, wanting to say something, and then closed it again. In no world did he expect such an offer. He thought the baron would send him onto the farm of a rich farmer as a peon. He thought some more, and one question plagued his mind. Schenk noticed and cocked his head.

"Spit it out, boy!"

Faust took a deep breath and asked, "Will I be able to avenge my family?"

Schenk was taken aback but then realized that his question made a lot of sense. Then, the baron nodded grimly.

"You will have to. The Bloodhand Tribe will not disappear into thin air on its own."

"Then… I accept." Faust showed a sad smile.

"Though I'm not confident I'd be able to defeat an orc baby at this point."

"Boy. What do you think you will spend your days doing now that you'll no longer have to work on a farm? Tending to gardens? No! You'll train for combat!" he raises a fist and smiles.

"You will gain weight, learn to wield different weapons and how to fight in formation, act under stress, and more."

Schenk seemed to enjoy holding fiery speeches about Faust's future improvements. He found it hard to imagine. But he would take his chances. While Schenk prepared to continue his passionate elaboration, the door swung open and a very, very tall girl about Faust's age stood in the door.

Her long blonde hair was tied up into a bun and her slim body was covered by a modest, but colorful dress. If not for her childish facial features, he would've thought this woman was several years older than him.

As she barged in, she shouted.

"FATHER! FATHER!" only to abruptly shut up when she noticed Faust. She blushed but remained confident and looked at them. Faust had to smirk slightly. He was a bit enchanted by her confidence and beauty. He wouldn't show that of course. She couldn't see his naked body anyway.

Schenk laughed at her reaction.

"Don't mind Faust. He doesn't bite."

"I don't." Faust added with a smile.

"That so?" Schenk's daughter, Leona asked with her hands on her hips.

"But I do. Be careful." She says seriously before a sweet smile brightened her face.

"Father! There was another survivor from Poplia! A young girl! Lucon sent me to tell you."

Faust's face immediately lit up.

"A girl? What's her name?" Leona shrugged with a sigh.

"Dunno. You'll have to ask her yourself. I'm back to training." She waved off and turned around to leave. Before she closed the door, she couldn't help but glance at Faust one more time. Schenk couldn't see it, but Faust could've sworn she had just winked at him.

When she left Schenk turned to him with a frown.

"Don't get any ideas about her. I warn you." He threatens as he imitates a pair of scissors cutting with his fingers. Faust gulped and nodded quickly.

Schenk then starts roaring with laughter.

"She doesn't put boys into her eyes anyways, all that's in her head is training, training, and more training." He shakes his head with a smile. Faust could see how dearly Schenk loved his daughter.

"She prefers the sword over the kitchen." He shrugs.

"I don't mind at all, but Mirabella is sometimes a bit sour. She says Leona is too manly, and not feminine enough. What do you think?" he asked with a provoking smirk. He knew exactly that there was no right answer to the questions.

Yet Faust smirked to himself and announced, "She has the best of both worlds!"

That answer was so unexpected that it caused Schenk to laugh. What a quick-witted reply.

"Kid, I'm starting to like you."

Outside of the door, Leona walked away quickly. Her face was flushed as she mumbled:

"Faust..." She shook her head with a smile and quickly left this part of the castle for the training grounds.