
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Timeskip: Ready for Battle

"Oi! You bunch of old fogies! How the fuck do you think you're running this school huh!"

Roaring out in anger, the white haired youth walked step by step towards them with his hands in his pockets.

Gazing at the four of them, he knew he wouldn't prevail in an all about battle against all four of them, with their decades of experience and especially with Ayumu's presence, but he did not come here to fight. He came to make a statement; No one messes with Gojo Satoru's family.

"You brat!! How dare you interrupt us! Do you have no respect for your elders?!!"

"Calm down Naobito!"

Naobito was the first to erupt in anger, and while Ayumu tried to calm him down, he erupted with his full energy and blasted towards Satoru with immense speed, shattering the sound barrier in an instant.

"He's fast..." Satoru wrinkled his brows, however his infinity was like an indestructible barrier, shielding him from the old man's barrage of punches and kicks.

"I'm shocked you're attacking this recklessly, surely as the Zen'in clan head you should know of the infinity.."

Satoru smiled cockily and stretched his palm towards him.


Charging up the Limitless, he suddenly unleashed an immense electromagnetic force of attraction that ripped through everything in its path.

Getting hurled away like a canon ball, Naobito crashed through multiple trees and stabilized himself with nothing but a scratch on his clothes, a testament of his terrifying physique enhanced by his projection Cursed technique.

Meanwhile, Gakuganji pulled out an electric guitar from out of nowhere touched the strings gently and fired a blast of electrified cursed energy towards the white haired youth.

"I didn't come here to fight, but you old fogies are pushing my hand...oh well, let me show off a bit..."

*Cursed Technique Amplification....*

Waving his hands in tandem in response to the attacks from the two old men, Satoru seemed to conjure up a black hole, which instantly enlarged, getting illuminated by ephemeral blue light.



The massive blue energy sphere instantly pulled all the incoming attacks into itself, as it spun around at immense speeds, devastating everything within a 4km radius.


Ayumu roared out, sending out a massive storm of cursed energy which immediately resolved Satoru's attack, bringing peace to the previously chaotic environment.

He wasn't the Principal of Jujutsu High for nothing. Once known as a nightmare for curses he singlehandedly tipped the scales of balance towards the sorcerers.

"Young man...your reason for this unruly behavior better be good..."

Ayumu flashed a glare at Satoru who defiantly stared back without fear.

"My cousin, Kenshin, upon his arrival to Jujutsu High has been met with misfortune after misfortune...On his first mission he was attacked by a horde of cursed spirits and a High first grade, along with his two friends with less than a month of experience as a Jujutsu sorcerer."

He roared out in anger, and was about to continue when Yaga who had been silent all this while chipped in.

"Satoru, we don't have power to determine if a location previously numbered with an amount of cursed spirits increase in population or whether previously targeted curse spirits grow stronger.."

"Oh yeah?! Then about the fact that he was almost assassinated twice in a row in the just the span of a few weeks? We sent multiple complains but none of them had been responded to...what the fuck is going on with you people?!"

Roaring out with a righteous indignation, the higher ups present couldn't help but feel a tinge of shame in their hearts because they knew he was right, however who were they to reject orders from above..

"Just recently, he and Ieiri, the only Jujutsu student to have mastered reverse cursed technique that we know of were attacked in Asakusa by what she described as a Special Grade with the ability to shape shift...meanwhile in the mission details there was as nothing of this sort mentioned...and they almost lost their lives!!!

In fact after we surveyed the area, we noticed signs of a domain getting unleashed. Kenshin alone had to battle a Special Grade while in its domain with less than a year of experience. How cruel is that?! Yet you sit here hiding in your freaking dojo as if everything is fucking alright!!"

"Satoru....calm down..."

Just as he was about to continue his speech, Suguru appeared from behind and grabbed him forcefully..

"Listen, young man, I understand your problems and trust me when I say this, we're working on it..just trust me.."

Ayumu spoke with an assuring tone however, Satoru was not buying the act.

"I don't need you to work on it, I need fucking names. Names of those involved!! Rat them all out to me and I'll take care of them myself!"

Satoru spoke while Ayumu shook his head and turned around, leaving with the others.

"I promise you old man. If something happens to him again, I swear I'm going to tear this whole place down even if it's the last thing I do.."

Flinging Suguru off him, he left behind a threat and stormed off angrily.


Two weeks later....

At a small beach, several figures in swim suits could be seen enjoying themselves all dressed in swimsuits and summer shirts.

"This swimsuit looks really good on you, Utahime, did you come here to seduce me?..." Glaring at one of the young women dressed in the swimsuits, a white haired youth couldn't help but shamelessly stare at her in an attempt to tease her.

"Oi, you brat!! Come here..." She immediately rushed towards him and began chasing him across the river banks while he hurriedly escaped from her.

"Hey Suguru...what are the chances that Satoru really likes this girl?"

Seated on the beach, two youths; a blue haired one dressed in a an unbuttoned purplish summer shirt turned around to the youth on his right, a handsome youth with long dark hair and asked.

