
Rinnegan in JJk

Awakening powers that was said to belong to Gods in the Primordial era, Kenshin tries his very best to survive in a world ruled by evil.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Three months later

Jujutsu High..

A half naked blue haired youth gently lay on a bed in a small hospital unconscious. Apart from the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, one would think he was completely gone from the land of the living.

A few minutes later, a beautiful young woman with short blonde hair walked into the room with a cigarette in mouth and walked to his bedside.

Watching his pale yet handsome face intently, she sighed and got closer to him, caressing his face with her rather warm hands.

"It's been three months already, Kenshin. Where are you going to back to us..to me. I miss you."

The cigarette fell out of her mouth as she sniffed and tried hard to prevent the tears in her eyes from falling.

"Don't worry Kenshin. The others haven't come to visit you because they're extremely busy. Satoru and Suguru will soon go on a super important mission in about a month's time. I heard it's related to master Tengen or something. They'll come visit you soon."

She gently spoke while she picked up a towel and wiped his pale face with a smile.

"I'll be back to keep you company in the night. Don't miss me okay.."

She picked up the used towels into a basket, rolled her sleeves, picked up the basket and slowly walked away.


Hearing a groan from behind, she ceased all her movements, as the basket dropped from her hands unconsciously.

Meanwhile, behind her, the eyes of the handsome blue haired youth suddenly snapped open and dilated for a few moments, as if his mind was trying to make sense out of the information that all of his now active senses picked up.


She rushed to him in a burst of speed, with teary eyes, and stood beside him, as she watched his purplish irises slowly land on her figure.


His tone was whispery, however he did still recognise her beautiful face and stretched his hand to slowly caress her face, with tears in her eyes.


A few minutes later, couple of figures stood beside his bedside, with him calmly seated on his bed and staring at the familiar faces.

A handsome white haired youth with glasses who had a cheerful smile on his face, another handsome dark haired youth whose long hair was tied and curled.

On his face was a reassuring smile which did nothing to hide the sorrow and pain he felt seeing his friends go through such torment in the past few months.

The last was a beautiful young woman dressed in a red and white kimono. He previously short dark hair now reached her back, and on her face had lost is previous cheerful smile.

"Oi Kenshin. It's good to have you back." The white haired youth, Gojo Satoru, walked up to Kenshin and playfully rubbed his hair much to his annoyance while Suguru and Utahime followed next.

"It's good to see everyone again. But where's Nanami and Makoto? Are they on a mission?"

Kenshin asked and looked at the others who exchanged looks.

"What's going on? Tell me." Despite his calm voice, the rising anger in his heart was evident.

"After everything that happened, Nanami decided to quit Jujutsu. After getting healed, he left without even saying goodbye, while Makoto was escorted back to his clan and never made an appearance in Jujutsu High since then.."

Suguru explained while the others shook their heads in sorrow and reeled in the pain, trying the very best not to remember the traumatising event that had occurred three months ago.

Kenshin on the other hand merely nodded and sighed before lying back down on his bed, forcing back the tears in his eyes which the others had seen.

"You need to rest, Kenshin. You're still not healed. So we're taking our leave…"

Suguru grabbed the others and sent them out before he closed the door.

"Ouch ouch! What was that for?" Satoru complained and rubbed his shoulder, feeling the pain of Suguru's intense grip.

"Can't you tell, Satoru? We thought he might forget everything that had happened, but he didn't. He still remembers everything. Let's allow him to spend sometime alone."

Suguru urged and left with Ieiri while Satoru and Utahim followed behind them.

Meanwhile, the tear that Kenshin fought so hard to push back finally descended along with the memories it held back.

'Haibara, Hiroshi..Im sorry.."

Feeling the guilt fill his heart for the death of his friends, as well as the current condition of the others, the tears did not stop.

After all, had he not come to Jujutsu High, then his friends might still be alive.

As he remembered the faces of those he had lost, face suddenly flashed in his mind. One that he had not expected at all.

A dark haired handsome man with a small scar at the edge of his lips that was curved in a menacing smile.


Kenshin suddenly sprang up from the bed, but upon reaching the ground he collapsed and fell feeling his lower extremities numb.

Slowly he circulated his cursed energy, pushing tendrils of the pure golden energy into each part of his body.

His cells drank up the energy in excitement, and he slowly pushed himself off his feet, before he grabbed onto a black sweatsuit, changed and quickly escaped through the window.


Rushing towards a particular direction, a figure parkoured atop multiple buildings before he finally stopped on a large mansion and jumped down into an alleyway.

After walking through and taking a few turns he reached a neighbourhood, however his eyes widened in shock upon seeing the state of one particular house.

"No no no no.."

Kenshin immediately rushed to the site that had already been surrounded by yellow tapes, due to being utterly razed to the ground.

"Damn it!!"

He roared in anger and punched a small pillar to his left, shattering the only thing that was left standing to dust.

"I know right, was a tragedy.."

Hearing a voice, Kenshin's ears perked up and he turned around only to see a homeless man holding onto a bottle of beer.

"What happened?"

Kenshin rushed to him and asked in distress, while the man looked him up and down first, sensed his distress and then sighed.

"It happened around 3 months ago. One night, the sounds of weapons clashing and explosions going off reverberated across the neighbourhood. I was the first person to get on the scene, but on my arrival, the only thing I saw was a totally destroyed home. The poor girls and her daughter were butchered into pieces and Toji was nowhere to be found.."

The man summarised everything in a few sentences, while Kenshin felt his heart shake for a moment, as his body quivered.

"Investigators say that murder weapon had Toji's fingerprints, and as such he's now a fugitive, being hunted down by the cops, but I know he's innocent, although no one believes me."

The man spoke and walked away, leaving a completely stunned Kenshin behind.

Was it all for naught? Kenzo had escaped and enacted his revenge on Toji and his family, the very outcome he had made his priority and tried to prevent. He had failed, and rather spectacularly. Not only did he get two of his friends killed, two others got their limbs decapitated because of him. Satoru and Suguru nearly died from facing each other and now Toji lost his wife and child. Hell, he had no idea whether Toji himself was alive or not.

He might not have been a friend, but he was a partner, and someone he respected. Even with all of his experience, this level of guilt was too much for the young boy to carry on his shoulders, as he collapsed to the ground on his knees and wept.

A/N: Sorry for the late update