
Unable To Be Saved

"Oh boy! Riku let's go!" Mickey called out to Riku who was surrounded by heartless behind the door of Kingdom Hearts. Ansem was just defeated and the only thing left to do now was to have Riku escape the door before it closed.

However, Riku slowly felt the darkness grabbing hold of him. He felt a level of comfort in which he remembered when he first stumbled upon his darkness based powers. He wanted to fight against this comfort, but his past started to flash by one scene at a time.

Looking in Mickey's direction, Riku saw his facial features which were both worry and kindness. Mickey was a kind hearted individual who wanted to save his new friend. They however were on a time frame and it looked like he was running out.

Unfortunately, Riku let out a grin and used the last of his dark powers to push Mickey away while the door to Kingdom Hearts shut, leaving him surrounded by all of these heartless. His friends were calling out to him, but he was now gone and couldn't hear the shouts.

After betraying his friends and giving into the darkness, Riku felt that he deserved to be punished for his crimes and felt that he needed to walk this journey alone without any help. He turned towards the heartless and like a weak and captured prey, he opened up his arms wide.

Giving into the heartless which surrounded him, Riku dropped his keyblade and allowed the heartless to grab hold of him, pulling him deeper and deeper into the darkness. He would not fight this, because he was filled with nothing but regrets.

Once they reached an area hours later, Riku realized that a heartless the size of a mountain was there and seemed as if it wanted to judge him. This massive heartless was more terrifying than the powerful enemies he faced up until now.

This mountainous heartless actually opened its mouth and quickly stumbled towards Riku as if it would eat him in a single gulp. Its judgement has been made and Riku was only worthy of being its food.

"Guess this is what I deserve, if I had another chance, I would never have betrayed my friends, and instead, I would face evil enemies and slay them all until there were none left!" Riku thought before being swallowed whole within the heartless.