"Hmmm, I'll say a 60 percent chance.." The other youth smiled and said, as both of them let out a bout of laughter.

"Hey, what do you think Kenshin and Geto senpai are laughing about?"

"Probably, at Gojo and Utahime senpai..."

"You know what, why don't we go take a swim in the sea!!!!"

Beside them, a group of four boys, looked gossiped, seeing the blue haired youth and the dark haired one laugh, before one of them jumped into the sea.."

One of them, Nanami looked at his now best friend and newcomer sorcerer Haibara swimming in the pool with an exhausted expression, while the other two, Makoto and Hiroshi simply basked in the warmth of the sun.

As Kenshin and Suguru sat quietly enjoying the cool breeze, a beautiful figure dressed in the swimsuit instantly stood before Kenshin casting a shadow over him.

"Ooh, looking good Ieiri.." Suguru commented with a whistle, while Kenshin merely glanced at her for a moment.

"Like what you see?" She winked and twirled her body like a princess, as Suguru clapped in admiration.

"There's nothing to see.." Kenshin spoke with a lazy tone, however seeing her wrathful expression he shut his mouth immediately and closed his eyes as if he was asleep.

"You bastard!..."

Ieiri went mad. She instantly hopped onto him and put him a chokehold, while he tapped out readily.

After a few hours, everyone sat around a table to eat some barbecue, steak, chicken, fries and a whole plethora of food and soft drinks.

"You know what, I gotta say something. I wanna thank you, Satoru. I heard from Suguru how you faced those old fogies for me..Thanks bro.."

Kenshin spoke, but his voice thinned out at the end of the sentence, before he cleared his throat and continued eating as if he had never said anything, leaving everyone completely stunned.

"Don't worry about it, lil bro...I gotcha.." Satoru wrapped his arm around Kenshin's shoulder and ruffled his hair much to his annoyance, however he shrugged and took his mind off.

"You should've seen how cool he looked when he faced those two. He was like a one man army..."

Suguru spoke with a small smile, while Satoru stretched his arms and closed his eyes basking in the praises.

"Aren't you going to thank me? I literally saved your life. Without me you would've been toast with those injuries you got humph!"

Ieiri harrumphed and ignored him afterwards.

"We're even now. Why do you think I saved you back then?" Kenshin shot back and immediately got out of her range to avoid getting locked in another chokehold.

"Now that I think about it, you guys do look kinda cute, I think you're perfect for each other.." Utahime said with a laugh, as the others nodded in agreement.

"I second senpai's statement. You guys do look-"



Haibara wanted to chip in, however a fist to the head from Ieiri was all it took to shut him up.

"Satoru, I want to say this..you should stop going after the higher ups..." Kenshin spoke, and silence reigned for a moment.

"What do you mean by that? A little more pressure and we could get Ayumu or Yaga to break silence.."

Satoru spoke, as Suguru nodded in agreement.

"I'm saying this because I already know the one who hired the hit on me." Silence reigned for a few moments and Hiroshi instantly coughed out the meatball in his mouth.

"He's also the one who was responsible for giving out the missions where we almost died.."

Kenshin looked at Hiroshi, Makoto and Ieiri as he spoke.

"On top of that, he framed my father back in the day and got him exiled from Jujutsu.."

Allowing the words to ring in their heads for a while, he sighed and went back to eating.

"That explains the misfortune after misfortune thing..." Suguru spoke and looked at Satoru.

"But who is he and why does he seem to be targeting you?"

Ieiri asked with a concerned look.

"Kenzo Nakamura...the advisor to the council of Jujutsu.." Kenshin spoke as Satoru and Suguru nodded and looked at each other.

"So it's that creepy guy huh. He's always had this smile that looked too good to be real.."

Hiroshi was the one who spoke this time. He remembered getting approached one time by that man and leaving quickly due to instincts.

"As for why he seems to be specifically targeting me, I don't know. But his cursed technique allows him to telepathically control people.."

Kenshin spoke while he shook his head, explaining the gravity of the situation.

"Telepathy, that's new." Satoru nodded with a frown.

"With his connection with the higher ups, I refuse to believe he doesn't have majority of them under his control.."

Suguru spoke after a bit of thought.

"You're right, Suguru. Not just the higher ups, but nearly 60 percent of Jujutsu sorcerers are under his subtle control. Fighting him would be like fighting a whole army."

Kenshin explained as the others nodded.

"Does he have Ayumu under control?" Satoru asked. Ayumu was probably the only one in Jujutsu who could stop him if he ever wanted to. It would be a pain in the ass to fight someone like him.

"I don't think so..." Kenshin shook his head.

"Then let's go get this guy. In fact, I already have a plan that would aid us specifically for this endeavor.."

Hiroshi smiled and said, as Satoru, Suguru and the others nodded.

"Let's go get him!"

Satoru smiled and patted Kenshin's shoulder like a brother would, sending waves of comfort to his heart.

A/N: Long chapter, I know. Don't forget to review, comment and donate.