
Chapter 2:vol 1

As I arrived in the area from a flashing pillar from the sky it destroyed the area around me.

Alright ciel so where are we now? We are in the nasuverse and this place has beings called servants who are beings from myths and legends and even gods and beasts are here as well to.

Wow! That seems pretty cool ciel, also master some of them ar approaching us right now, oh, which ones are they? They are, artoria, modred, karma, Achilles, tamamao, Arjuna, and Ishtar, and another servant called mash.

I see so eight of them, also they appear to show hostile lantern, do you wish to fight? I guess so,I haven't had a good excercise in a while, I'll just use them as a warmup.

Alright then master as you wish.

Also ciel since there's little time until you collapse this new world can you just give me the 14 angelic skills as an basis for my power and put your ego into origin king as an leader over the angelic skills you can still be with me, alright master….. it is completed, alright then master I guess I'll go slumber with your true body then, I'll be seeing ya.

Master this is my new temporary form origin king, alright then ciel, and also master as you wanted a lesser form to fight these beings I reduced your will to a humans and since I used a servant as a basis his who will somewhat override your own, o-oh, why didn't you tell me that earlier! I said in exasperation.

Because it wasn't crucial, you idiot, I screamed internally, that is very much indeed crucial! But as I continued to yell my ego reset into a new form.

After my ego reset I opened my eyes. And then a group of servants appeared infront of me, what do you mongrels want, I said in irritation, w-we want to know why you've come here to Chaldea, ritsuka stuttered out, kneel and I'll tell you why. And as soon as he said that mordred through her sword at the servant but it was quickly deflected by an unknown force.

Hmph you insolent fool, now because of you, you and you friends shall die, and as he said that golden ripped with black vortex swirls appeared behind him, now be silent and die!

And weapons shot out of the gate but artoria and karna deflected them but not without getting hurt by a moderate amount.

This new gate of Babylon has all of its treasures at the divine EX rank but of the rank there exists another rank from F-UEX, and he has every single ability character and thing and weapon and place inside of it at an even greater level than the original as it is the original even though the originals are not inside of it.

Master get back, mash said, this new servant power's are severely stronger than normal.

Alright mash but be careful as we do not know this servants power, alright master, ugh, this servants power is severely potent, he's not even lifting a finger and he is pushing us back, it seems that I have to use my Excalibur then, as I said that I began charging my noble phantasm, take this Ex CALIBER!! And as artoria shouted out a piercing golden slash of light rushed towards ayan and struck him with the light blasting up endlessly towards the sky.

As the dust cleared ayan stood their unscathed, hmph you call that an Excalibur, I'll show you a true one, as soon as ayan said that he pulled out a truely supreme holy sword, that shun with great brilliance.

Behold mongrels this is the true Excalibur, it is the very personification law,concept,idea,rule, and sword of victory.

And it has 13 seals on it and 13 abillties, not including its passives are, duplication,fusion/fission, law/principles/concepts manipulation, subjective reality,illusion manipulation, sealing, size manipulation,absorption, portals/traveling,barrier/forcefields,immersion,shapeshifting,mind manipulation.

And it's passives are

Invulnerability, life manipulation,light/holy manipulation, incorpreality, probability/fate/ casuality manipulation, acasaulity greater type 4, physics manipulation, information manipulation type1/2, healing, purification, invisibility, negation/nullification/reflection/layered resistance, infinite amplification/reducution,empowerment,weather manipulation, forces manipulation.

As all of these powers are what make up true Excalibur it is deemed a supreme holy sword, only wielded by the worthy.

Now this is a true Excalibur, behold you mongrels as you will never see something this great.

Fujimaru! Romani yelled on the mic, be careful as that holy sword is way more powerful than saber's Excalibur, I know that but do you know any way to defend against it? Not right now as this heroic spirit as never been recorded in our databases.

This is going to get bad, ritsuka said in worry and panic.